Piatoček je týždenný satirický podcast nielen o politike. Vychádza, prekvapivo, každý piatok.
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Życia, które skończyły się zbyt wcześnie. Zaginięcia bez śladu. Sprawy, o których nie sposób zapomnieć. Twarze, które pamięta się na długo. Wybór najciekawszych spraw o tematyce kryminalnej w podcaście Justyny Mazur.
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Every week on Performance Today™, Bruce Adolphe re-writes a familiar tune in the style of a classical composer. We get one of our listeners on the phone, and our caller listens to Bruce play his Piano Puzzler™. They then try to do two things: name the hidden tune, and name the composer whose style Bruce is mimicking. From American Public Media.
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Pia og psyken 3.0
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Trasmissione sulla letteratura pianistica
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Komedia z elementami dramatu prezentująca życie Grzegorza Kowalskiego (w tej roli Grzegorz "Dakann" Barański), 35-letniego kawalera z Warszawy, borykającego się z problemami psychicznymi, będącymi następstwem życia w dysfunkcyjnej rodzinie. Bohater w zderzeniu z polską rzeczywistością stara się przetrwać i do końca nie oszaleć. Podcast bazuje na narracji w formie przemyśleń Kowalskiego i nawiązuje do kultowej produkcji o tym samym tytule, podanej w dużo lepszej jakości. Zapraszamy do odsłuch ...
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Welcome to Piano Meditations Podcast by Blake Rowe. For the past six years (with occasional breaks), Wednesday nights have been devoted to creating freely improvised music for about 45 minutes. Known melodies may come to mind and may be explored, but the pieces are primarily “spontaneously composed”. The music tends to follow an arc from introspective to energetic and back again. The first few notes become a motif to be explored; sometimes a piece is more structured and and other times more ...
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Piano Finally is a podcast by an old bloke who is learning the piano, finally. I cover the process of learning the piano and music theory as an adult learner. I also review piano books, hardware and other materials from an adult learner's perspective.
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Join atWork Australia Brand Ambassador and Paralympian, Shaun Pianta, as he speaks with a range of guests with lived experience, as well as industry experts who can provide insight into services available to those who require additional support. These candid conversations will highlight a range of different life stories, experiences and how despite it all, work truly is for everyone.
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"Inspiring the Future of the Piano Tech Community" Each Saturday at 2 pm ET we'll meet via video stream with a special guest. In continuing support of you as a quarantined piano technician, and in your life beyond, it's another free resource brought to you by Piano Technicians Masterclasses. For more information visit: http://www.pianotechradio.com
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A podcast introducing aspiring Jazz Pianists to essential Jazz Piano Skills. Professional Jazz Piano Lessons by Dr. Bob Lawrence, President The Dallas School of Music
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A piano podcast, uncovering the magical musical moments from some of our finest composers, across all genres - notably Classical, popular, and folk. I will be talking about works that hold special meaning for me, as well as delving into elements of music theory, which help us to better understand the subject matter. This podcast will suit listeners with a general interest in the keyboard, and more specifically, those either learning the instrument, or considering doing so. For more informati ...
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Welcome to The Piano Pantry Podcast where together we live life as independent music teachers. Listen in with Amy Chaplin, your host, as we talk about everything from running and organizing a studio business to getting dinner on the table and all that comes between.
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Welcome to Piano Mastery Unlocked, hosted by internationally-renowned concert pianist Ronald Hawkins. With performances that have enchanted audiences from New York to Moscow, Ronald brings his unique charm and humor to each episode. Explore a diverse range of musical styles, from classical masterpieces to contemporary hits, as Ronald shares insights from his remarkable career. This podcast transforms the concert experience into an engaging dialogue, making classical music accessible and enjo ...
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Piano Parent Podcast: helping teachers, parents, and students get the most of their piano lessons.
Shelly Davis
The Piano Parent Podcast is your one-stop shop for all things related to parenting a piano student. From practice tips to piano geography and musical terms, common studio policies to teacher and parent interviews, this is THE best resource to help you and your child make the most of piano lessons. Whether you are a knowledgeable musician or a complete novice, there is definitely something for you here.
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Eventi e persone di attualità.
