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Past Present Future

David Runciman

Past Present Future is a bi-weekly History of Ideas podcast with David Runciman, host and creator of Talking Politics, exploring the history of ideas from politics to philosophy, culture to technology. David talks to historians, novelists, scientists and many others about where the most interesting ideas come from, what they mean, and why they matter. Ideas from the past, questions about the present, shaping the future. New episodes every Thursday and Sunday.
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ナニワの地理博士こと、村瀬哲史が毎日放送のスタジオを飛び出して、関西を中心に様々な街を訪ねます! その街の歴史や名所など知る人ぞ知る話をお届けする、 知的探求型・街歩きpodcastショーです! これを聞いたらあなたも地理・歴史通になれるかも?! ▼番組ホームページ ▼番組Xアカウント ▼番組メールアドレス [email protected]
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教養や作法、趣味を身につけ、心をあたたかに! 田中みな実が、お聴きの皆さんが、教養・作法・趣味を身につけ、 より人生を楽しく、より素敵な人物になるための人間力向上トークバラエティー番組です。 毎回各界のスペシャリストをお迎えして、人生を豊かにするヒントを教えて頂きます。 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:
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Unclear and Present Danger

Jamelle Bouie and John Ganz

New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie and freelance writer John Ganz delve into the world of 90s post-Cold War thrillers with Unclear and Present Danger, a podcast that explores America in an age of transition to lone superpower, at once triumphant and unsure of its role in the world.
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Magenta Presents

Long Cat Media

Let Madame Magenta be your guide to things unnatural and threats unseen... A horror/weird tales anthology series from the folks who brought you Mockery Manor and The Ballad of Anne & Mary, with stories introduced by celebrated psychic, medium and strange seductress Madame Magenta. Including: the five-part miniseries Ghosted, starring Beth Eyre and Lucy Roslyn.
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Manhattan Pres

Brian Hough - Manhattan Presbyterian Church

We are a Church Plant in Manhattan, Kansas. We love Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Our denomination is the Presbyterian Church in America PCA. You can learn more at our website
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Přes Příkop

Zdeněk Haník & Matěj Machytka

Podcast překračující hranice sportu. Místo pro příběhy, které mají sílu inspirovat a hosty, co stojí za to slyšet. S trenéry, sportovci a dalšími osobnostmi rozebíráme do hloubky sportovní zákulisí.
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TBSラジオのradikoライブ配信、番組表、Podcastはこちらから↓↓↓ TBSラジオ「武田砂鉄のプレ金ナイト」内で放送しているコーナー。武田砂鉄が本にまつわる色んな話をする10分間です。ふらりと書店に立ち寄った気分でお聴きください。 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcastサイト:
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TBSラジオのradikoライブ配信、番組表、Podcastはこちらから↓↓↓ TBSラジオで毎週日曜日夜7時から放送中の『スカルプD presents 川島明のねごと』。麒麟・川島明と天津・向清太朗が、気持ちよく月曜の朝を迎えるために、日々の疲れをシャンプーで洗い流すようなトークを、ゆるりとお届けする番組です。週替わりでやってくるゲストとのトークや特別企画、投稿コーナーなど盛りだくさんでお送りします。※配信期間は各エピソード半年間を予定しています。 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcastサイト:
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The Kitchen Sisters Present

