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Learn Korean with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at KoreanClass101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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This podcast is brought to you by Kay, a veteran Korean teacher and author of several Korean language books, including Korean Through Folktales, Essential Korean for Daily Conversation, and Online Learning Module for Advanced and Superior Korean. If you want to learn from a teacher who explains the nuances of the Korean language and its grammar, asks you questions, and practices with you using real-life examples, this podcast is for you. Join our vibrant community of learners! Connect with o ...
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Korean True Crime covers all of the horrors that South Korea has to offer, including serial killers, murders, unsolved mysteries, and more! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/koreantruecrime/support
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매기성경강해 프로그램은 전 세계를 대상으로 한 Thru the Bible의 성경강해 사역의 일부분입니다. 본 시리즈는 본래 Vernon McGee박사가 기획했고, 번역되어 100여개 이상의 언어와 방언으로 제작되었습니다. 본 프로그램의 의도는 daily 30분 라디오 프로그램을 통해 청취자들에게 성경전체를 체계적으로 강해하는 것입니다. 이제 바로 그 프로그램을 인터넷을 통해 들으실 수 있습니다. 이제 여러분께서 본 프로그램의 청취를 통해 하나님의 말씀을 더 배우기로 결정하셔서 감사합니다. 월요일 - 금요일까지 매일 최소한 1편씩 청취하실 것을 권합니다. 앞으로 매주 계속해서 5년동안 청취하시면, 성경 전체를 마치시게 됩니다.
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You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com Boost your fluency in Korean with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers.
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This is a Korean-English conversation podcast channel. Follow our bi-weekly conversation, world travel episode and life lessons from English speaking Jacob, and his Korean speaking daddy. 한국 아버지와 아들의 대화와 들으며 함께 웃으며 공부해요. Treat Jacob with a cup of hot chocolate and access scripts and other bonus contents, please become our sponsor on https://www.buymeacoffee.com/koreanwithdaddy
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How does modern day Korea compare to America? Join co-hosts Daniel and Jun every week as they explore a topic and discuss it from both the American and Korean perspective. If you're looking to learn more about Korean society and culture, are a part of the Korean diaspora and curious how Korea has changed since you, your parents, or your grandparents left, or are simply interested in broadening your personal worldview and perspective, then we hope you'll listen in and join us on this journey! ...
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Want to keep up to date with all things Korean beauty? Join host Lauren Lee, founder of K-Beauty platform STYLE STORY as she talks K-Beauty live from Seoul, South Korea. If you want an insight into the products, ingredients and trends you’ll be seeing next in beauty as well as how to perfect your own K-Beauty routine, then this is the podcast for you.
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Each episode here contains dialogue in Korean which focuses on only one or two grammar forms. ​The more you listen, the better you will be in Korean. website:koreantogosf.com
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Talk To Me In Korean

Talk To Me In Korean

The key to learning Korean is how easy it is to stay motivated to learn the language. At TalkToMeInKorean.com, we provide a systematic curriculum of easy-to-follow lessons, and a wide selection of self-study Korean-learning books!
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Youtube: Bringing Korean to you! Are you taking a good rest missing some relaxing Korean voice talking about her daily life? A Korean woman moved from Seoul to New York in 2015 and teaching French in a public school, also certified to teach Korean but haven't got a chance to teach Korean yet. She went through a lot of things since she got to New York.
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Learn to speak Korean with bite-sized Korean lessons with Hyunwoo and Kyeong-eun from TalkToMeInKorean.com! Start from Level 1 if you are an absolute beginner, and start from whichever level that fits your current Korean level and start learning for free! You can get accompanying textbooks, workbooks and e-books on our website at http://talktomeinkorean.com !
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Koreansk læringsakselerator

Language Learning Accelerator

Hvis du prøver å tenke deg inn i å lære koreansk, gjør du det feil. Lær koreansk som du gjorde norsk: ved å høre mye av det. (Med minst en vag idé om hva det betyr!) Tusenvis av koreanske fraser, sammen med de norske oversettelsene, presentert direkte til hjernen din: fra praktisk til filosofisk til flørting. Bare setninger, ingen fyllstoff! Gå langt utover det grunnleggende koreanske språket for å ikke bare kommunisere, men faktisk bli en interessant person på koreansk. Som et verktøy for k ...
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The Not So Korean Podcast with Jay & Tim is recorded live from New Malden, the UK and Europe's largest Koreatown. We bring you news, topics of conversation, and interviews related to the Korean community and K-Culture. LINKS: https://open.spotify.com/show/011IZHc3G4yl39Ep2BF6OX Instagram.com/NotSoKoreanPodcast Facebook.com/NotSoKoreanPodcast YouTube: https://YouTube.com/JasonVerney Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/011IZHc3G4yl39Ep2BF6OX iTunes / Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.c ...
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안녕하세요 ♡ (ど素人の)日本人がゆるっと韓国語(と日本語)でしゃべるラジオ♡韓国映画、ドラマ、音楽、韓国人!とっても大好き😘なkanaです。留学経験なし、最初は独学から。韓国語が好き!が再燃したのでアウトプットのため、日々の日常や韓国語学習、、たまに心穏やかに過ごすエッセンスなどについて話します✨ stand.fm始めました https://stand.fm/channels/5f795870f04555115d331799 間違って聴いちゃった方、ごめんなさい笑笑 メッセージなどお待ちしてます💗 치유와 힐링 전할수 있으면 기쁩니다☺️ #Japanese #Korean language #learning Korean #韓国語 #日本人 #日本語 #ゆるっとおしゃべり #ヒーリング #こころ #癒し
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몰몬경은 성경에 비교할 수 있는 거룩한 경전이다. 이것은 하나님이 미 대륙의 고대 주민들에게 행하신 일을 기록한 것이며 여기에는 충만하고 영원한 복음이 실려 있다.
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Korean Learning Accelerator

