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Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)

Japanese podcast for beginners (Nihongo con Teppei)

“AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! Japanese podcast for beginners,Nihongo con Teppei,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! If you like this podcast, and you have the means, please consider making a donation. サポーターをどんどん募集中!! https://www.ital ...
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自然な日本語を聞きたい人へ!日本語勉強PODCASTです😺 🎙️Normal Episode➡️N3~N1 ⭐️OYASUMI PODCAST➡️N3~N1 🌱Daily Japanese Talk➡️N4~N3 Podcast Transcripts Sunny Side Japanese Speaking Class Youtube @harunonihongo Patreon Instagram: @haru_no_nihongo
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Online Japanese school Nihongo Picnic's Podcast for learners of Japanese! We pick up a topic for each episode and talk about it in Japanese. Here's the transcript of each episode: 🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview 🖥 Website: 🐦 Twitter: ...
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A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary.
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Are you eager to learn how native Japanese speakers converse? Tired of listening to slow-paced Japanese sentences in class? Our podcast is the answer to your requests. Join Makiko, a Japanese teacher, and her son Tora as they engage in lively, real-life conversations at a native speed. It might be challenging, but we're here to help you learn and speak natural, conversational Japanese. Join this mother-and-son duo and become a fan of our fun talks! よろしくね! The script is available here: https: ...
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"AI Transcripts are now available on my Patreon! Japanese podcast for intermadiate,Nihongo con Teppei Z,The best way to learn how to speak Japanese naturally!,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me!
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Podcast ที่อยากชวนคุณมาเรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นไปด้วยกัน เรียนคำศัพท์วันละนิด เรียนไวยากรณ์วันหน่อย แล้วจะค่อยๆเก่งไปเอง
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Nihongo Short Story by Noriko

Learn Japanese with stories!

Learn Japanese with stories! This is a podcast for intermediate Japanese learner and above. If you are a beginner Japanese learner, please check the words on the transcript first before listening. There is also transcripts so you can check if you heard it correctly. I talk about various topics in Japanese. **I teach Japanese online. If you are interested in my lesson, contact me from the link below!** **Buy me a cof ...
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こんにちは!このポッドキャストでは、仲良し夫婦のたつやとちよしの日々の何気ない会話(雑談)から自然な会話表現をたくさん聞くことができます☻ 楽しんでもらえると嬉しいです! Hi guys! We’re NAKAYOSHI Japanese couple. You can hear supernatural conversational expressions through our chats! Hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts! / non-scripted Japanese conversation 日本語の中・上級学習者にオススメです。 This channel is suitable for intermediate and advanced Japanese learners. Transcripts: Instagram: YouTube: ...
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日本語の先生、かおりです。 日本のこと、日本語のこと、日々の生活のことなど、お話していきます。 TwitterとInstagramはこちらから! ↓
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Regular Podcast: Asaradio Website (Scripts are here) Patreon Facebook Page Youtube Topic request Twitter
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Nihongo con Teppei is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! I started this podcast back in 2018. Listening to them now I feel a bit embarrassed but at the same time very proud of myself. I was very nervous but very brave just like everyone when they speak Japanese as a foreign language. I re-upload those episode because the previous sever didn't allow me to show all the epi ...
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こんにちは Hi everyone, this is a podcast for Japanese learners from a native Japanese teacher. I talk about Japanese language, culture, any topics about Japan. I receive questions from learners every day. I'm happy to answer to your questions too!! Please send me your questions/requests on Instagram: japanese_nihongo_sensei このポッドキャストでは、わかりやすい日本語で話します。日本語のスクリプトや単語リストもできる限りつけるので、リスニングやボキャブラリーの勉強にも役に立つと思います。日本と海外の架け橋になるようなポッドキャストにしたいです👍 It takes lots of ti ...
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Japanese podcast for beginners through intermadiate learners,Learn Japanese With BIZARRE stories-Nihongo con Teppei, is another Nihongo con Teppei podcast channel for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me!
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Nihongo con Teppei Essential- the best way for learning essential Japanese Grammar and Vocabulary in Use -,is a podcast for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me! For those who have more advanced level I teach here! Find me!
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Japanese podcast for beginners through intermadiate learners,Fukushu con Teppei ,is Another Nihongo con Teppei channel ,is a podcast channel for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me!
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Learn Japanese While Sleeping(Nihongo con Teppei Way)

Learn Japanese While Sleeping (Nihongo con Teppei Way)