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‘Slow Piano for Sleep’ is a new podcast from Jim Butler, creator of the long running Deep Energy Podcast. This podcast is exactly as advertised, slow ambient solo piano pieces to help clear your mind and create the perfect environment to facilitate a peaceful nights sleep.
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Streng vertraulich! Unternehmergeheimnisse mit Pia Tischer #recruiting #führung #hr #personal #bewerber #unternehmerwissen #coveto
Pia Tischer
Du erfährst von mir, wie du mit den richtigen A-Mitarbeitern umsetzt, wächst und langfristig erfolgreich bist. Die große Frage ist, wie können Betriebe wie wir, die nicht mit Fremdkapital arbeiten, sondern ihr eigenes Geld ausgeben, wie können wir gesunde, erfolgreiche und menschenfreundliche Unternehmen aufbauen? Wie können wir wachsen und dabei profitabel bleiben. Das ist die Frage und dieser Podcast gibt dir die Antworten! 🚀 Abonniere meine Newsletter: https://www.coveto.de/newsletter 🚀 H ...
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The Piano Ninja Tricks Podcast is the show for adult classical pianists wanting to play the classical music of their dreams with joy and ease. Meet your host, Juilliard alum and Piano Ninja, Lisa Spector. She's sharing her treasured tricks honed through years of study with legendary mentors Earl Wild, Leon Fleisher, John Perry and Lillian Kallir. But here's the remarkable part: Lisa's journey to piano mastery was interrupted after an unexpected fall led to seven complicated right-hand fractu ...
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Classically trained pianist. I enjoy playing not only the traditional repertoire but also pieces from unusual composers.
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Anedotas e histórias de humor contadas sem grande piada...
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"Ho letto un libro che potrebbe piacerti”. Quante volte tra amici, familiari, colleghi è stata pronunciata questa frase? Sergio e Silvia, un nerd milanese e una filosofa romana, la fanno propria, giocando tra punti in comune e differenze: libri, fumetti ma anche film e serie tv. L'importante è che siano piaciuti a uno dei due e che si desideri condividerli. Non proprio recensioni, ma chiacchiere, approfondimenti, consigli. Così che la prossima volta possiate anche dire "sai, ho scoperto un p ...
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Según el FBI, un asesino en serie es quien comete tres asesinatos o más, en un período extenso, con un intervalo entre cada crimen. Por el contrario, el llamado asesino en masa es aquel que mata a un grupo de personas en un mismo momento Sebastián Camelo @el__arracadas nos trae en este podcast en español las historias más terroríficas de los asesinos en serie, detalles y cosas nunca antes contadas de estos monstruos.
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Welcome to ‘Stories from Under the Piano’. In each episode, a guest shares a personal story, and Craig responds with a spontaneous piano piece that evokes the emotions and mood of their story. I’m Craig Addy, your host. I'm the Musician Who Listens to the Listener. This podcast offers a glimpse into the world of ‘Under the Piano’, an immersive musical experience I’ve been providing since 2009. Over 1,000 people have discovered comfort, connection, and healing through these sessions, featurin ...
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Il Podcast di Finanza Personale di Giorgio Pecorari. Idee, Libri e suggerimenti per investire meglio il proprio denaro e il proprio tempo. Prenota gratuitamente un appuntamento su www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni
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Conversazioni inclinate tra la Terra e Marte. Con Alexandra Nistor e l'Alieno Gentile, si parla di economia con un linguaggio chiaro e senza tecnicismi perché l'economia è di tutti. Newsletter del podcast disponibile qui: https://tinyletter.com/PianoInclinato Newsletter di Alieno Gentile: https://alienogentile.substack.com/ il nostro sito: http://www.pianoinclinato.it email: redazione@pianoinclinato.it
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Czego nauczyło mnie 10 lat za granicą. O Szwecji, Polsce, życiu na Wyspach.
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Hereinspaziert und durchgegruselt! :) Kleine Warnung: Hier werden zumeist gruselige Geschichten gelesen; sie können explizite Gewaltdarstellung und Horrorelemente enthalten. Ihr Lieben, schön, dass ihr hergefunden habt. Hier lese ich urheberrechtsfreie Kurzgeschichten vor oder solche, von denen der Rechteinhaber mir erlaubt hat, sie zu lesen. Jeden letzten Samstag im Monat gibt es dabei eine meist gruselige Geschichte, die ich inzwischen mit Geräuschen, Musik und Ambient-Sounds versehe, um e ...
