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Reinaldo Jaqueline

Reinaldo Jaqueline

"Reinaldo Jaqueline" é um podcast de auditório apresentado por Príncipe Vidane (@principevidane), Nícolas Queirós (@nicolasqueiros) e Vítor Soares (@profvitorsoares) sobre filmes, séries, jogos e ser humano - a coisa mais linda.
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誰もが知っておきたいお金の知識について、アメリカ在住経験を持つタレントのREINAさんが、日経電子版マネーのまなびの専門家たちに教わりながらリスナーと一緒に学んでいく。NISA、iDeCo、税金、公的年金、保険から株式投資までの幅広い内容を分かりやすく解説。自分が愛して止まない映画や音楽の魅力を熱く語り合う「My favorite〜私の推し活」のコーナーも必聴。
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Reining Podcast

Horse Radio Network

In this once a month episode we take a look at the thrilling sport of reining. Hosted by the NRHA we learn all about one of the fastest growing sports in the horse world. It's more than just spins and slides!
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TalkRL podcast is All Reinforcement Learning, All the Time. In-depth interviews with brilliant people at the forefront of RL research and practice. Guests from places like MILA, OpenAI, MIT, DeepMind, Berkeley, Amii, Oxford, Google Research, Brown, Waymo, Caltech, and Vector Institute. Hosted by Robin Ranjit Singh Chauhan.
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O Podcast do Dinheiro, da Educação Financeira e das Finanças. O PhD em educação financeira, Reinaldo Domingos, orienta sobre os meios para organizar as suas finanças e realizar os seus sonhos e de seus familiares! Semanalmente novos podcasts que proporcionam uma visão simples sobre o dinheiro, mostrando como ficar rico e realizar sonhos!
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Answering all your physical therapy, fitness, strength and conditioning, sports performance, and career advice questions. Join me, Lenny Macrina, Dave Tilley, Dan Pope, Mike Scaduto, Lisa Russell, Kevin Coughlin, Diwesh Poudyal, and others from my team at Champion Physical Therapy and Performance in Boston, MA and learn how we help people feel better, move better, and perform better. Ask your questions at
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María Reina Podcast

Heraldos del Evangelio

El podcast de los Consagrados. Acompañe estos programas, profundice sus conocimientos sobre doctrina católica y robustezca su fe con las maravillas de nuestra Iglesia. ¡No se los pierda!
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Esse é o Podcast do Reino em Pessoa. Um canal de conteúdo sobre espiritualidade cristã. As demandas da religião cansam e oprimem. A fé cristã é liberdade, alivio, refrigério. O que falta à religião é alma. A alma da fé é a Espiritualidade.
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V.T.R.H. Ministries (Venga Tu Reino Hoy) te provee materiales de reflexión, inspiración, motivación y capacitación. El Dr. Arnold Enns provee todas las semanas algo nuevo y fresco para ayudarte en tu diario vivir.
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Willkommen bei Rein ins Regal! Ich bin dein Moderator Benjamin Schlage mit über 23 Jahren Erfahrung im FMCG-Business. In diesem Podcast geht es um die Vermarktung von Start-ups, jungen Marken und FMCG-Produkten im deutschen B2B LEH - Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Ich zeige dir, wie du deine Produkte erfolgreich in die Regale bekommst und ordentlich Umsatz machst. Mehr findest du auf . Sei dabei für spannende Einblicke und Informationen! Rein ins Regal! Vertreten durch: B ...
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Sexualität & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung für deine Freiheit in Dating, Beziehung und Intimität! Hi, ich bin Jones von Rein&Raus ( Ich glaube, sexuelle Freiheit ist die wichtigste Freiheit deines Lebens. Sie unterliegt allen weiteren Freiheiten, die du in deiner Lebenszeit erfahren willst – von Liebe, Beziehung und Sex bis zu Kreativität, Motivation und Glück in allen Bereichen. Wenn wir frei von irrationaler Angst, Scham und Schuld sind, dann sind wir frei, uns kreativ un ...
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Reinaldo Morais

Reinaldo Morais

👩‍❤️‍👨 Pai, esposo e filho abençoado 📔 Autor do Best-seller "Segredos de Pai para Filho" 💼 Empreendedor do agronegócio brasileiro Acompanhe o Reinaldo Morais:
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Reina Says

Reina Angelique

Welcome to the world of an overthinking tenacious island born pro black afrolatina! Join me as I interview small black and brown businesses, give my thoughts on current events that effect black and Brown culture and just VENT sometimes about finance, veganism, powerlifting and life! You'll have fun! I promise Support this podcast:
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Life is a collection of precious moments and we are inspired to reinforce life. We have been reinforcing life with our innovative technologies for almost half a century. ... Yaşam değerli anların bir toplamı. Ve bizim Tutkumuz yaşamı güçlendirmek. Neredeyse yarım asırdır yenilikçi teknolojilerimiz ile yaşamı güçlendiriyoruz.
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He might make you laugh. He will probably tell you something you didn't know. He'll definitely offend you in some way with his sports takes. He is Paul Reindl and this is The Reindl Report, a sports podcast out of San Diego, CA where ______ happens. Take a listen and you fill in the blank.
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DJ Jack Reina

