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free public domain audiobooks
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Libri, libri e ancora: Libri! In bookanieri parliamo dei libri che ci piacciono e che, speriamo, possano piacere pure a voi!
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Seznamte se s knihami, které doporučují známé osobnosti. Všechny díly podcastu Ex libris můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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La domenica dei libri è la trasmissione di libri e cultura di Radio Popolare. Ogni settimana, interviste agli autori, approfondimenti, le novità del dibattito culturale, soprattutto la passione della lettura e delle idee. Condotta da Roberto Festa
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Hörspiele lassen fantastische Welten in unseren Köpfen entstehen: das nebelverhangene London, ein Piratenschiff im Sturm, die Weiten des Weltraums – alles wird vor unserem inneren Auge lebendig und das nur durch die Kraft von Stimmen, Geräuschen und Musik. Beim Theater ex libris kann man Hörspiel sehen - live auf der Bühne. Mit Live-Musik, einer aufwändigen Bildpräsentation und stimmungsvollen Lichteffekten verwandelt das Ensemble Literaturklassiker und eigene Geschichten in spannende Live-H ...
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Libri per il successo si presenta come un podcast dove si propone all’ascoltatore un libro che possa fornire spunti per migliorare la sfera personale e professionale. Ogni due settimana un libro- un argomento, una pillola pratica, se mettiamo insieme podcast dopo podcast nell’arco di un periodo ci troviamo ad assimilare una serie di strumenti che di danno una marcia in più. Ovviamente i libri vanno letti e questo programma è pieno di opinioni e aneddoti personali del suo autore, non intende ...
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Yugen (cinema, serie tv, libri, fumetti, musica, giochi, luoghi, consigli, classifiche, film, nerd)
Claudio Garioni
Ingredienti: consigli, liste di cose belle, film, musica, libri, fumetti, amici nerd, serie tv, videogiochi, luoghi e tutto quello che passa per le teste qui riunite da Claudio Garioni. Special Guest: CARLO LUCARELLI, ANDREA DELOGU, LUCA RAVENNA, PAOLA BARBATO, MAX COLLINI (Offlaga Disco Pax), GIULIO PRANNO, GIACOMO KEISON BEVILACQUA, GIANLUCA MOROZZI, WALTER LEONARDI, BARONCIANI, SANTAMATITA, CARLO CORALLO, LEONARDO PATRIGNANI, STANLIO KUBRICK (I 400 calci), MEGANOIDI, FRANCESCO DIMITRI, LU ...
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Gli incipit di Due Minuti Un Libro. Il piacere della lettura ad alta voce. Che sia un thriller, un romanzo, un manuale, un libro per bambini o ragazzi, di poesie, un distopico, un autobiografico, uno spirituale a noi piace leggerli. Buon ascolto!
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Getting the intelligence back from AI with history's greatest truths not spoken.
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Un’inviata virtuale in libreria per scoprire le ultime novità del mercato editoriale. In ogni puntata due interviste dal vivo a scrittrici e scrittori, italiani e stranieri, per parlare dei romanzi: dai personaggi ai temi, dalle trame ai retroscena della scrittura. Con uno stile informale Alessandra Tedesco racconta i romanzi e talvolta anche gli aspetti inediti degli autori. Un modo per orientarsi nella vasta produzione editoriale e scegliere il libro adatto a sé.
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Um podcast rápido e ligeiro (às vezes) sobre Política, Comportamento Humano, Ciência, Tecnologia e Cultura do Projeto Impressões Digitais.
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Hosted at, read by Karen Savage
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free public domain audiobooks
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Programa de ràdio sobre llibres. (Ràdio Cardedeu). Presentat i dirigit per Clara Calbet.
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Das Ö1 Literaturmagazin präsentiert Neues aus der Welt der Literatur - Neuerscheinungen, Kritiken, Texte sowie Autor/innen im Porträt.