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If you like Debussy, Satie, Sakamoto. If you like Saint Exupery, Coelho, Gibran. If music is the language of your heart.
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Welcome to the Hector Piantini podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Il piacere della nostra città raccontati da Carlo Orzeszko
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"Piąte Okrążenie" to podcast, w którym co tydzień omawiany minione dni w żużlu oraz zapowiadamy, co nas czeka w weekend! Słuchaj najlepszego audioshow o czarnym sporcie!
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Podcast do Instituto Piano Brasileiro - IPB. Entrevistas, gravações, lançamentos e descobertas.
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Contemporary Piano Music plays only the finest mixes of new, inspiriing, and beautiful current piano music.
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Virtual Sheet Music's Piano Lessons Videos give you piano lessons and piano insights from our piano expert Robert Estrin. If you are a pianist, piano teacher, a piano student or simply a piano enthusiast, these videos are for you.
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Step by step educational piano lessons with PianoSecrets. We will explain and analyze in detail rhythm, melody and harmony providing you with a wealth of musical knowledge, giving you the tools to discover what playing the piano is all about.
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Jazz Piano Performances With Mark Stevens
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Dan Wielunski chronicles his musical exploits
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Piadas curtas e rápidas para garantir boas gargalhadas
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Stories and reflections of a composer.
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I got kicked from uv
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Join Pia while she discusses all types of millennial topics people don't like to talk about.
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Om arbeidsplasser, sjefer og psykologtitler med Rudi Myrvang
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Psykolog er en beskyttet tittel i Norge. Hvorfor er den egentlig det, og er det en god ting for samfunnet vårt at den er det? I Italia har de trafikkpsykologer som jobber med å forebygge ulykker. Hvorfor bruker vi mest tid på å rette opp bulker (for å videreføre det trafikale bildet) i stedet for å jobbe forebyggende innenfor psykisk helse her til …
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Serialmente: Slobodan Milosevic | El Carnicero de los Balcanes
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¿Qué pasa cuando un político manipulador es capaz de convertir a un pueblo unificado en una contienda étnica sangrienta e implacable? ¿Qué pasa cuando los vecinos de toda la vida, de repente, se convierten en bestias cegadas por el odio impostado a través de la radio y la televisión? Hoy les voy a contar la historia de Slobodan Milosevic… El carnic…
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#199 „Wenn Beileid wie Mahlzeit klingt" – Umgang mit Trauer im Unternehmen authentisch gestalten
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🖤 In dieser Folge sind Stefan Hund und Heinke Wedler zu Gast. Zusammen sprechen wir im "Trauermonat November" über den Umgang mit Trauer im Unternehmensumfeld und wie Unternehmen auf Trauerfälle – seien es Verluste von Angehörigen, Kollegen oder sogar Fehlgeburten – sensibel und respektvoll reagieren können. Heinke und Stefan, die mit ihrem Unterne…
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177. W ciele samarytanina. Zaginięcie Matki i Córki: Aleksandry W. i Oliwii W
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Informacja o zaginięciu matki i córki w 2022 roku zelektryzowała całą Polskę. Jeszcze bardziej zmroziła wszystkich informacja o szczegółach zaginięcia. Co stało się z Aleksandrą i Oliwią W.? I kto stoi za ich zniknięciem?Kolejnego odcinka PRZEDPREMIEROWO wysłuchasz w piątek, 22.11 tylko w Storytel: https://www.storytel.com/pl/c/justynamazur30daysRe…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら as whom I long had loved before so deeply had I been beguiled ■最近ですが、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。(Youtubeチャンネルの登録者数が増えてくれています:感謝です) ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラスト…
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Pattern Recognition: The Fast-Track to Piano Proficiency
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Send us a text https://LisaSpector.com/BlackFridayWaitlist This Black (& White) Friday week, discover the ultimate piano productivity boost. Learn twice as much at half the price! Discover how recognizing patterns in your music can accelerate your learning process exponentially. In this episode, Lisa Spector, Your Piano Ninja, breaks down the impor…
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A few new folks tonight; always fun to introduce them to this free improv thing! Got into some rhythm grooves and a wee bit of jazz. Not much more to say, but, enjoy!Blake Rowe tarafından oluşturuldu
