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show episodes
Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.
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Tak trochu jiný podcast (nejen) o vztazích. Otvíráme tabuizovaná a nepopulární témata, sdílíme příběhy ze života, vyvoláváme provokativní otázky, odlehčujeme vážná témata. Náš podcast je našlapaný energií, kterou vysíláme. Objev s námi cestu sám/sama k sobě. Zkrátka lepší ty, lepší vztahy, lepší život. Získejte svůj výtisk knihy Opravdový život. (https://www.opravdovyvztah.cz/sp/opravdovy-zivot-b/)
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Opravdové zločiny

Lucie Bechynková a Bára Krčmová

První český true crime podcast o zločinech, které možná znáte, ale určitě o nich nevíte všechno. Navrch přidáváme špetku černého humoru a zákulisních detailů. Zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte na svobodě. Náš /Klub s prémiovým obsahem a veškeré informace najdeš na webu https://www.opravdovezlociny.cz/
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Opravdové koučování

Opravdové koučování

Jak můžeme coby profesionální kouči a další pomáhající profese pomáhat lépe? Jak vybudovat milovanou značku, zůstat v integritě a zvednout laťku svojí služby vysoko nad průměr trhu? Právě tímto se zabývá podcast narvaný praktickými zkušenostmi, humorem a inspirací.
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Podkast o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem … v katerem po nekem čudnem naključju obdelujemo šesto knjigo iz trilogije v petih delih, Štoparski vodnik po Galaksiji, ki jo je, ko smo bili (mi) še majhni, napisal Douglas Adams. Še veš kje imaš brisačo?
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Nejzajímavější a nejneuvěřitelnější příběhy jsou ty, které se opravdu staly. Realita je totiž vždycky zábavnější než fikce. Audio referáty o tom, co jste ani netušili, že vás bude bavit. A taky spousta věcí, co vás v dějáku nenaučili. Vyprávím to já, Markéta Lukášková aka @pandikralovna, spisovatelka a Karel Čáslavský chudých. Bonusové epizody: Herohero.co/podcastpribehy Pickey.cz/pandikralovna Podcast na sítích: Facebook.com/pribehkteryseopravdustal Instagram.com/podcastpribehy Tiktok.com/p ...
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Oprah is opening the vault of The Oprah Winfrey Show with 25 years of hand-picked legendary interviews, a-ha moments, ugly cries and unforgettable surprises. A lot has changed since she ended the show, but many of our personal struggles have stayed the same. We’re all still looking to connect, to be seen and to know that we’re not alone. We’re also looking for some joy, some laughs and some much-needed inspiration. As we head into this new decade, what better time to look back and reflect, t ...
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These pet podcasts are all about achieving harmony in the household -- for everyone: people, cats and dogs. Bolstered by a lineup of top behavior experts as guests, host Arden Moore will unlock the perplexing, puzzling and downright frustrating aspects of feline and canine actions and attitudes... on Pet Life Radio.
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Hallo zusammen, in meinem Podcast Kanal spreche ich offen über Beziehungen, Freundschaften, Serien, etc. Teilweise erhaltet ihr einen Einblick in meine privaten Gedanken und Gespräche mit meinen Gästen. Ich wünsche euch ganz viel Spaß und freue mich auf euch😊😉😎 Feedback könnt ihr auf Instagram unter Benutzernamen: Lady Honest schicken.
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The Oprah Rose Show