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Benvenuti amanti dei libri! Questo podcast nasce con l'obiettivo di diventare una grande libreria comune dove potrete trovare, ogni settimana, nuovi suggerimenti di lettura.
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Scrivi? Vorresti lavorare nel mondo dei libri? Leggi? Se l'editoria ti sembra un pianeta misterioso, scopriamolo assieme!
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A Libri Magazin podcast-csatornája íróportrékkal, könyvajánlókkal és tematikus műsorokkal várja a könyvrajongókat. Kövesse csatornánkat a Spotify-on vagy a Google és az Apple podcast-alkalmazásaiban, és kerüljön képbe a legfrissebb könyves újdonságokkal!
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È finalmente arrivato il momento di partire per un viaggio che ci catapulterà nel mondo dei libri e dei brividi di amore, dolore, piacere, stupore, follia che riescono a fare vivere nei nostri corpi… vera LIBRIDINE. Un programma di Radio NFO realizzato da Elena Piazza, Andrea Firrincieli e Giorgio Grasso.
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by L.M. Montgomery, audiobook read by Karen Savage
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Le anteprime audio degli audio libri di Antonio Tombolini Editore, disponibili su "Il Narratore"
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Listen to some of the UK’s wittiest wordsmiths cross pens as they bluff and counter bluff in Ex Libris LIVE! the entertaining panel show adaptation of Ex Libris, the game of first lines and last words. Be prepared for a good deal of bluffing, entertaining chit-chat and outright literary sneakiness! While panelists set about writing fake but plausible opening or closing sentences to genuine books, the Ex Libris LIVE! host, broadcaster David Freeman, will interview, in turn, each contender dis ...
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William Librizzi is the founder and director of The Wellspring Counseling Center and the Wellspring Communications Group in Manasquan, New Jersey. He, along with his team of Christian counselors, assist individuals in the areas of emotional and spiritual growth. They work with their clients integrating the word of God with sound, psychological principals. Reverend Librizzi is a Licensed Professional Counselor within the state of New Jersey and an ordained minister. Prior to counseling full t ...
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I romanzi di Ferrante saranno la cartina di tornasole per guardare ai libri scritti dalle donne, al femminismo per come lo intende Ferrante e soprattutto alle italiane che sono le vere protagoniste dell’opera monumentale dell’autrice invisibile. Io sono Viviana Scarinci ho scritto fino a oggi alcuni libri su Elena Ferrante pubblicati in Italia e in Germania.
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Mi chiamo Mariana, sono una ladra compulsiva, ossessiva e ripetitiva. E sono una ladra di libri. Ogni lunedì on line con le #bookreviews della settimana, interviste e tutte le news dal mondo dell'editoria e dei libri.
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Podcast sul mondo dei libri gialli e non solo. Sono Federica, giornalista patita di libri, cacciatrice di storie. Se ami scoprire nuovi libri da leggere, sei nella stanza giusta.
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Zona Lettura è un podcast di recensioni letterarie ideato per avvicinare alla lettura, per stimolare alla riflessione, per approfondire temi di interesse letterario, e per consigliare nuovi titoli a chi è in cerca di novità.
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Autrice di romance, thriller e fantasy MM e LGBTQ, ma anche lettrice compulsiva e book-blogger. Amo leggere e scrivere per poter condividere, con chi ama la lettura, quelle che sono le mie sensazioni, emozioni, pensieri vissuti quando leggo un libro, e per dare visibilità a quegli scrittori esordienti, schiacciati dai big, ma che meritano di essere letti. Con questi podcast proseguo una rubrica già intrapresa su Facebook, Instagram e YouTube di lettura di incipit, prologo, primo capitolo o e ...