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… il Pianoforte 201 recital Sviatoslav Richter, pianoforte
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A cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Frédéric Chopin (1810 - 1849) dai Dodici studi per pianoforte, op. 10 n.1 in do maggiore - Allegro n.2 in la minore - Allegro n.3 in mi maggiore - Lento ma non troppo n.4 in do diesis minore - Presto n.6 in mi bemolle minore - Andante n.10 in la bemolle maggiore - Vivace assai n.11 in mi bemolle maggiore - …
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"In a 10 Year Period, I had 300 Hospital Admissions" | atWork Australia Client Natalie - Ep 022
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Welcome to Candid Conversations with Shaun Pianta. In this episode, atWork Australia client, Natalie, speaks openly about her challenges with diabetes. From being diagnosed as a young adult, her fears of the unknown and how this diagnosis was going to impact her future. Natalie shares some terrifying situations that led her to being hospitalised le…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら I met I loved you maiden mild ■最近ですが、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。(Youtubeチャンネルの登録者数が増えてくれています:感謝です) ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙を集…
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L'ULTIMATUM DI DRAGHI! L'Europa deve agire prima che sia troppo tardi.
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Hai bisogno di consulenza? Prenota un appuntamento conoscitivo gratuito con uno dei nostri esperti su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni-consulenza 👈🏻 Hai bisogno di formazione? Prenota un appuntamento conoscitivo gratuito con uno dei nostri esperti su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni 👈🏻 📽 In questo video, approfondiamo la sit…
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Dal cinema alla realtà - Ept S05E11
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Per comprendere l'economia, bisogna comprendere la natura umana. Puoi trovarci su tutte le piattaforme di podcast, inclusa la tua preferita. web: http://www.PianoInclinato.it email: redazione@pianoinclinato.it Newsletter Alieno Gentile…
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Contestant: Stacy Fahrion calling from Denver, COAmerican Public Media tarafından oluşturuldu
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September in the Rain, Improvisation
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Welcome to Jazz Piano Skills; it's time to discover, learn, and play Jazz Piano! Every Jazz Piano Skills weekly podcast episode introduces aspiring jazz pianists to essential Jazz Piano Skills. Each Podcast episode explores a specific Jazz Piano Skill in depth. Today, you will discover, learn, and play "September in the Rain." In this Jazz Piano Le…
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A Bologna dal 19 al 22 novembre 2024 a Bologna, Sport Festival, l'intervista a FRANCESCO CAVESTRI
21 novembre 2024 ore 21:30 | Palestra Sant'Eugenio "Ready, Steady... Jazz! Jazz sana in corpore sano" del pianista e compositore Francesco Cavestri. L'intervista a cura di Mara GeneraliRadio Budrio tarafından oluşturuldu
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら as if to have you yet more near ■最近ですが、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。(Youtubeチャンネルの登録者数が増えてくれています:感謝です) ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙…
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Connecting with Nature: A Journey of Love, Stewardship, and Letting Go with Susan Kaplan
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In this episode of Stories from Under the Piano, I sit down with the inspiring Susan Kaplan, founder of Sustainable Futures Consulting. Susan shares her deep connection to nature, cultivated from childhood through mossy forests and oceanic horizons, and how it evolved into a spiritual journey during her life on a 43-acre property in New Hampshire. …
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147 - 3 Kitchen Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed
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3 tools for your kitchen Amy thinks are necessities that are not generally considered basic kitchen staples. Transcript Find the full transcript and show notes (including any links mentioned) here:https://pianopantry.com/podcast/episode147 Subscribe Join Amy’s email list Support the Podcast https://pianopantry.com/patreon…
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"There’s Always Help Available" | atWork Australia Client Jackson - Ep 021
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Welcome to another episode of Candid Conversations with Shaun Pianta. Today, November 19 marks International Men's Day. November is widely known as men's health awareness month with multiple initiatives such as Movember and International Men's Day being special dates in the calendar. Both initiatives have a similar vision - promoting the health cha…
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RISCHIO TRUMP! Su cosa stanno scommettendo gli investitori.