DJ Jack Reina

A progressive house DJ, Jack blends elements from disco/funky house to big room tribal and incorporates sounds as diverse as rock and electro to hot underground rhythms; all the while maintaining vocals and a familiarity for his audience.
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Nous avons tous besoin d'une Réinitialisation quotidienne! Bonnie Sala partage 2 minutes de vérités et de grâces issues de la Parole de Dieu qui vont réinitialiser votre vie spirituelle. Apprenez à connecter votre façon de vivre à ce que vous croyez.
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Reinforce the Horse

Alyssa Reiman & Jason Reiman

Dad and Daughter, (Jason and Alyssa), discuss their love and passion for horses. Sessions will include talks together and with special guests about horses, life, spirituality, and self-development. Whether you're an experienced equestrian or not, we're confident you'll find meaningful, positive, and life-changing discussion here on Reinforce the Horse.
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show series
Wer wählt wen? Dating-Psychologie, Anziehung & die Wahrheit über Flirt-Dynamiken – Frauen ansprechen, Männer aussuchen und alles dazwischen Stimmen die Vorurteile über die Geschlechter? Wie ist es wirklich beim Ansprechen – Mann oder Frau? Und was macht uns aus in den Augen des anderen, unser Alter, Aussehen, Attraktivität in den Augen anderer? ›› …
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Kommunikation ist das Fundament jeder Beziehung – beruflich und privat. In dieser Folge erfährst du, wie du klarer und überzeugender kommunizierst , besser zuhörst und Konflikte konstruktiv löst. Wir beleuchten, warum gute Kommunikation so wichtig ist und wie sie dir helfen kann, in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen erfolgreicher zu sein.Rein ins Regal…
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E caiu do céu um robô nessa ilha povoada por selvagens que é o programa Reinaldo Jaqueline. Ouça este episódio e cite filósofos de forma prepotente com Vitor Soares, instalar mods de não-monogamia com Nicolas Queiros, além de treinar suas habilidades de comédia com Príncipe Vidane. AJUDE A VIABILIZAR O NOSSO PROJETO! Conheça nosso financiamento col…
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🎁 GRÁTIS - Baixe o 1° capítulo do long-seller Terapia Financeira: vezes você já ouviu falar da taxa Selic? Mas você sabe exatamente o que é essa taxa e como ela impacta seu bolso?A taxa Selic influencia praticamente tudo na economia brasileira, desde investimentos a empréstimos e pre…
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Ah, the diagnosis of biceps tendonitis. We’ve all seen it so many times on script from doctors. Is all anterior shoulder pain coming from the biceps? How can you tell? How does this change your rehab? We’ll answer all this and more in this episode. To see full show notes and more, head to:…
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For today's monthly NRHA episode of Horses in the Morning, Christy and Sara are joined by Luke Milholland, CEO of Vault Wealth, discussing his journey from the horse world to finance and offering key financial planning tips. Then, immigration attorney Will Velie explains the visa process for the equine industry, covering different visa types, appli…
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日経電子版「マネーのまなび」⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠のPodcastです。アメリカ出身タレントのREINAさんがリスナーと一緒にお金のイロハを学んでいきます。解説は日本経済新聞編集委員の小栗太です。 今回のテーマは「トランプリスクとの向き合い方」です。1月にトランプ米大統領が就任し、次々と独自色の強い経済政策を打ち出しています。為替や株式の相場動向を左右するものも多く、私たちが資産運用に取り組むうえで、どんな影響が及ぶのかが気になります。予測がつかない「トランプリスク」とどう向き合えばいいのでしょうか。 番組では、市場参加者の関心が高いトランプ政権の政策を中心に、相場への影響を考えました…
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🎁GRÁTIS - Baixe o 1° capítulo do long-seller Terapia Financeira: parecer loucura, mas é possível que você esteja pagando dívidas e contas de outras pessoas!Débito automático, PIX e outras atitudes comuns ao fazer pagamentos podem levar a muitos erros, fazendo com que você pague mais do …
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Abhishek Naik was a student at University of Alberta and Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, and he just finished his PhD in reinforcement learning, working with Rich Sutton. Now he is a postdoc fellow at the National Research Council of Canada, where he does AI research on Space applications. Featured References Reinforcement Learning for Cont…
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Unlösbare Konflikte in Beziehungen mit ungewöhnlichen Methoden der Sexualpsychologie auflösen INTIMACY CHANGE MASTERCLASS›› ab 01. März 2025 | 6 Monate Mentoring und intime Transformation in deinem Leben. ›› Cat & Jones sprechen heute über die Auflösung von unlösbaren Konflikten in Beziehung. Von Persönlichkeit, Bindung…