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Shpjeguar nga Hoxhë Lulzim Perçuku. Pesë librat prej ku është marrë komenti i librit: 1. Fet’hul Mexhid – Abdurrahman Ibn Hasen (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 2. Tejsirul Azizil Hamid – Sulejman Ibn Abdilah (nipi i shejhut), Allahu e mëshiroftë 3. Temhid – Shejh Salih alu Shejh, Allahu e ruajtë 4. Ianetul Mustefid – Shejh Feuzani, Allahu e ruajtë 5. El Kaulu el-Mufid – Shejh Uthejmini, Allahu e mëshiroftë ©Të gjitha të drejtat i përkasin shoqatës "Qendra Udhëzimi". Menaxheri i këtij p ...
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In questo podcast del Digital marketing, a cura di Massimo Brugnone, appuntamento ogni venerdì con i libri editi e proposti dal Sole 24 Ore
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Ogni lunedì recensisco i migliori libri di marketing e business per aiutarti a: - crescere - impara subito i 3 punti chiave del libro - scoprire di più sui migliori autori
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Questo podcast si intitola "Libri che raccontano idee" perché bisogna sempre farsi ispirare dalle idee che circolano per non rimanere mai indietro. Io mi chiamo Luigi Serra e sono un consulente di Marketing e le idee di questi libri sono dedicate ai piccoli imprenditori, a quelli che devono fare tutto da soli per promuovere una azienda e a quelli che cercano nuove strade. In "Libri che raccontano idee" parlerò di marketing, di comunicazione, di business e di digitale.
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Un libro, un podcast. Le conversazioni dei nostri autori con il direttore editoriale della nostra casa editrice, Marco Lillo. Arricchite, talvolta, da uno o più commentatori autorevoli che partecipano al dialogo. Il primo episodio è dedicato a Contro! di Alessandro Di Battista. Seguiranno L’Uomo nero e le stragi di Giovanni Vignali con la partecipazione di Carlo Lucarelli e Antonella Beccaria, Le Banane della Repubblica di Pino Corrias, Il caso Khashoggi di Marco Lillo e Valeria Pacelli, Io ...
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86 - Sesso Porno Orgasmi (con Valeria Montebello, Alice Scornajenghi, Davide Morresi & Eleonora Pizzi)
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Menù del giorno: - Succede di Notte di VALERIA MONTEBELLO (che ci consiglia anche Cormac McCarthy) 0' 59'' - Atti puri di ALICE SCORNAJENGHI (che ci consiglia anche Karma Yoga di Swami Vivekananda) 17' 15'' - 5 canzoni che parlano di orgasmo scelte da DAVIDE MORRESI & ELEONORA PIZZI (Read & Play) 31' 00'' ATTENZIONE: contiene cioccolato, disagio, d…
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La domenica dei libri di domenica 08/12/2024
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
La domenica dei libri è la trasmissione di libri e cultura di Radio Popolare.Ogni settimana, interviste agli autori, approfondimenti, le novità del dibattito culturale, soprattutto la passione della lettura e delle idee.Condotta da Roberto Festa
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"Miss Bee e il cadavere in biblioteca" di Alessia Gazzola e "Meccanica di un addio" di Carlo Calabrò
Miss Bee è il nuovo personaggio creato dalla penna di Alessia Gazzola, autrice delle serie con Alice Allevi (L'allieva) e Costanza Macallè. La serie con Miss Bee è ambientata negli anni '20 a Londra. Miss Bee, Beatrice Bernabò, è una ventenne italiana che vive da quattro anni in Inghilterra insieme al padre Leonida, docente di italianistica, e alle…
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Una raccolta illustrata che trascina il lettore all’interno di una incalzante e dinamica riflessione, non scontata, con versi sempre calibrati, sottili, pungenti, in cui aleggia quell’ironia socratica, quasi un voler mettere in difficoltà la coscienza del singolo, per condurlo a disfarsi, qualora ce ne fosse di bisogno, delle proprie polverose conv…
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EPISODIO 93- CRISI - JARED DIAMOND 7 COLPI DI MACHETE SITO: COACHING: Trascrizione del podcast on leggo solo libri di crescita personale, anche perché come vi ho detto in passate occasioni serve fino a un certo punto, se n…
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Nostalgia Canaglia!
