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Was unterscheidet Menschen von Cyborgs? Was passiert, wenn wir sterben? Was hat Rap mit Religion zu tun? Gibt es Schuld und einen freien Willen? Was steht wirklich in der Bibel und wie ernst nehmen Muslime den Koran? In der Theologie und Religionswissenschaft der Universität Zürich wird zu diesen Fragen, zu Spiritualität und verschiedenen Religionen geforscht. Jeden zweiten Freitagabend spricht Dorothea Lüddeckens mit Kolleg:innen und Gästen über ihre Forschung, ihre Perspektiven auf Spiritu ...
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Wocheninspiration mit Eva-Marie Schmidt - Die Kenntnis der Lebensgesetze bringt dir die Freiheit, mit Hilfe deiner Schöpferkraft alle Schwierigkeiten zu meistern, alle Hürden zu überwinden und dir das Leben zu ermöglichen, was du dir wünschst.
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Český rozhlas

Duchovní Evropa. S Martinem C. Putnou procházíme spletitými duchovními dějinami Evropy napříč národy i náboženskými konfesemi. Všechny díly podcastu Spirituála můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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Der Podcast rund um das Thema Spiritualität für Jedermann: Mit diesem Podcast nehme ich Euch mit auf meinem Weg zum Medium. Ich, dass ist Annette, ein Medium mit Herz. In den Folgen geht es um die Themen Spiritualität, Sensitivität, Medialität, mein Geistführer und ich, meine Arbeit als Medium, Interviews mit Menschen die mich auf dem Weg zum Medium begleiten. Und das alles mit ganz viel Leichtigkeit und meinem Kurpfälzer Charme.
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Spiritualistisk Podd

Prallan Allsten och Mikael Ek/Stockholms Spiritualistiska Förening

En podd om mediumskap, andlighet och spiritualism med de andliga medierna Prallan Allsten och Mikael Ek. Podden handlar om allt mellan livet och andevärlden och kommunikationen däremellan. Vi kommer också tala om olika former av andlighet och våra vägar till det andliga och mediala. Och så kommer olika spännande gäster till podden. Prallan och Micke är styrelsemedlemmar i Stockholms Spiritualistiska Förening som finns på Wittstocksgatan 28. Se vårt program på: stockholmsspiritualistiskaforen ...
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Spiritualista c'est l'espace que j'ai choisi pour t'exposer ma vision du développement personnel au travers d'une spiritualité badass. Spiritualista c'est deux épisodes par mois : une interview et un SoloTime dans lequel je partage mes réflexions, mes états d'âme et mes conseils bien concrets pour te permettre de vivre ton éveil de conscience le plus sereinement possible. Je te souhaite une belle exploration! Spiritualista.fr Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Spiritually Hungry

Monica Berg and Michael Berg

Don’t miss this thought-provoking podcast series with authors Monica and Michael Berg. Together, they’ll answer your most pressing questions, offering sage advice for the modern world. Self-proclaimed Change Junkie, Monica Berg is an author and teacher who lectures internationally. Michael Berg is a rabbi and Aramaic scholar who has published almost 20 books on the teachings of Kabbalah. This husband and wife team has been sharing kabbalistic wisdom and relationship expertise with students f ...
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Benvenuti nel sito ' RADIO ANIMA (SUSSURRI SPIRITUALI) ' www.radioanima.it , mi chiamo Vivek Riccardo Sardonè (www.riccardosardone.com) ho creato questa Radio Web dedicata all' elevazione della coscienza. Tanta pace e armonia. Tante benedizioni. Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/radio-anima-sussurri-spirituali--2378394/support.
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Indie Spiritualist host Chris Grosso is a public speaker, writer, recovering addict, spiritual director, and author. Through commentary, interviews and ragged truth-telling, the Indie Spiritualist podcast offers raw and real experiences and insights from an eclectic mix of artists, musicians, yogis, skateboarders, actors, spiritual teachers and more. A come as you are invitation to spiritual exploration.
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このポッドキャストではいろんな視点を持つゲストを呼んで、一緒にウェルネスに対する意識を高め、自分らしさ、自分の可能性、自分の人生の目標の見つけ方、それを達成するための方法やツールをシェアします。 私にとってウェルネスとは三つの部分が一致することから始まります。 体、心、精神. または、体、感情、思考とも呼べます。 この三つの部分は気づいていても気づいてなくても、深く繋り連動しています。私にとってウェルネスとはこの全てが一致し、一つ一つに意識を持てて、そして深めて、自分の真髄(エッセンス)に気づき、世の中に表現できる事です。そうすれば、自分らしさを表現でき、自分の可能性を開き、自分にとって一番の幸せを感じられかと思います。この旅は一生つづく旅であるかもしれませんが、色んなウェルネスへのアプローチ、ツール、視点などをこのPodcastを通して皆さんとシェアし、一緒に意識を高めていけば、より楽しくて、スムーズな旅になると信じます。 スピリチュアルなアプローチもとても役立ったので、そちらもシェアします。でもご心配無く、私にとってスピリチュアルの意味は精神に持つ、エネルギーに持つ内容とそ ...
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The Spiritual Forum