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Ohne klare Ziele geht es nicht – doch wie setzt du dir diese, und wie bleibst du motiviert? Wir sprechen über Techniken, die dir helfen, deinen Fokus zu behalten, und erklären, warum kleine Erfolge so wichtig sind. Diese Folge liefert dir die Tools, um dranzubleiben und deine Träume systematisch zu verfolgen.Rein ins Regal! I S17E06 I Zielsetzung u…
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Wie Persönlichkeit, Bindungstyp und Schattenanteile unlösbare Konflikte in Beziehungen erzeugen – und wie man die löst! LIVE & KOSTENLOS ›› COUPLE CRUSH BEZIEHUNGS-TRANSFORMATIONAm 08.-09. Februar 2025 jeweils von 10-13 Uhr ›› Wie Du alte Beziehungsmuster durchbrichst, Stillstand in Fortschritt verwandelst & mehr Verbin…
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🎁GRÁTIS - Baixe o 1° capítulo do livro Por Que Enfrentamos Crises e Não Estamos Preparados:ível, inflação, taxa selic… tudo parece aumentar mas o poder aquisitivo do brasileiro não acompanha a alta dos preços no país.Então, o que fazer? Existe solução para esse probl…
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日経電子版「マネーのまなび」⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠のPodcastです。アメリカ出身タレントのREINAさんがリスナーと一緒にお金のイロハを学んでいきます。解説は日本経済新聞 金融・市場ユニット、市場グループの大竹啓史です。 今回のテーマは「住宅ローン、これから借りるなら」です。これまで低水準で推移してきた住宅ローンの金利がじわりと上がり始めました。日銀が超金融緩和政策を見直し、2024年7月、25年1月と政策金利を引き上げたためです。特に今は新規に借りる人の約8割が変動型を利用していますが、これは短期金利に連動し、短期金利は政策金利に大きく左右されます。従ってこれまでのように「金利は低…
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Qual opção escolher: seguro de vida capitalizado ou não capitalizado?E afinal de contas, qual a diferença entre eles?Reinaldo Domingos e a especialista Alê Boiani continuam o papo sobre os tipos de seguro com esse importante questionamento sobre as diferenças entre a solução capitalizada e a não capitalizada.Alê explica que os produtos brasileiros …
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Mercado globalLos aranceles de Trump sobre Canadá y México han generado ondas de choque en los mercados globales, afectando particularmente al sector porcino y generando tensiones comerciales sin precedentes.Si bien aun no sabemos el impacto que generará las tensas relaciones comerciales que está generando Trump, quise enumerar en 6 puntos los posi…
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Cat & Jone's brühwarme Dating & Ghosting Fails und was uns Unterbewusst im Schatten wirklich antreibt LIVE & KOSTENLOS ›› COUPLE CRUSH BEZIEHUNGS-TRANSFORMATIONAm 08.-09. Februar 2025 jeweils von 10-13 Uhr ›› Wie Du alte Beziehungsmuster durchbrichst, Stillstand in Fortschritt verwandelst & mehr Verbindung, Wachstum und…
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Emotionale Intelligenz ist mehr als nur ein Trendwort – sie ist essenziell, um erfolgreich mit anderen zu interagieren. In dieser Folge lernst du, wie du deine eigenen Emotionen besser verstehst und regulierst, gleichzeitig aber auch empathischer mit anderen umgehst. Egal, ob im Job oder privat: Gute Beziehungen sind der Schlüssel zum Erfolg, und w…
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Você sabia que existe seguro de vida nacional e internacional?Cada produto é ideal para um tipo de perfil, mas é importante conhecer as diferenças e os benefícios do seguro nacional e internacional para tomar a melhor decisão para sua família, garantindo a proteção do seu patrimônio em casos de imprevistos.Reinaldo Domingos e Alê Boiani, especialis…
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Cuando alguien que está en guerra conoce a su enemigo, cómo actúa, qué planea, cuándo ataca, sabe mejor cómo defenderse y prepara mejor su ataque propio. Como hijos de Dios, conocer la psicología del maligno es de vital importancia, pues nos ayuda a munirnos más efectivamente contra él. 🎤 Hoy aprenderá nuevas e impresionantes maravillas de la Santa…
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It’s so awesome to see so many cash-based physical therapy businesses starting around the country. It’s really been an amazing experience for us at Champion to be out-of-network with health insurances for over 10 years. In this episode, we have some advice, pros, and cons for those looking to succeed with this model. To see full show notes and more…
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日経電子版「マネーのまなび」⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠のPodcastです。アメリカ出身タレントのREINAさんがリスナーと一緒にお金のイロハを学んでいきます。解説は日本経済新聞の岸田幸子です。 今回のテーマは「確定拠出年金の税制改正」です。政府の2025年度の税制改正大綱に、確定拠出年金(企業型DCや個人型のiDeCo)を一時金で受け取る際の制度変更が盛り込まれました。勤める企業の退職金に加えてDCもある人は、受け取りのタイミングによっては税負担が増える可能性があるため、昨年末にSNSなどでは「iDeCo改悪」と話題になりました。 大綱に盛り込まれたのは、確定拠出年金を一時金で受け取る際の「…
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Ao contrário do que muitos acreditam, o seguro saúde internacional não tem nada a ver com ter uma viagem planejada.Diferente do seguro viagem que cobre apenas emergências durante o período da viagem, o seguro saúde internacional cumpre um papel mais amplo e oferece mais possibilidades aos clientes que desejam ter acesso aos melhores tratamentos em …
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