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Hai bisogno di consulenza? Prenota un appuntamento conoscitivo gratuito con uno dei nostri esperti su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni-consulenza 👈🏻 Hai bisogno di formazione? Prenota un appuntamento conoscitivo gratuito con uno dei nostri esperti su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni 👈🏻 📽 In questo video, commentiamo l'eccess…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら love surely hath been breathing here ■一昨日から、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。 ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙を集めた表紙アートブックを電子書籍イラストブックにまとめま…
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PPP 362: Navigating the Holiday Hustle - 3 Tips for Keeping Up With Piano Practice
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The holidays are a time of joy, celebration, and... chaos. With all the festive frenzy, it can be challenging to maintain a consistent piano practice routine. In this episode, we'll explore practical strategies to keep your child's piano practice on track during the holiday season. We'll delve into three key tips: setting realistic goals, creating …
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Send us a text In this episode of Piano Mastery Unlocked, Ronald Hawkins explores Beethoven’s beloved Für Elise, offering listeners a deeper understanding of its history, structure, and performance nuances. Ronald begins by unraveling the mystery behind its name and the enduring appeal of this Bagatelle in A Minor. He then delves into the piece’s r…
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Understanding Chords and Inversions
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Episode three of my new piano podcast deals with basic chords [triads] and their possible 'inversions', or put another way, the rearranging of their constituent parts. We consider some examples, and attempt to analyze how the music changes when we use chords in their root, first, and second inversion positions. What is the purpose of inversions - w…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら is not true love of higher price than outward form ■一昨日から、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。 ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙を集めた表紙アートブックを電子…
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Annunciati i libri finalisti della 46° edizione del Premio Letteratura Ragazzi di Cento e le date del prossimo Festival: Dal 6 al 10 maggio 2025, Cento (FE) L'intervista di Mara Generali a Elena Melloni, coordinatrice del premio.Radio Budrio tarafından oluşturuldu
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら murmur it to yourselves ye two beloved women ■一昨日から、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。 ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙を集めた表紙アートブックを電子書籍イラスト…
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Sergio non perde il vizio di parlare di libro + film, ma stavolta - con "Il diritto di contare" - forse è più giustificato. Silvia invece cavalca le nuove uscite e parla di "The Grocery", il primo fumetto della collana Cherry Bomb curata per Bao Publishing da Zerocalcare. Ne sarà valsa la pena? Ascoltate per scoprirlo! --- Qui tutti i link: https:/…
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Newly tuned by the great Victor La Gamma! Had a conversation with the guests after the music about the creative process. One person was talking how there are two approaches; one, to plan everything out and do your best to materialize exactly what you envision, a la Da Vinci, the other, to follow the inspiration where it leads and allow the creative…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら thine evelash on my cheek doth play ■一昨日から、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。 ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙を集めた表紙アートブックを電子書籍イラストブックにまとめまし…
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Music Lessons From My Dog Gina, R.I.P.