The Spiritual Forum

Welcome to The Spiritual Forum, a space curated by Rev Carol Saunders for extraordinary conversations that explore the realms of spiritual living. Join us weekly for heart-to-heart dialogues with captivating individuals, delving into themes like love, faith, awakening, forgiveness, healing, spiritual practices, and divine encounters. These transformative narratives aim to inspire, fostering a deep connection to the profound experiences that shape our lives. Rev Carol’s guests include authors ...
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In the Bible, Paul says he does not want us ignorant about Spiritual Gifts, and 2000 years later, our churches are ignorant, even impotent. We show you how to discover your Spiritual Gifts to reach your zenith and transform your community.
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Kickstart your day with a new perspective, in Spiritual Discourses program. Get all the practical solutions to your problems in a spiritual way through Akram Vignan. For more information visit our website: https://www.dadabhagwan.org/
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Spiritually Guided is a podcast where we discuss all things spirituality, the human experience, intuition, psychic development, spirit guides, energy, and so much more. There is more than meets the eye and we’re here to re-connect to the truth of it all. Hosted by Karla Myra, psychic and psychic development mentor.
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Spiritual successor is a comedy, video game design podcast inspired by Polygon's CoolGames Inc. Spiritual Successor is hosted by Blake Raya and AJ Hart Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Entdecke Dein Inneres Universum – Dein Podcast für Bewusstsein, Integration, Transformation & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Psychologie, Spiritualität und psycho-energetischen Prozesse. Wir begleiten Dich auf Deiner Reise zu mehr Selbstverständnis und innerer Freiheit. Erlerne, wie Du hinderliche Muster auflöst und ein erfüllteres Leben führst. Perfekt für alle, die tief in ihr eigenes Innenleben eintauchen und es voll und ganz leben möchten. Abonniere ...
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In der S-Bahn, im Auto, auf deiner Laufrunde: Wann immer du ein offenes Ohr hast und aufbauende Worte, kritische Reflexionen oder tief gehende Einsichten brauchst – mein Podcast liefert sie dir frei Haus! Jede Woche kommen zwei neue Beiträge dazu und versorgen dich mit Wissenswertem, Nachdenklichem und vor allem mit Gedanken und Tipps, die dir dabei helfen, gesünder und glücklicher zu leben. Darunter Interviews mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten, Vorstellungen wundervoller Produkte, Diskussi ...
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Welcome to Ida Mae's Spiritual Cafe, ✨️ This podcast provides a variety of topics for your spiritual needs, New episode's will be available every Tuesday/ Friday * Tuesday's /you will find orcale and Tarot Friday's/ you will find a assortment of spiritual topics ranging from , Monthly astrological transits guides +tips , energy work Moon phase /rituals Crystal recommendations Divination Spiritual cleaning ,clearing, protection Random facts Fruits, veg ,herbs, Nature, Ect with a dash of humor ...
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Der Podcast für moderne Spiritualität mit Bahar Yilmaz. Ein Podcast für Menschen, die nach mehr Erfüllung, Sinnhaftigkeit und Energie im Leben suchen. Bahar Yilmaz teilt in Ihren Folgen Ihr umfangreiches Wissen und Erfahrung auf den Gebieten Spiritualität, Heilung, Yoga und Meditation. Bahar Yilmaz wird auch gerne als die Stimme der neuen Spiritualität bezeichnet, denn sie räumt mit spirituellen Gefängnissen auf und begleitet Menschen darin, ihre Selbstverantwortung für ihr Leben wieder voll ...
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Welcome to, in a Spiritual Sense, where we discuss all things spiritual. From growing your intuition, channeling spirit guides, diving into past lives, the paranormal and more! Join me, Stacy Piagno, where we bridge the gap between science and spirit.
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A podcast dedicated to interviewing Spiritual Teachers devoted to the path of spirituality. Interviewing spiritual teachers from all over the world to help guide and support all of us during this time of mass awakening!
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Welcome, and join us each Sunday and on special events as we broadcast the audio presentation from our Sunday message by Dr. Arleen Rose Bump unless otherwise noted. We are a worldwide movement of awakening consciousness -- providing mental tools to transform your life and make the world a better place. We believe in the incarnation of the Spirit in humankind, and that all people are incarnations of the One Spirit.
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Spiritual Revolution by Jill Ogle is more than a podcast—it’s a call to awaken. With a blend of candid discussions, personal reflections, and expert interviews, Jill Ogle navigates the intricate dance between the shadow and the light, inviting you to revolutionise your spiritual journey. From her time of awakening to working alongside Joe Dispenza to breaking out on her own with her signature membership program, Alchemy.
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Mit Herz und Verstand - Channeling und gelebte Spiritualität