The Oprah Rose Show

The juxtaposition between being a spiritual and sexually liberated woman is that at some point you’re gonna end up on both knees. Join TT, GG & DD as they discuss sex, Drake, religion, and everything in between on The Oprah Rose Podcast. Questions, comments, feedback, and make sure to rate to show! Email - theoprahroseshow@gmail.com Instagram - @theoprahroseshow Twitter - @oprahroseshow www.theoprahroseshow.com/
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We weren't afraid to explore how Oprah could beat Donald Trump and we shared how Trump used Science & Energy, and how we all could too. Since it's about US and the momentum of a different kind of world, the conversation continues BEYOND! (Buy our ebooks & books on Amazon & Google Play.) EnergeticInvocations@gmail.com ©2018-2024 https://fanlink.to/EiAlliance (Disclaimer: For entertainment & conversation only; not political, or medical advice or prescription. No responsibility is assumed, as t ...
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Hear the greatest life lessons of some of the most respected and renowned actors, musicians, public figures and athletes. Handpicked by Oprah, these luminaries reveal their lives with candor and insight — in their own words. Listen as Jay -Z, Justin Timberlake, Ellen Degeneres, Shaquille O’Neal, Reba McEntire, Dwayne Johnson and Jane Fonda, (just to name a few), share what they’ve learned about life and their own insights into their personal stories.
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5 minute summaries of Super Soul's podcast episodes. Get the best insights and ideas in much less time, more at owltail.com Written summaries: https://www.owltail.com/summaries/90164-oprahs-supersoul-conversations Other podcast summaries in Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/5-min-summaries Other podcast summaries In other apps, search 'podcast summaries'. Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews ...
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show series
Original Air Date: August 10, 2017 What is the best time of day to meditate? How much time should you meditate each day? What is a mantra? Listen as renowned spiritual pioneer Deepak Chopra demystifies meditation and answers the most frequently asked questions. Oprah has known Deepak for 25 years, and she says he has “inspired her to lead a more co…
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Original Air Date: September 25, 2007 It's the sex talk your parents never had. Open marriages, sex over 60, friends with benefits, erotica. What's really going on in America's bedrooms? Oprah explores America’s sex life and sheds light on the subject. Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit https://bit.ly/OWNPods You can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, …
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Zdravo. Tokrat se spustimo globoko v decembrsko vzdušje, ki sicer diši po prasketanju ognja, darilih in denarju, a se nam zdi, da je naporni mesec že končno za nami, čeprav smo (nekateri) decembersko utrujenost čutili že od avgusta. Pogovarjamo se o tem, kako nas od kapitalizma vsiljeni "Bog Potrošnik" sili v neskončni nakupovalni vrtiljak (ker dar…
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Élodie chtěla jít svému štěstí naproti, ale naletěla špatným lidem. Giulia jednou večer nedorazila z nákupu domů. Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/349/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:15) mikropříběh(00:05:19) Élodie Morel(00:38:14) TOUR 2025(00:38:41) Sarah Boone(00:44:45) Giulia Cecchettin(01:06:45) zůstaňte naži…
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Plastic products are everywhere. But did you know that some pet products contain thousands of chemicals that could pose a health hazard to your pet and impact our planet's health? Tune in as Aiden Charron of Earthday.org shares a new report about pets vs. plastics and offers safe options for pet bowls, leashes, collars, toys and clothing. EPISODE N…
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Řekla jsem si, že vám nadělím k Vánocům něco, co by vám zároveň mohlo pomoct. Proč ztrácet čas vánočními filmy, co za to nestojí, když tu máme ultimate vánoční filmový guide od toho nejpovolanějšího?! Doufám, že si tenhle rozhovor užijete stejně jako já.
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Original Air Date: August 9, 2017 Is your life in overdrive? Are you frantic, stretched thin, doing too much with too little time? Entrepreneur and media mogul Arianna Huffington discusses the unexpected spiritual wake-up call that shifted her entire perception of success and what makes life meaningful. Oprah says this about Arianna’s candid interv…
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Original Air Date: December 31, 1986 For some it’s overeating, for others it’s smoking, but other bad habits include nail-biting, overspending and hairpulling. Oprah interviews self-help authors Dr. Shad Helmstetter Ph.D and Bob Meehan and a panel of women to discuss their motivations for quitting their negative additions. Featured expert Bob Meeha…
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Zdravo, tokrat začnemo z Martinom Strelom in njegovimi "podvigi", a se kaj kmalu posvetimo božičnem in novoletnem spektaklu, ki v vaša ušesa prihaja v izteku letošnjega leta. Letošnja zadnji dve bosta očitno res nekaj posebnega, zato ju komaj čakamo tudi mi. Glasba. Ples. Odlične gostje, tudi gostje. Vrhunski voditelji. Gostujoči komiki. Po čudnem …
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Anna byla slavnou cyklistkou, ale do cesty jí vstoupila žárlivost. Kdo zavraždil mladou studentku v jejím bytě? Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/348/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:48) mojeluna.cz(00:07:39) Anna Moriah Wilson(00:33:38) Alina Sheykhet(00:53:37) blbý kecy(00:56:53) zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte na svobo…