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Send us a text https://LisaSpector/BlackFridayWaitlist Welcome to a special and deeply personal episode of the Piano Ninja Tricks podcast. This week, I’m stepping away from the usual format to remember my beloved black Lab, Gina, who passed away this week at 15 and a half years old. Gina was my agility champion partner, my devoted companion and a f…
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Nechceš byť niekto ako Kráľ
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*Podporte podcast Piatoček v aplikácii Toldo a získajte prístup k extra obsahu na sme.sk/extrapiatocek - Pellegrini zakopol o dlažobnú kocku a teraz sa ju niekto snaží speňažiť na internetoch. Čo je však ešte bizarnejšie je fakt, že Pelle pustil tašku a vzoprel sa geniálnemu nápadu Roberta Fica. Posvietili sme si bližšie na Eštokovu politickú…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら I dream thee with mine eyes and at my heart I feel thee ■一昨日から、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。 ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙を集めた表紙アートブ…
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A Fine Musician's Life w/ Eric Clark & Hannah Reimann
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In this episode of Piano Tech Radio Hour, we are pleased to introduce Eric Clark and Hannah Reimann, two highly acclaimed pianists renowned for their masterful interpretations of various classical composers, including Stravinsky, Liszt, Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Grieg, and Tchaikovsky. Eric and Hannah share insights into their musical…
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… il Pianoforte 200 recital Yuja Wang, pianoforte
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A cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante PROGRAMMA Béla Bartók (1881–1945) Contrasti, trio per violino, clarinetto e pianoforte, BB 116 1. Verhunkos (Danza del reclutamento) - Moderato ben ritmato 2. Pihenő (Riposo) - Lento 3. Sebes (Veloce) - Allegro vivace Yuja Wang, pianoforte Leonidas Kavakos, violino Martin Fröst, clarinetto Concerto per pianoforte n. …
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Serialmente: Fidel Castro | La Bestia de Biran
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Todos los políticos, sin importar sus inclinaciones, claman a gritos que la ignominia de sus actos es en nombre de la libertad y del bienestar de sus pueblos. ¿Qué pasa entonces cuando bajo esa premisa, un hombre es capaz de convertir su país en una auténtica cárcel? ¿Qué pasa cuando cada gota de sangre derramada es disfrazada de un sacrificio por …
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FRANCIA DECLASSATA! Cosa sta succedendo a spread e debito pubblico francese.
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Hai bisogno di consulenza? Prenota un appuntamento conoscitivo gratuito con uno dei nostri esperti su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni-consulenza 👈🏻 Hai bisogno di formazione? Prenota un appuntamento conoscitivo gratuito con uno dei nostri esperti su https://www.pianofinanziario.it/informazioni 👈🏻 📽 In questo video, parliamo delle diffi…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら this depth of tranquil bliss ■一昨日から、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。 ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙を集めた表紙アートブックを電子書籍イラストブックにまとめました。かなり良い…
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Contestant: Kate Lamberton, calling from Hanover, PennsylvaniaAmerican Public Media tarafından oluşturuldu
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Benvenuti nel Trumpismo - Ept S05E10
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Nel Dopoguerra gli USA erano un paese keynesiano: Stato ingombrante, alta tassazione, mercato rigidamente regolato. L'inflazione post-crisi petrolifera degli anni '70 spianò la strada ad un nuovo ciclo pluridecennale: con Reagan gli USA divennero un paese che abbracciava le logiche hayekiane di Stato minimo, bassa tassazione, libera impresa, apertu…
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September in the Rain, Melodic Analysis
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Welcome to Jazz Piano Skills; it's time to discover, learn, and play Jazz Piano! Every Jazz Piano Skills weekly podcast episode introduces aspiring jazz pianists to essential Jazz Piano Skills. Each Podcast episode explores a specific Jazz Piano Skill in depth. Today, you will discover, learn, and play "September in the Rain." In this Jazz Piano Le…
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L'intervista ad Andrea Lorenzon che racconta Ferrara in un viaggio inedito della città patrimonio UNESCO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP0qqK2dHHU&ab_channel=AndreaLorenzonRadio Budrio tarafından oluşturuldu
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら our sister and our friend will both be here tomorrow ■昨日から、毎朝のピアノ曲アップロードと同時にYoutubeへの《ひめくりピアノ万葉集動画》を創るようにしました。本日の動画は下記となります。 ■2024年1月から始めたAIアート制作による電子書籍創作活動(amazon KDP: KindleDirectPublishing)ですが、この旅、累積1万ダウンロードを達成しました。書籍としては140部を超えました。個人的にはちょっと嬉しかったので、これまで創った140冊のイラストブックの表紙を集めた紹介動画を創りました。 同時に140表紙を集めた表紙アートブックを電…
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Om psykopati med Dag Øyvind Engen Nilsen
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Psykolog Dag Øyvind Engen Nilsen er ekspert på psykopati, og her får jeg stilt ham mange av de spørsmålene jeg har rundt denne skumle personlighetsforstyrrelsen. Han forteller blant annet om hvordan en psykopat fester grepet, hvilke røde flagg du skal være oppmerksom på, og hvordan forstyrrelsen arter seg ulikt hos menn og kvinner…
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