Kristina Sacken - Medium & Mediale Ausbildung

Du bist der wichtigste Mensch in Deinem Leben und Du erschaffst Deine Realität! Willst Du die Botschaften aus der geistigen Welt erfahren, die Dir helfen, selbstbewusst und mutig zu sein? Medium Kristina Sacken teilt ihre wertvolle ENERGIEVORSCHAU und gibt Dir mit den TIPPs DER WOCHE ihre Erfolgs-Werkzeuge an die Hand. Mit dabei: Moderatorin SUSANNE BRÜCKNER Dieser Podcast ist für alle, die hören wollen, was die AKTUELLE ZEITQUALITÄT für sie bereithält. Und KONKRETE TIPPS wollen, um noch BES ...
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show series
The holy night of Christmas is a mythical representation of your own metamorphosis from human to divine. When the grace of silence descends upon the mind, the heart will blossom in overwhelming love of God and the sacred incarnation will occur. Bring in the New Year with Shunyamurti! 7-Day Online Retreat - December 27, 2024 - January 2, 2025 All’s …
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Do you struggle to get through the holiday season? In this broadcast, Pastor Gale and his guest speaker share with you some encouragement that will help you this Christmas season. To donate to the ministry of Spiritual Care Consultants, please visit: www.DonateToSCC.com or visit: www.SpiritualCareConsultants.com…
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All readings are collective so all signs are welcome , only take what resonates leave the rest behind (.Readings include ) Collective energy themes- overcoming obstacles expanding with new ideas -----Spiritual Realm messages -your intuition is a beaming light in a neighbor with no electricity --- Love Messages -from a ex who is obsessed with your m…
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The present is the only time that exists. We experience the past and future only to the extent that we think about them. In the present moment. I.offer thought coaching to help you become more aware and accepting of the thoughts in your mind and the choice that you have on whether to act on those spots or not. If that's something that's of interest…
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Medicine woman Karina from 1GuidedSpirit joins the Spiritual Teachers Podcast to talk about her awakening, her relationship with different plant medicines and shares about the life of a medicine woman. To connect with Karina: Instagram: @1GuidedSpirit & @pkatheart1Petr LightBear tarafından oluşturuldu
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Happy holidays! May your spirits be high and you cup full of good drink. LET'S PLAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LExXD4KhnI&ab_channel=SpiritualSuccessorPodcast DISCORD: https://www.patreon.com/Spiritualsuccessorpodcast?fan_landing=true TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SpiritualSucc REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiritual_Successor/ Hosted on A…
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Jay McSwain is among the most influential spokespeople in the Spiritual Gifts arena today. Jay's journey began by reading his Bible one morning before work. In this podcast. Mr. McSwain reveals that verse and the results, which include creating PLACE, which helps people find their place in life and ministry. His journey has continued for more than …