The Kitchen Sisters & Radiotopia

The Kitchen Sisters Present… Stories from the b-side of history. Lost recordings, hidden worlds, people possessed by a sound, a vision, a mission. Deeply layered stories, lush with interviews, field recordings and music. From powerhouse NPR producers The Kitchen Sisters (The Keepers, Hidden Kitchens, The Hidden World of Girls, The Sonic Memorial Project, Lost & Found Sound, and Fugitive Waves). "The Kitchen Sisters have done some of best radio stories ever broadcast" —Ira Glass. The Kitchen ...
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自転車で、人生は楽しく豊かになる。「自転車って楽しい」を応援する、自転車エンタテインメントラジオ。パーソナリティの石井正則とご意見番の疋田智が、ゲストと自転車について語ったり、最新自転車情報、自転車についての専門的な話もお届けします。TBSラジオで毎週日曜 18時30分~放送。 番組作りの参考のため、以下のアンケートにご協力をお願いいたします。 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcast:
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生技來一刻(Moments in Biotech) 是由 Boston Taiwanese Biotechnology Association (BTBA)發行。旨在分享在美台灣生技人於職涯上的經歷和創見,盼透過和在美國各地生技產業就業的學長姐的連線訪談,帶給即將入門生技行業的學子一個方向,提攜後進,並加強台美生技人之間彼此的連結,教學相長。
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SmartLess Presents ClueLess is a bite-sized, biweekly podcast (10-12 minutes an episode), in which our host, Emmy-winning writer Elliott Kalan, guides the listener through different puzzles, brainteasers, & conundrums to see if they’re faster than this season's contestant Sean Hayes!
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Want to eliminate public speaking fear and become a more poised and confident presenter and speaker? Fearless Presentations is the answer. This podcast is based on our famous two-day presentation skills class offered in cities all over the world. Each week, we offer free public speaking tips that help you develop the skill to present with poise when you deliver presentations. This is the fastest, easiest way to eliminate public speaking fear.
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WELCOME to Chrissy Chaos! Remember to rate us on iTunes and Join our Patreon for a WEEKLY bonus ep! CHRISDCOMEDY.COM for all upcoming live comedy show dates FOLLOW Chris Distefano On Social Media Instagram -​ Twitter -​​ ​ Filmed and Edited by THEHOMELESSPIMP Twitter -
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こんにちは!初めまして、ロンドン在住15年以上、デザイナー金澤成亮です! : これを聴けば、まるでロンドンにトリップ!ロンドンの暮らし、キャリア、ニュースなど日本では聴けない海外のリアルをお届け。 ロンドンの現場で「今」何が起きているのか、HOTな話題をCOOL(?)に配信中! 時々イギリス住まいの日本人をゲストに招きインタビューも行なっています。 : プレゼンター 金澤成亮(かなざわ なりあき) ブランディングデザイナー。栃木県出身。2008年に渡英。現在はイギリス最大の日本食料品専門店「Japan Centre」でクリエイティブ部門を担当2015年にデザイン会社「Centre Creative」も設立・運営。趣味は旅行、スケボー、ラジオ、漫画。 YouTube: : 番組へのお便りお待ちしています ご意見、感想、応援メッセージ、テーマのリクエストなどあればぜひ下記からご連絡ください! [email protected] : ※ ...
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What would you do if you learned you were adopted, your biological mother was a convicted murderer and your father’s true identity was a mystery? This is what happened to Becky Babcock, the daughter of the infamous Diane Downs. Join Melissa Moore, host of Happy Face Season 1, as she helps Becky unravel the strange tale of her family, searching for answers to decades-old mysteries that remain unanswered in the modern day.
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South CLT Pres Church

Dean Faulkner, Josh Creason, et al.

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. Check out gospel-based sermons from South Charlotte Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC. Every week, a new episode is uploaded for you! If you're in town, we'd love to meet you! Sundays at 10 am at 15009 Lancaster Highway, Charlotte, NC, 28277. Look for the flags and smiling faces!
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City Pres ABQ Sermons