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Torniamo con una puntata interlocutoria dove vi parliamo dei libri della nostra infanzia/adolescenza, una selezione breve ma intensa di letture che hanno accompagnato i vostri Bokkanieri durante la loro giovane età! Buon Ascolto! Acquista "Voodoo Palace" --> Ti piace quello che facciamo? Offrici un caffè --> https://ko-fi.…
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LibriVox recording of Grace Holbrook, and Other Stories of Endeavor and Experience by Pansy. Read in English by TriciaG. Ten short stories of girls, each one relating a little lesson in doing one's duty, being a person of integrity, or other character lessons.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types:…
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LibriVox recording of Horto by Auta de Souza. Read in Portuguese by LibriVox Volunteers. Horto é o único livro de poesias escrito pela poeta norte-rio-grandense Auta de Souza, publicado em 1900. O manuscrito, então com o nome de Dhálias, foi avaliado por Olavo Bilac, que fez o prefácio com o tÃ.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U. S. A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West by Washington Irving. Read in English by Carol Pelster. Benjamin Bonneville spent the years 1832 to 1835 on the adventure of a lifetime, leading an expedition of trapping, trading, and explo.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Medieval Contributions to Modern Civilisation by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. The mediaeval contributions to modern civilisation, which are the theme of this book, are twofold.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorre…
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LibriVox recording of Fine Clothes to the Jew by Langston Hughes. Read in English by Dar'Keith Lofton. Fine Clothes to the Jew is a 1927 poetry collection by Langston Hughes. The collection was widely criticized, especially in the Black press, because it departed from sentimental depictions of Afric.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Love's Contrivance by Susanna Centlivre. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. The usual: One Woman with two suitors for her hand. One preferred by the woman, another preferred for her by her father.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive Bit…
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LibriVox recording of My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Have you ever wanted to fly on the back of a dragon? Well, so did a little boy whose name was Elmer.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTXT, …
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LibriVox recording of The Black Cat Vol. 04 No. 07 April 1899 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. The Black Cat (1895-1922) was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps M…
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LibriVox recording of El cocodrilo by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Read in Spanish by Victor Villarraza. Un acontecimiento extraordinario, o el relato verídico que refiere cómo a un caballero de cierta edad y mucho respeto se lo tragó, vivo y todo, el cocodrilo que estaba expuesto en el "Pasaje", y lo que.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This …
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Der kleine Prinz das Studio-Hörspiel mit Die wilden Hörer
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Bei "Hörspiele sehen" wird es melancholisch, amüsant und romantisch: Björn und Christoph nehmen sich das brandneue Studio-Hörspiel "Der kleine Prinz" vom Theater ex libris vor. Mit an Bord: die wilden Hörer André und Jörn! Die beiden Hörspiel-Fans haben das Stück nicht nur gehört, sondern knallhart rezensiert – inklusive ihrer absoluten Lieblingsst…
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LibriVox recording of Fábulas by Félix María de Samaniego. Read in Spanish by LibriVox Volunteers. He aquí una colección de cuentos y fábulas escritas a fines del siglo XVIII. Estas cortas historias, distribuidas en nueve libros, comprenden cuentos personificados en animales donde el autor int.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This ite…
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LibriVox recording of Psychologie der Massen by Gustave Le Bon. (Translated by Rudolf Eisler.) Read in German by Yessy. Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931) war ein französischer Mediziner, Anthropologe, Psychologe, Soziologe und Erfinder.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archi…
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LibriVox recording of Poems We All Love by Montrose L. Barnet. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. This is a collection of familiar poems from beloved poets from Tennyson and Shakespeare to Longfellow and Emerson.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorren…
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Co psali Lennon nebo da Vinci? Michael Bird: Dopisy umělců
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Osobní dopisy jsou fenomén, který pomalu odchází z naší reality. O co přicházíme, když všeobecně opouštíme písemnou korespondenci a využíváme téměř výhradně elektronické komunikace? Britský spisovatel a historik umění Michael Bird shromáždil stovku úryvků z dopisů slavných umělců do knihy, aby mimo jiné připomněl právě kouzlo rukou psaného textu. A…
