The Journey of a Young Entrepreneur, Renato who is going through life learning new skills to better himself. Sharing what he has done to become more productive/connect with people and ultimately become a better Version of himself each and everyday.
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In this episode Renato goes in and explains using a money motivation is important to making money, but once we achieve the money that motivation doesn’t burn as great anymore. We have to develop a vision for what we want past solving your money concerns.
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In this episode Renato Fabri share his frameworks of how success is and why it’s important to have the right viewport to actually drive the right actions.
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Renato Fabri goes into detail about how risks are taken & how to utilize your mindset on the process to successfully take the keep of faith on action towards your goals & dreams.
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Renato Fabri takes about mental toughness & why it’s important to recognize the days that are “test” days for your mental toughness to build stronger. This is a winning mentality & you can do it by understanding this awareness
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Renato Fabri explains how important it is to make decisions of yes or no even if you are “unsure” you should resort to a decision of yes or no, typically you should follow your gut feeling. Those that make decisions quickly are those that are able to learn from mistakes quicker & are more of a go getter.…
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Renato Fabri explains what determines success is really just your ability to get knocked down & stand back up. If there is one skill to work on first it’d be develop resistance & perseverance.
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Renato Fabri explains the importance of your time & how using it effective can supercharge you through life or keep you stuck where you are simply by not respecting time correctly.
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Renato Fabri explains how to successfully stay on track after you set up your New Years resolution. It’s actually quite simply, just takes a little bit of time & effort to be done.
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Renato Fabri explains the difference between working & playing. Think to yourself... which one are you? Focus is the secret to success so understanding this philosophy is an important concept.
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Renato Fabri goes in & explains to you that difficulty & struggles are a necessary thing for you to improve your life. This is a principle to understand... you & only you determine your life by the story you tell yourself
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Renato Fabri explains how customer experience is the key, you can successfully change the way someone sees your business, product, or even yourself by simply understand the experience you provide.
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Renato Fabri explains how life is hard & if you learn correctly it’ll become easy. There’s a dichotomy between going through pain & having an easier life. Life is about learning & thinking through your experiences.
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In this episode Renato Fabri explains to you why it’s vital to be resilient to build anything special. Things will be hard & that ability to go through the “suck” is what sets you apart.
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Renato Fabri explains that we are all cut from the same cloth... how we use our experiences & lessons is the difference. And today you can start changing those actions to be cut from a different cloth
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Renato Fabri explains how the internal success is about the small things you tell yourself & stay true to. Those are the massive transformations that you feel, not the external showboating
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Renato Fabri explains how flow is An amazing experiencing & it creates lots of achieving because you’re cranking through work. This allows you to in a long term component to feel fulfilled because you got things done that made you happy.
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Renato Fabri explains how you can best use the season of life as an example for growth. The reason we sometimes don’t continue to grow is because we don’t see how far we’ve come.
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Renato Fabri explains how being able to making decisions for growth requires you to not be super emotional when making those decision either for the positive or the negative as it often clouds your judgement.
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Renato Fabri Goes into detail about why being able to pull your team members to your think & standards allows for more productivity & enhancement.
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Renato Fabri goes into detail on how vital it is to develop your “until” muscle and how we have always had that concept understood when we were a child... but we forgot about it Due to our environment. But that can change
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Renato Fabri explains how our own Dopamine levels are likely way above our required levels that we feel lazy to do other things because we are getting the dopamine from lesser yielding things. By removing what’s highly addictive you’ll get pleasure from actions that fulfill your character not just your 2000 year old brain.…
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Renato Fabri explains how biology is a fundamental way to get to your goals in a faster & a better way as well. When you are centered & you know what you want because you have discovered how to optimize yourself... life gets easy
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Renato Fabri explains how vital the communications we have with ourselves are. We can take the same perspective & have a completely different outcome simply by how we see it... and that’s powerful.
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Renato Fabri explains his motion creates emotion & how you can consciously take control of your auto-pilot life by taking action within a short time-period of 3-5 seconds since you made a decision. Attack the day
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Renato Fabri explains how we often procrastinate on tasks because we think we have more more to get it done... however this makes us create sloppy work because we cram. How to solve this? Have micro actions throughout the deadlines to not stress & cram at the end.
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Renato Fabri explains that work ethics is the foundational building block to help you be successful in any aspect of life. Take a risk on yourself by taking action on your goals & remember that not taking action is simply a bs story you tell yourself.
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Renato Fabri explains why it’s so important to have focus on whatever you are wanting to do because that’s what is setting you apart. The more you can focus on an industry & become a master at it while continuing to deploy your energy on one skill/industry the better you’ll be against competition.