City Presbyterian Church: Albuquerque, NM

We are a church in the heart of the city of Albuquerque. We meet at the corner of San Mateo and Copper, one block north of Central. Our church desires to be a faithful presence of love in the absences of our city.
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BE THE BEST PRESENTER YOU CAN BE! The Video Presenter Show it's here to elevate your presentation game with expert insights, live sessions, and actionable tips. Join us for free and become the standout presenter you aspire to be.
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風も、雨も、自ら鳴っているのではありません。 何かに当たり、何かにはじかれ、音を奏でているのです。 誰かに出会い、誰かと別れ、私たちは日常という音を、共鳴させあっています。 YESとNOの狭間で。 今週、あなたは、自分に言いましたか? YES!ささやかに、小文字で、yes!明日への希望の風に吹かれながら、自分にyes!と言ったひとたちの物語をお聴きください。
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Sigma Sports is proud to present Matt Stephens Unplugged, a regular catch-up with cycling’s favourite character, Matt Stephens, as he chats with special guests and explores the bowels of his own fruity mind. With lots of surprises along the way, the route-map has been torn up; so who knows what direction we’re going in, or where we’ll end up!
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show series
Sunday Worship February 16th, 2025 “Who Cares?” Nehemiah 9:32-38 Rev. Tyler Dirks Sermon Audio Sermon Outline: Undeniable Guilt Unparalleled Grace Reflection Questions: When have you been undeniably guilty, and you were suffering the consequences of your bad decision(s); and nevertheless – you still wanted someone to ‘let not your hardship(s) seem …
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Operovat Wimbledonskou vítězku, jejíž kariéra visela na vlásku? Tlak, jaký si málokdo dokáže představit. Jaké to je, když víš, že jediný řez skalpelem může rozhodnout o budoucnosti sportovce, kterého sledují miliony lidí? A jak se vyrovnat s tím, když operace nedopadne podle plánu? Radek Kebrle je špičkový chirurg specializující se na ruku a zápěst…
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Our Spring 2025 study Women’s Bible Study started on Wednesday, January 29th. We are studying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John using Jen Wilkin’s Abide study. Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings with coffee at 9:15am and the study beginning at 9:30am. The evening study meets at 5:30pm. Childcare is provided for both studies.…
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Text: Genesis 16:1-16 (NRSV)Now Sarai, Abram's wife, bore him no children. She had an Egyptian slave-girl whose name was Hagar, and Sarai said to Abram, “You see that the Lord has prevented me from bearing children; go in to my slave-girl; it may be that I shall obtain children by her.” And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. So, after Abram had …
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Another blast from the past showcasing the timelessness of soulful & deep house... hope you all enjoy..Mature Music For Mature Ears. All tracks featured on the show/mix are for promotional purposes and can be purchased through all leading download sites...please support the artist…without them…we have nothing. Listen & Download all links now at Lin…
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In the latest episode of The Presentation Podcast, Troy, Sandy, Nolan, and Lori delve into the evolving role of animation in presentation design - particularly within PowerPoint. They explore how storytelling animation is becoming a significant trend in many aspects of graphic design and discuss how animation can be effectively incorporated into pr…
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Matt Kessler is the owner of Too Many Records, a brick and mortar record store in Portland, Oregon. I chatted with Matt about how he got into record collecting, how creating a Youtube channel celebrating his love for vinyl eventually led to him opening his very own record store. To keep up with Matt and Too Many Records, please check out the links …
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Magenta Presents.... M&B Paranormal Investigations! In this 8-part series, first heard on the sister podcast Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica, Magenta and Bernard traverse Britain as paranormal consultants, helping pesky clients and their pesky phantoms part ways on good terms. That is, until sinister forces gathering in their home, Misty Moor Rectory…
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Magenta Presents.... M&B Paranormal Investigations! In this 8-part series, first heard on the sister podcast Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica, Magenta and Bernard traverse Britain as paranormal consultants, helping pesky clients and their pesky phantoms part ways on good terms. That is, until sinister forces gathering in their home, Misty Moor Rectory…
