How do you focus on what really matters? Where do you go to regain perspective? Drawn from a lifetime of Bible study and reflections on the nature of truth, Ultimately with R.C. Sproul features unique moments of insight to help you understand what you believe and why you believe it. Renew your mind and grow in your knowledge of God when you listen to biblical teaching every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Set your mind on what matters most—what matters ultimately. A podcast from Ligonier Mini ...
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Renovando Tu Mente es un ministerio de alcance en español de Ligonier Ministries, una organización internacional de enseñanza y discipulado cristiano fundada en 1971 por el Dr. R.C. Sproul. Dios usa Su Palabra para cambiar vidas. En Romanos 12:2, Pablo dice a los cristianos, «transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestra mente». Nuestro objetivo es presentar fielmente la verdad de las Escrituras, ayudando a las personas a saber lo que creen, por qué lo creen, cómo vivirlo, y cómo compar ...
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What should we do when we find passages of the Bible that frighten or confuse us? Today, R.C. Sproul encourages us not to avoid the hard passages of Scripture, but to fix our attention on them for our growth. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach …
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La santidad de Dios no es exclusiva del Padre; también define al Hijo y al Espíritu. Esta semana en Renovando Tu Mente, R.C. Sproul nos recuerda que únicamente por medio de la justicia de Cristo podemos encontrar paz con Dios. Lee la transcripción: Una iniciativa de Ministerios Ligonier apoyada por …
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Jesus does not neglect a single lowly soul who seeks Him for help and direction. In His compassion, Christ calls the meek to Himself and cares for their needs. Today, R.C. Sproul speaks on the heart of Christ toward the sheep without a shepherd. Read the transcript:…
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Jesus set out to save His people, and He accomplished this mission perfectly and effectively. Today, R.C. Sproul explains how the biblical doctrine of definite atonement manifests the unfailing purposes of God. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outre…
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Newspapers and magazines soon become irrelevant. But God’s Word abides forever. Today, R.C. Sproul teaches on the enduring truth, authority, and relevance of the Bible. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: https://dona…
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How many times have you heard a Christian say, “The Holy Spirit led me to do this”? Today, R.C. Sproul identifies the primary way in which the Spirit leads the people of God. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: https://donate.…
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Try as we may, we cannot bring back the past. But there is a marvelous future for the people of God, anchored in a promise that cannot fail. Today, R.C. Sproul looks to the hope of the resurrection. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Min…
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El significado de la santidad
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
26:26¿Qué impacto debería tener la santidad de Dios en nuestras vidas? Esta semana en Renovando Tu Mente, R.C. Sproul nos enseña que el Señor anhela que Su pueblo refleje Su carácter santo en un mundo perdido y necesitado de esperanza. Lee la transcripción: Una iniciativa de Ministerios Ligonier …
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Now, we trust in a God that we cannot see. But when our lives come to an end, we will behold Christ in His unveiled splendor and glory. Today, R.C. Sproul strives to describe the supreme hope that awaits every Christian: the beatific vision. Read the transcript: A donor-su…
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The more we understand the holiness of God, the more we will pursue lives of holiness as we seek to bring Him glory. Today, R.C. Sproul explains what happens as we contemplate the character of our Lord. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligon…
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If Christians look merely to themselves to gain assurance of their salvation, they will be drawn to the edge of despair. Today, R.C. Sproul addresses the true, solid ground of our assurance. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Do…
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¿Qué puede hacer un Dios santo con los pecadores? Esta inquietante pregunta llevó a Martín Lutero al borde de la desesperación. Esta semana en Renovando Tu Mente, R.C. Sproul revela dónde encontró Lutero el alivio: en la justicia que Dios mismo otorga a todos los que confían en Jesucristo. Lee la transcripción:…
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The Lord does not tolerate men who exercise tyranny over their wives. Today, R.C. Sproul speaks on the responsibility of husbands to protect and care for their wives and what should be done when this commitment is violated. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outre…
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Since the gospel is God’s message, it bears the weight of His authority. Today, R.C. Sproul reminds us of our role as delegated messengers of the King. Read the transcript: A donor-supported outreach of Ligonier Ministries. Donate: Expl…
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The sovereign rule of God is manifested just as much in tragedy as it is in prosperity. Today, R.C. Sproul calls us to reflect on the providence of God in every circumstance, including our pain and sorrow, so that we may mature in wisdom. Read the transcript: A donor-…
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