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Renato Fabri explains his view point on how problems are good things & is an opportunity to help you grow as a person & build upon it.
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Renato Fabri explains his takeaways from the last dance & how Dynamic of a player Micheal Jordan really was when he played the game of basketball.
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Renato Fabri explains how amazing it is to get pulled to your vision, but first we need to understand what it is so we are pulled. As progress equals happiness & that’ll help us to be more fulfilled in life.
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Renato Fabri explains how he’s developing wisdom for the journey that he is on & by gaining that understanding he’s growing exponentially faster than before. Wisdom is very important because it’ll allow you to know you’re on the right path.
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56 | The Five Vital Pillars, The Renato Fabri Show
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Daha Sonra Çal
Renato Fabri goes into detail on this podcast sharing what he believes are the 5 main focus points we can expand upon to be a better human. These pillars are universal & focusing on any one of them will give you the fortitude to know you have grown as a human.
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Renato Fabri explains how we are all in loops if we want it or not, it’s there. So because it’s there might as well program it to help you. However, whenever you have days that didn’t go to plan it’s important to reflect and figure out why.
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Renato Fabri explains how Carl Icahn one of the greatest minds & investors of all time says about under preforming corporations & what 90% of the time is slacking.
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Renato Fabri explains how consistency is the game we want to be playing because as we grow progress equals happiness. We are building the roots
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Renato Fabri explains that the secrets lies in your identity & that your identity is what creates your life, not anything else. So you should build an identity that can easily accomplish the goals that you have laid out.
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Renato Fabri explains how developing the roots is a fundamental key for growth & all the mistakes & errors you have done will allow you to build up resiliency to get to where you are trying to go.
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Renato Fabri explains how connecting & surrounding with the right people will really help you expand much quicker than you’d think you’d do on your own
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49 | Your Success is Simply a Few Daily Disciplines Repeated Daily | The Renato Fabri Show
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Daha Sonra Çal
Renato Fabri explains how to increase your ability to increase your value, but increasing you skills, this would increase your health, wealth, and belief. Because 99% of success is philosophy and 1% tactical
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Renato Fabri explains how understanding personal finance will completely set you free if you apply it. As we must use the 8th wonder of the world (compounding)
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47 | Use Your Time Wisely | The Renato Fabri Show
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In this video Renato explains how time is valuable & if you don’t audit your time you’ll easily spend 3-4 hours wasting it that you could have applied it to better your future.
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46 | We Are Living Through History | The Renato Fabri Show
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Daha Sonra Çal
Renato Fabri explains how we are living through history & there is massive opportunity to grow & develop in this recent crash. How to be prepared and what skills to develops.
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45 | March 13th 2020 Update | The Renato Fabri Show
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Daha Sonra Çal
Renato Fabri talks about the healthy things to do to help yourself in this pandemic of the coronavirus, but that if we have a strong immune system we shouldn’t have an issue. This is because of the actions we have taken to allow our bodies to be strong. Preparation is the key.
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44 | You Have a Choice | The Renato Fabri Show
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Daha Sonra Çal
Renato goes into detail about having discipline & choices to be a great human being always for you to be different and Because thats sets you apart people give you more respect.
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43 | The Stepping Stones Before Chasing Your Dreams | The Renato Fabri Show
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Daha Sonra Çal
In this episode Renato Fabri explains how taking actions is important, but being prepared when you take action saves you time & it allows you to know what are some of the next steps to accomplish things quicker!
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Renato Fabri explains how important sleep is to preform in your workplace and physically as well. Learn from his mistakes and really focus on amount of hours you should sleep everyday and be conscious of your bed times.
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In this episode Renato explains that having a goal to be uncomfortable every day is actually a great goal because that helps you develop yourself and prepare yourself for situations in the future. The other positive is you are ready for challenges that come your way. So i challenge you to seek your discomfort. Join the 5am group! https://www.facebo…
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Renato explains his explains with scaling his business and skillsets and how there are layers to it. You can try to go full throttle, but chances are you haven't developed the skill on the first layer to jump into that second and third level of that same skill. Stay consistent and develop impressions on what you want to grow & overtime you will sta…
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Renato Fabri talks about his how the little things for you to take care of everyday if done properly it will snowball & you will reach your goals. He also mentions that everyone basically knows what to do...the issue is actually doing it. This is why if you take care of the little things, the big things will take care of itself. If you want to join…
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Renato Fabri explains how we have it all wrong and are getting wrong information. If we want to produce results we focus on results. That means to get clients go and do some action steps to go get clients, don't do lives & post on youtube to attempt to "brand" you don't need that right now you need clients. All these "mentors" telling you to spread…
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