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Magenta Presents.... M&B Paranormal Investigations! In this 8-part series, first heard on the sister podcast Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica, Magenta and Bernard traverse Britain as paranormal consultants, helping pesky clients and their pesky phantoms part ways on good terms. That is, until sinister forces gathering in their home, Misty Moor Rectory…
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Magenta Presents.... M&B Paranormal Investigations! In this 8-part series, first heard on the sister podcast Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica, Magenta and Bernard traverse Britain as paranormal consultants, helping pesky clients and their pesky phantoms part ways on good terms. That is, until sinister forces gathering in their home, Misty Moor Rectory…
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Magenta Presents.... M&B Paranormal Investigations! In this 8-part series, first heard on the sister podcast Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica, Magenta and Bernard traverse Britain as paranormal consultants, helping pesky clients and their pesky phantoms part ways on good terms. That is, until sinister forces gathering in their home, Misty Moor Rectory…
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Magenta Presents.... M&B Paranormal Investigations! In this 8-part series, first heard on the sister podcast Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica, Magenta and Bernard traverse Britain as paranormal consultants, helping pesky clients and their pesky phantoms part ways on good terms. That is, until sinister forces gathering in their home, Misty Moor Rectory…
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Magenta Presents.... M&B Paranormal Investigations! In this 8-part series, first heard on the sister podcast Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica, Magenta and Bernard traverse Britain as paranormal consultants, helping pesky clients and their pesky phantoms part ways on good terms. That is, until sinister forces gathering in their home, Misty Moor Rectory…
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Magenta Presents.... M&B Paranormal Investigations! In this 8-part series, first heard on the sister podcast Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica, Magenta and Bernard traverse Britain as paranormal consultants, helping pesky clients and their pesky phantoms part ways on good terms. That is, until sinister forces gathering in their home, Misty Moor Rectory…
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先週に引き続き声優の井上和彦さんをお迎えしました。 本格的に井上さんが自転車に乗り始めたのは今から5年前で65歳のとき。買うときには、自転車好きの声優さんで構成されるチーム「VOICYCLE」は一致団結。部長の野島裕史さんをはじめ、伊藤健太郎さんら数名のメンバーが付き合ってくれたそうです。ところが・・・TBS RADIO tarafından oluşturuldu
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今回は、万博記念公園にそびえ立つ 大阪万博当時のモニュメント 太陽の塔からお送りいたします! 太陽の塔の背面の「黒い太陽」 滋賀の伝統工芸品・信楽焼で 出来ているって知っていましたか? 詳しくはPodcast本編で! ▼番組ホームページ ▼番組Xアカウント ▼番組メールアドレス [email protected] 【太陽の塔】 太陽の塔への入館は予約優先となっています。 料金は大人720円,小中学生310円 太陽の塔オフィシャルサイトから入館予約をお願いいたします。…
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On the next ClueLess Valentine’s Day special, it’s couple vs couple once again as host Elliott Kalan and constant contestant Sean Hayes welcome Sean’s husband Scotty Icenogle to compete against their good friends Ali Wentworth and George Stephanopoulos at another brand new game - Don’t Say Number One! Elliott will give the teams a series of surveys…
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2025年2月16日放送の第203回のゲストは、初登場のマヂカルラブリーのおふたり! 川島さんが野田さん考案の「野田ゲー」が面白い!という話がしたくてお招きしました! そんな野田さんに認められるゲームを作れるのか!? 特別企画「スーパーねごとゲームMAKER」では、川島さん・飯大郎さん・村上さんがゲームを考えましたが、その出来栄えやいかに! 番組公式HP/ 番組公式X/ RADIO tarafından oluşturuldu
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In the second of our episodes with historian Clare Jackson on the English revolutions of the 17th century we discuss the one that usually gets called ‘Glorious’: the revolution of 1688. Was it a revolution or was it an invasion? What rights did parliament win and what powers did it acquire? Was this the beginning of the modern military state? And d…
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腹腔壓力異常 (Intra-abdominal Hypertension, IAH) 是重症病房 (ICU) 患者常見但監測率極低的問題。估計超過 60% 的 ICU 病人可能有腹腔壓力過高的問題,卻只有 2-6% 受到監測,原因在於,傳統測量方式過程繁瑣且精準度不高,影響使用和監測效率。智慧膠囊技術的誕生,即將顛覆此一現狀。 這款屬於 Class II 醫療器材的智慧膠囊,能夠無線傳輸體內腹腔壓力數據,提供即時、非侵入式的監測,預計能在上市後,大幅提升臨床診斷效率與病人舒適度。 本集我們很高興邀請到廖建宏醫師,他是開發腹腔壓力偵測膠囊的「明健聯合 Dot Space 」的共同創辦人,他與我們科普智慧膠囊及醫學材料的基礎概念,並跟我們分享創業的緣起和挑戰,讓我們如何結合醫學、工程與商業專才,…