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He amazed the world with his uncanny predictions, like calling the winner of the U.S. Presidential election a remarkable 18 months early and predicting the team and score of the Super Bowl three days before it happened. Now, in honor of the late, internationally renowned mentalist The Amazing Kreskin, who passed away yesterday, we celebrate his end…
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Original Air Date: August 9, 2017 Superstar comedian Tracy Morgan, of “Saturday Night Live” and “30 Rock” fame, opens up about the near-death experience he had after a horrific multicar crash in 2014. While in a coma, Tracy encountered his late father, who told him, “I’m not ready for you, son.” Oprah says, “Anybody who has been able to live, go to…
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Original Air Date: December 30, 1986 Imagine giving birth and having your joy suddenly turn to anxiety and depression, followed by frightening hallucinations and being committed to a mental hospital, because you are a danger to yourself and to your new baby. Oprah interviews author Carol Dix, Dr. Nana Stotland, and a panel of mothers that had postp…
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Jennifer Holland, an author and conservation biologist, has swam with tiger sharks, compiled near a live volcano in Hawaii and floated in zero gravity over the Gulf of Mexico. But she has taken on her biggest challenge: dithering how dogs think. Join us for this lively episode as she discusses the ability for dogs to learn, remember and be adaptabl…
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V tokratni epizodi štartamo z debato o modrem in belem e-Golfu, v kader padeta kit in lonec petunij, kar pričara pravo štoparsko žurersko vzdušje, medtem ko se prepotenim mislim prileže finska savna. Ključni pripomoček za preživetje v galaksiji je zopet zvita brisača, željo pa tokrat pošljemo daleč, daleč stran. Kmalu za tem, ko se spomnimo pretekl…
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Krátké ohlédnutí za nezapomenutelnou O2 arenu. Gladys se přesvědčila o tom, že bývalý partner nemá na vaší svatbě co dělat. Lorena vstoupila do dějin jako žena mstitelka, když uřízla manželovi penis. Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/346/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:36) O2 arena(00:07:49) Gladys Ricart(00:34:35)…
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Original Air Date: August 8, 2017 Oprah continues her conversation with life coach Iyanla Vanzant, who reveals how she came back from the brink of suicide and survived her daughter’s tragic death. Iyanla explains how she uses the lessons she’s learned throughout her life to help others in crisis.Oprah tarafından oluşturuldu
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Original Air Date: December 26, 1986 No matter how rough the previous year was, the next can be full of unlimited success, happiness, and total joy. Oprah, a panel of self-help experts and audience members discuss how to process your feelings for a better life. Featured experts Dr. Wayne Dyer passed away in 2015, Shaki Gawain passed away in 2018 an…
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Zdravo! Ta teden smo gostje v prvem slovenskem astronomskem podkastu, kjer v 42. epizodi govorimo bolj o Štoparcu kot o astronomiji, čeprav presenetljivo dolgo vztrajamo v vesolju. Dunja in Maruša sta si naše gostovanje zamislili kot kviz, kjer, za razliko od klasičnih kvizov, iščemo vprašanja namesto odgovorov. Med vprašanji (in odgovori) zaidemo …
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Elaine si oprávněně vysloužila přezdívku Vražedkyně Chameleon. Peter prožíval krizi středního věku a ne všichni to přežili. Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/345/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:32) mikropříběh(00:02:52) Elaine Parent(00:21:44) Peter Morgan(00:58:43) mikropříběh(01:04:04) zůstaňte naživu, zůstaňte n…
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Na začátku byla láska, ale po pár letech a dětech už jenom láska nestačí. Nauč se, jaké principy můžou za to, že se láska ztrácí a co se s tím dá dělat. Prémiové díly našeho podcastu najdeš na forendors.cz/opravdovyvztah i herohero.co/opravdovyvztah #zamilovanost #laska #stereotyp #vztahyOpravdový vztah tarafından oluşturuldu
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Original Air Date: August 7, 2017 Spiritual teacher/author/life coach Iyanla Vanzant sifts through the tragedies, misfortune and abuse she suffered in her early life. Iyanla opens up about how she was able to reinvent herself and claim the life she knew she was destined to live.Oprah tarafından oluşturuldu
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Original Air Date: December 24, 1986 They are people who often go unnoticed and unappreciated, but always put others before themselves. Oprah interviews a panel of American heroes to discuss their inspirational good deeds. Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit https://bit.ly/OWNPods You can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and mor…
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Zdravo. Ta teden se sprašujemo, kako zapolniti praznino v sebi in najdemo nekaj odgovorov, od katerih vsi stremijo v smeri neustavljivega napredka in bogatijo kitajski BDP. Ugotovimo tudi, da je pitje te dni precej stigmatizirano in da je bil včasih smisel praznikov, da kaj spiješ (in ne da se srečaš z družino), danes pa temu ni tako. Seveda govori…
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John vyrazil na ples a nevrátil se domů, jeho případ trápil policii desítky let. Oscarův příběh je důkazem toho, že láska je slepá. Více o epizodě na https://www.ozlociny.cz/e/344/s/ (00:00:00) znělka(00:00:07) ahoj Zločinožrouti(00:00:44) zprávy od vás(00:02:51) mikropříběh(00:05:40) John McCabe(00:34:13) Oscar Ray Bolin(00:58:15) zůstaňte naživu,…
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