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V Ex libris nahlédneme do soukromé korespondence umělců prostřednictvím knihy britského spisovatele a historika umění Michaela Birda
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Všechny díly podcastu Ex libris můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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LibriVox recording of Survivals by Lewis V. F. Randolph. Read in English by Bruce Kachuk. The unique poetry of Lewis V.F. Randolph is brilliantly brought to life in this wide-ranging collection of some of his best work.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorr…
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LibriVox recording of Sammlung deutscher Gedichte 042 by Various. Read in German by LibriVox Volunteers. Dies ist ein offenes Projekt für deutsche Lyrik: jedes Gedicht, das in der Public Domain (gemeinfrei) ist, wird in die Lyrik-Sammlung aufgenommen.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps …
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LibriVox recording of An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens by William Carey. Read in English by AletheiaCharis. William Carey was discouraged by the lack of interest in foreign missions among the church and wrote this book in an attempt to wak.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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Listen to LibriVox Community Podcast #152 – What LibriVox Taught Me, hosted by Jessie Percival. Duration: 15:25 This episode includes contributions from jpercival, shrimpphish, and redrun. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0:00 – Intro 0:25 – Here We Come a Wassailing from the Christmas Carol Collection 2006 2:12 – update, Statistics, and L…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 15 recordings of Autumn: A Dirge by Percy Bysshe Shelley. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for November 24, 2024. American literary critic Harold Bloom describes Shelley as "a superb craftsman, a lyric poet without rival, and surely one of the most advanced sce.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of December by Harriet F. Blogett. This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 1, 2024. This poem is taken from Our American Holidays, Christmas, Its origin, celebration and significance as related in prose and verse (1907).... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the foll…
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LibriVox recording of The Sun Also Rises, Version 2 by Ernest Hemingway. Read in English by Mark Nelson. This first novel by Ernest Hemingway follows a group of American and British expatriates in the years following World War I as they travel from Paris to Pamplona for the running of the bulls.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This it…
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LibriVox recording of The Italian Twins by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. This book recounts the adventures of the Italian twins Beppo and Beppina, when they get separated from their nurse, Teresina, during Easter celebrations.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128…
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LibriVox recording of A Crown of Straw by Allen Upward. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. There is a plan afoot to commit murder, but who could be the intended victim? The scene switches to an old forester and his seventeen-year-old daughter, Dorothea, who is enjoying the attentions and gifts .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of Love of Life and Other Stories by Jack London. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. "Love Of Life" (1906) is a collection of stories set in the Yukon of men, women and animals fighting for survival over the elements and over others.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 12…
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LibriVox recording of Supersticiones y Leyendas Mayas by Manuel Rejón García. Read in Spanish by LibriVox Volunteers. Compendio de leyendas cortas de los Mayas, con unos pasajes en maya. La antigua importancia de este pueblo es bien conocida; habían hecho el mayor progreso arquitectónico de Nort.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This i…
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LibriVox recording of Oil! by Upton Sinclair. Read in English by Bob R. The two main characters of “Oil” are James Arnold Ross, called “Dad”, and his son James Jr., called “Bunny”. The book is loosely based on a real character (Edward L.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP…
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LibriVox recording of Droll Stories of Isthmian Life by Evelyn Saxton. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Enjoy these stories compiled from the travels and customs of life from the Isthmus! Our author takes us along a journey and tells the tales and stories that happen along the way! - Summary .... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox recording of The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report by Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Here is the final report of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission into the causes of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following …