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2025年2月8日放送、鈴木拓さんゲスト回です。 ついつい喧嘩になってしまう鈴木拓さん回。 最近、また二人の過去のやり取りがネット記事になったそうです。 ※このPodcast版は本編を再編集したディレクターズカット版です。 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit RADIO tarafından oluşturuldu
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江戸時代の福岡藩士、儒学者で本草学者の賢人がいます。 貝原益軒(かいばら・えきけん)。 本草学とは、薬草だけにとどまらず、自然界にあるもの全てが対象。 病の効能に役立つものを扱う学問です。 貝原は、さらに本草学だけではなく、当時まだ広く知られていなかった「健康」という概念を哲学的に説き、人生論にまで高めました。 江戸時代、平均寿命が50歳と言われていましたが、彼は84歳まで生き、82歳の時に書いた『養生訓』には、現代に生きる我々にも当てはまる、心と体の健康術が記されています。 貝原は言いました。 「体が健康だと、とかく無茶をする。 睡眠時間を削り、暴飲暴食、体を気遣うことは後回し。 病気になってから急に養生しだすが、時すでに遅し。 それはまるで、お金がなくなって貧乏になってから節約を始めるの…
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Today's Mystery: Joe Friday and Ben Romero investigate a racket that's taking advantage of teenage girls and getting them to pose for pornographic pictures. Original Radio Broadcast Date: December 7, 1950 Originating from Hollywood Starring: Jack Webb as Sergeant Joe Friday; Barton Yarborough as Sergeant Ben Romero; Herb Butterfield; Stacy Harris G…
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Introducing How to Trust and Be Trusted with Rachel Botsman from Revisionist History. Follow the show: Revisionist History Rachel Botsman, Oxford University Lecturer and author of the new Pushkin audiobook How to Trust and Be Trusted, joins Malcolm to talk about how to make smart decisions about trust. Then, a preview of How to Trust and Be Trusted…
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a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886) Prélude et fugue sul nome B.A.C.H. Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856) Fugue in fa maggiore n 5 sul nome Bach, op. 60 Alexandre Boëly (1785 - 1858) Fantasia in si bemolle maggiore Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809 - 1847) Variazioni sul corale "Notre Père” (dalla 6e Sonata en re minore o…
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2月14日OAのゲストは、缶詰博士の黒川勇人さんです。 証券会社や出版社勤務を経てフリーライターとして独立。 2004年から缶詰の魅力を発信する「缶詰blog」をスタートして以来、缶詰博士として、様々なチャンネルでレジェンド缶詰やローカル缶詰などの魅力を発信されています。 そして当番組には約10年ぶりのご出演。 この10年間で変化した缶詰事情や防災の観点から見た缶詰の有用性をたっぷり語っていただきました。 もちろん恒例の試食コーナーもあり! >>缶詰blog <オンエア楽曲> Can『Shikako Maru Ten』ピーター・バラカン/柴田幸子 tarafından oluşturuldu
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From the beach to the dancefloor... 1. Chicane - The Sun Will Come Again (Beatless Mix) (Exclusive) 2. Beth Orton - Stolen Car 3. Ben Bohmer - Rust 4. When in Rome - The Promise 5. Chicane - 8 Circle 6. Eli & Fur - Missing You 7. Rhea Silvia - Say Goodbye 8. Chicane - Interlude 9. Chicane - House Arrest 10. Chicane - Back Pedal Brake (Danny Dove Re…
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When the Holy Ghost comes upon you, does He only make you shout and fall on the ground? Does He only make you speak in tongues and cry? Or does He carry out an internal transformation in your moral nature that will make you shift moral landscapes. Find out in depth what really happens when the Holy Spirit comes on you and how to position yourself f…
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Today’s episode in our history of revolutionary ideas is about the event that is sometimes – but not always – called the English Revolution: the Civil War of the 1640s and the short-lived republic that followed. David talks to historian Clare Jackson about whether this really was a revolution and about the thinking that inspired it. What was old, w…
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On the first of our ClueLess Valentine’s Day specials, it’s couple vs couple as host Elliott Kalan and constant contestant Sean Hayes welcome Sean’s husband Scotty Icenogle to compete against their good friends Ali Wentworth and George Stephanopoulos at a brand new game - Word Wager! One player from each team is given a secret word, and they must w…
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Hi, Happy Face listeners! We're excited to share with you a sneak peek at TenderfootTV and iHeartPodcasts' latest release, Crook County. CROOK COUNTY is the shocking true-crime podcast from iHeart and TenderfootTV about my father's alleged rise through the ranks of the legendary organized crime syndicate, the Chicago Outfit. From whorehouse doorman…
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#chrisdistefano #Podcast #comedy Chris Distefano kicks this one off with a Super Bowl fever dream—congratulating both the Eagles and the Chiefs because, why not? Then it’s Hollywood nonsense, botched house hunting, and the insane idea of getting married at Madison Square Garden. September 11, 2025—be there. Ad Breaks Hello Fresh Ge…
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声優の井上和彦さんをお迎えしました。 井上さんのサイクルライフは今から5年前、65歳から始まったそうです。そもそも井上さんが熱心に自転車に乗るようになったきっかけは、ある方の一言でした・・・TBS RADIO tarafından oluşturuldu
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