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The Dream Doula is back! In this episode Candace shares about the burnout that many people experience in the early stages of spiritual awakening. Candace also shares about the EPIC astrology of 2024 and how that is affecting us all. AND Candace takes me through a mini soul care session where she uses a combination of astrology, tarot, and her perso…
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These last two Beatitudes on Jesus’ list are not easy to digest Jesus envisions a grim future for us – and if so, - we’re expected not only to survive it, but to rejoice and be glad • John Chapman was the Abbot of a monastery in Britain • he was also a spiritual director to others, especially through letter writing ◦ one man who wrote to him, wante…
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Satish Kumar’s message of peace is to “love everyone, without any judgment, without any condition.” From becoming a Jain monk at the age of nine, to living in a Gandhian ashram, to meeting Betrand Russell and Martin Luther King Jr. as part of a 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage, his remarkable journey will surely inspire you. To Satish, spirituality is a…
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They say the playground is where we not only have fun, but where we learn most. And our subconscious is just that! The space which houses our higher self. The “us” in our purest form. It is our true presence, our untainted spirit, and the all knowing compass that guides us on our path and nurtures us when we need it most. As the subconscious connec…
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Edit: I was unhappy with the original version uploaded, so I uploaded a new version at 5:30 p.m. CST on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. This is a review of John Hamilton's memoir titled Honest to God. I found much to relate to in John's life story, even as his path through life took some major twists and turns. The narrative of the book alternates be…
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Nathan Francis, author, coach, documentary filmmaker, and podcast host of The Breaking Free Podcast hears the starters gun and gets straight to heart of the matter; calling out the traps and trials that have us filling our lives with addictive tendencies and superficiality rather than pursuits of purpose and authenticity. You can find Nathan at: Fa…
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Glenn’s latest, Non Buddhist Mysticism: Performing Irreducible and Primitive Presence (Eyecorner Press, 2022), presents a radical reorientation to “spiritual” practice. Drawing from François Laruelle’s concept of future mysticism and the author’s own previous work on non-buddhism, Glenn Wallis galvanizes a materialist spirituality for the twenty-fi…
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🎙️ Episode #41 - Faith, Fellowship, and Finding Joy in Scripture 🎙️ In this episode of Spiritual Debriefing, the team dives into a lively discussion about faith, fellowship, and the joy found in studying scripture. From reflections on discipleship to the profound lessons hidden in familiar Bible stories like David and Goliath and the Sermon on the …
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• Inspire Me 瞑想コミュニティープラットフォーム 瞑想を始めたい方、瞑想を習慣化したい方、瞑想から深い効果を得たい方、ヒーリングを始めたい方、同じ興味を持つ人と交流したい方、ぜひジョインしてね!お待ちしてます! ⭐️科学的に証明されたテクニックを取り込んだオリジナルヒーリング音源の瞑想のガイダンスで潜在意識にアクセスし、セルフラブや自己肯定感を高める ⭐️25種類以上の瞑想ガイダンスがアプリからアクセス可能 ⭐️会員が同時に行える瞑想チャレンジ ⭐️毎月スピリチュアルやウェルネスのテーマのスペシャルコンテンツ ⭐️色んなテーマに関して会員同士と語り合えることができ、友達になりたいと思ったらDMができます! InspireMeへのご参加をお待ちしてます! ⁠Www.inspire …
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