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LibriVox recording of The Land of the Changing Sun by William N. Harben. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Powerful science and self promoted benevolence can lead to some glaringly dangerous situations.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, DjVuTX…
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LibriVox recording of Brink of Madness by Walt Sheldon. Read in English by Ben Tucker. C.I.B. Agent Pell used his head, even if he did rely on hunches more than on the computer. In fact, when the game got rough, he found that to use his head, he first had to keep it....... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the follow…
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LibriVox recording of "Abe" Lincoln's Anecdotes and Stories by R. D. Wordsworth. Read in English by mkirkpat. According to the compiler, R.D. Wordsworth, this is a collection of the best stories told by Lincoln which made him famous as America's Best Story Teller.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following ty…
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LibriVox recording of David Copperfield, Band 02 (Version 2) by Charles Dickens. (Translated by Julius Seybt.) Read in German by josvanaken. David Copperfield von Charles Dickens ist ein viktorianischer Bildungsroman, der die Lebensgeschichte des Protagonisten David Copperfield erzählt.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has fi…
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LibriVox recording of The Spirit of Christ by Andrew Murray. Read in English by Christopher Smith. Shortly after his ascension to heaven, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, the Promise of the Father, to indwell, comfort, teach, strengthen and encourage believers.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128…
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LibriVox recording of Rime by Guido Guinizelli. Read in Italian by Pier. Raccolta di Canzoni, sonetti (e anche rime a lui solo incertamente attribuite) di Guido Guinizelli , ca 1230 - 1276, tratte da “Le rime dei poeti bolognesi del secolo XIII raccolte ed ordinate da Tommaso Casini.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files…
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LibriVox recording of Underwoods (Book 1) by Robert Louis Stevenson. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist and poet best known for his children's adventure stories.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps MP3, Archive BitTorrent, D…
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Wolfgang Schäuble: Vzpomínky. Můj život v politice
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Vedle Angely Merkelové bychom asi jen těžko v zemích Evropské unie hledali politika, který se v poslední době v nejvyšších patrech moci pohyboval tak dlouho a zanechal tam tak výraznou stopu jako Wolfgang Schäuble. Letos v Německu vyšly jeho paměti, které se českého překladu zatím nedočkaly. Jejich název je možné přeložit jako Vzpomínky. Můj život …
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LibriVox recording of The Western Boundary, and Other Essays by Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke. Read in English by Alister. Moltke’s The Western Boundary was originally published in the journal Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift in 1841.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 128Kbps MP3, 64Kbps M…
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LibriVox recording of Short Poetry Collection 258 by Various. Read in English by LibriVox Volunteers. This is a collection of 49 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers during November 2024. For further information, including links to online text, reader information, RSS feeds, CD cover or othe.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. Th…
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LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 recordings of Night By George William Russell. This was the Weekly Poetry project for November 24, 2024. George William Russell, who wrote with the pseudonym Æ (often written AE or A.E.), was an Irish writer, editor, critic, poet, painter and Irish nationalist.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item…
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LibriVox recording of The Murders in Praed Street by John Street. Read in English by Yoganandh T. Written under the pseudonym John Rhode. A series of murders occur in Praed Street of London and the eccentric scientist Dr Priestly sees the connection in them.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This item has files of the following types: 1…
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LibriVox recording of La Guerra y la Paz: Primera Parte. Antes de Zilvitt (1805-1807) by Leo Tolstoy. Read in Spanish by Epachuko. En 1869, tras seis años de arduo trabajo con la colaboración de su esposa Sophia Tolstaya, Tolstoy publicó la versión final de La Guerra y la Paz, considerada una de.... This item belongs to: audio/librivoxaudio. This i…
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La domenica dei libri di domenica 01/12/2024
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
La domenica dei libri è la trasmissione di libri e cultura di Radio Popolare.Ogni settimana, interviste agli autori, approfondimenti, le novità del dibattito culturale, soprattutto la passione della lettura e delle idee.Condotta da Roberto Festa
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