Robyn Gobbel is a writer, trainer, speaker, and educator dedicated to understanding why humans behave the way they behave.
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Self-regulation is a crucial developmental milestone and I’m thrilled that we are turning our eyes toward self-regulation instead of staying focused on behavior modification through rewards and consequences.
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Kids who have been hurt inside connection and relationship protect themselves from getting hurt again.
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Hear me out....If I were in charge of giving out superpowers for parents, especially parents of kids with a history of trauma, I'd give you x-ray vision.
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Lying is probably the behavior parents seek support with the most. It's confusing. It's triggering.
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Felt-safety is an important, yet commonly misunderstood part of parenting a child impacted by trauma (well really, parenting any child or being in any relationship, but we are talking about parenting kids impacted by trauma here).
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Connection. Empathizing. Offering choices. These parenting ideas sound good in theory but if you are living with a child who seems chronically angry or won’t get out of bed or is otherwise pretty much always unhappy or dysregulated- none of those parenting suggestions seem to do much good.
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Or mad? Or scared? Or overwhelmed? Or shut-down?Why do I make a mountain out of a mole hill? Why can’t I keep it together? Being ignored (or yelled at or cussed at or disrespected or refusing to eat or do a chore or or or or the list is endless) is never going to feel good.
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Another episode in the June series on attachment!Today is all about insecure anxious attachment.Anxious attachment is in the category of 'organized' attachment- meaning, the infant figures out an organized way to get their attachment needs met in the best way possible
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Here we are with the THIRD episode in this monthly focus on attachment!Today is allllll about secure attachment.
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I'll bet you are familiar with this baffling phenomenon.Everything seems great. Fun! Even laughter and real good times.
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