Japanese podcast for beginners through intermadiate learners, Learn Japanese While Sleeping (Nihongo con Teppei Way) ,Another Nihongo con Teppei channel ,is a podcast channel for learners of Japanese language. Listen,learn and have fun while picking up natural Japanese as it really is spoken.Let’s study Japanese with me!
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show series
ぐらんぱる公園 🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. Ako talks about her weekend trip to Izu with her family and her brother’s family. Listen to hear more about their adventures. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview ----- ✍️⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Transcript of each episode⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🗞️⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sign up for the n…
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In this episode of Nihongo no Tane, Yumi shares a shopping trip with her daughter that started with a simple plan to buy one pair of exercise pants but ended with three! She also talks about how their dog, Maro, played a role in this unexpected shopping spree. Along the way, Yumi reflects about how English words get adapted into Japanese. Tune in f…
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3月(さんがつ)になると日本(にほん)は卒業式(そつぎょうしき)シーズンに入(はい)ります。 とらくんもつい先日(せんじつ)無事(ぶじ)に高校(こうこう)を卒業(そつぎょう)しました。 今日は卒業式(そつぎょうしき)を前(まえ)に、お弁当(べんとう)作(づく)りの生活(せいかつ)が終(お)わり、夜(よる)の時間(じかん)を持(も)て余(あま)すようになった私(わたし)の新(あたら)しい趣味(しゅみ)探(さが)しの話(はなし)から、とらくんの高校(こうこう)生活(せいかつ)や学生(がくせい)生活(せいかつ)の振(ふ)り返(かえ)りなどを話(はな)しました。 In March, Japan enters the graduation ceremony season. Just the other…
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続きはPatreonで聞くことができます!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Japanese Lesson⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Shadowing Course⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Youtube@HARUKA ~Next Step Japanese~ [email protected]@next.step.japanese
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🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. In this episode, Ako talks about her first ski trip with her family! It was fun, but also a bit hard. What happened? Listen to find out! 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview ----- ✍️⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Transcript of each episode⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🗞️⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sign up for the n…
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多く(おおく)の日本(にほん)のアニメが実写化(じっしゃか)されて映画(えいが)になっていますが、 実写化(じっしゃか)されて評判(ひょうばん)が良かった(よかった)もの、悪かった(わるかった)ものと、アニメファンからの評価(ひょうか)はいろいろです。 今回はおすすめのアニメ実写化(じっしゃか)映画(えいが)のランキングtop 20を紹介(しょうかい)したいと思います(おもいます)。 海外(かいがい)で視聴(しちょう)可能(かのう)かはわかりませんが、皆さん(みなさん)の国(くに)でも観(み)れるのであればぜひ見(み)てみてください。 Many Japanese anime have been adapted into live-action films; however, the live…
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🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview ----- ✍️⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Transcript of each episode⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🗞️⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Sign up for the newsletter!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📓⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Nihongo Picnic blog post on Substack⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ----- Nihongo Picnic⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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日本(にほん)では今(いま)シーズン最大(さいだい)の寒波(かんぱ)がやってきて、日本中(にほんじゅう)で雪(ゆき)が降(ふ)ったり気温(きおん)がマイナスになったりしています。 今回は寒(さむ)い冬(ふゆ)を少(すこ)しでも楽(たの)しめるよう、日本(にほん)の綺麗(きれい)な雪景色(ゆきげしき)を紹介(しょうかい)しています。 ポッドキャストなので、画像(がぞう)が見(み)られないですが、ぜひ出(で)てきた地名(ちめい)で調(しら)べて綺麗(きれい)な雪景色(ゆきげしき)を堪能(たんのう)してみてください。 Japan is experiencing the strongest cold wave of the season, bringing snowfall and sub-zero…
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Furigana and English scripts are on my website: [Japanese script] 日本の2月のイベントといえば、バレンタインデーです。ここ数年は、本命チョコや義理チョコだけではなく、サロン・ド・ショコラなどのイベントで自分のための高級なチョコレートを買う人も多いようです。今日は、身近だけど意外と知らない、チョコレートの歴史を紹介します。 突然ですが、「テオブロマカカオ」という言葉を知っていますか?これはチョコレートの原料であるカカオの木の学術名です。なんとこの言葉、ギリシャ語で「神々の食べ物」という意味なんですっ…
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🚲:A little easier than other episodes. Most grammar I use in the episodes are N4 level. 🚃:About N3 level 🚀:For advanced learners 👥:Interview ----- ✍️⁠⁠⁠⁠Transcript of each episode⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🗞️⁠⁠⁠⁠Sign up for the newsletter!⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📓⁠⁠⁠⁠Nihongo Picnic blog post on Substack⁠⁠⁠⁠ ----- Nihongo Picnic⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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