Language Learning Accelerator

If you're trying to think your way into learning Korean, you're doing it wrong. Learn Korean like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!) Thousands of Korean Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting. Just phrases, no filler! Go way beyond the Korean language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in Korean. As an audio-o ...
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Der Koreanischkurs Podcast ist der Podcast zum Koreanischkurs YouTube Kanal von Hyunok Jang und Gerhard Reus. Hier üben und besprechen wir alles was ihr zum Koreanischkurs und zur koreanischen Sprache wissen müsst.
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Evie, a lone Korean drama fan, discusses her latest Kdrama obsessions, a bit of Korean history and random kdrama thoughts. New episode EVERY FRIDAY. Visit Evie's Patreon to support the show and for extra episodes: https://www.patreon.com/EvieKoreanDramaPodcast
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Koreansk inlärningsaccelerator

Language Learning Accelerator

Om du försöker tänka dig för att lära dig koreanska så gör du det fel. Lär dig koreanska som du gjorde svenska: genom att höra mycket av det. (Med åtminstone en vag uppfattning om vad det betyder!) Tusentals koreanska fraser, tillsammans med de svenska översättningarna, presenteras direkt till din hjärna: från praktiskt till filosofiskt till flirtande. Bara fraser, inget fyllmedel! Gå långt bortom grunderna för det koreanska språket för att inte bara kommunicera, utan faktiskt bli en intress ...
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Welcome to Sophia's Korean podcast channel, where amazingly simple Korean lessons begin. Visit Koreanmomblog.com for more information. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/koreanmom/support
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show series
This week Jun and Daniel dedicate another episode to run through Daniel’s constantly growing and evolving list of notes on daily life in Korea. Our hosts tackle a 짬뽕 (hodgepodge) of topics ranging from apartment community life to driving habits and hierarchy-based social expectations. What does Daniel find depressing about his apartment living situ…
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This is a Korean podcast for Beginner. Teacher Jeon (전 선생님) talked about 미용실 Hair Salon. Full scripts and words can be found in videos on our YouTube channel. It will be uploaded on Saturday (14th September). Please come and watch 😀 한국어 한 조각, ⁠https://www.youtube.com/apieceofkorean⁠ 🌟 We just Started a radio program; A Piece of Korean, The radio. 여…
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Teacher Jeon Eung-seop answered his phone and listened as the nervous parent said, "My daughter's friend has been sexually assaulted". When he reported the crime to the school, he was told to keep his mouth shut. Bringing the case to light caused a 6 year long battle to uncover decades of abuse and neglect perpetrated by the academy.Join the KTC's …
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Discipline wants to see you succeed. It is as invested in the goals you set for yourself as you are. And unlike its sexier peers, "inspiration" and "motivation," discipline is loyal, predictable, dependable, consistent. But can it turn toxic? Let's talk about it... Enter the book giveaway! Join the running chat here (Thursday, Sept 12 at 8:30 PM ES…
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In episode 46 of our Not So Korean Podcast, Jay speaks about "한달살기" ('one-month living'), hints at 2 upcoming NoSoKoPo interviews, another 'sudden' return to South Korea, being a jury member at a new Seoul film festival and a little more! As mentioned back in episodes 37, 40, 43 etc, these slightly shorter, mini-shows are being called the Not So 'L…
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Brynn Quick speaks with Dr. Jinhyun Cho, Senior Lecturer in the Translation and Interpreting Program of the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Her research interests are primarily in the field of sociolinguistics and sociolinguistics of translation & interpreting. Jinhyun's research focuses on intersections betw…
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Welcome to the Essential Korean Podcast, where I help break down the nuances of the Korean language to help you become a more aware and confident speaker of Korean. Ready to elevate your Korean skills and join a vibrant community of learners? Join the EK Community at my.essentialkorean.com for engaging courses, comprehensive resources, exclusive co…
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In 2024, there are more than a few dodgy K-Beauty marketing tactics doing the rounds. Thanks to the rise of social media we are seeing more brands and advertisers trying to create a viral moment for their product, leading some to rely on questionable marketing tactics to do so. On this episode, we're covering "those" glass skin ads, deceptive and m…
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An introduction to my new podcast series which will be published from September dealing with the wars of German unification and influence of Otto von Bismarck on Germany and Europe. The first series will deal with the Revolutuion of 1848 and the First Schleswig War. Later series will deal with the Second Schleswig War, the Seven Weeks War between A…
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In this episode, we’re diving into a heartwarming Korean novel, “Mangwon-dong Brothers” (망원동 브라더스) by Kim Ho-yeon (김호연). This heartwarming novel explores the profound bonds of friendship between four men from different generations, each at a low point in life. Set in a cramped rooftop room in Seoul, the story shows how this unlikely group finds sol…
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This week Jun and Daniel dive into the latest trends sweeping across Korea. From viral language catchphrases to K-pop sensations, luxury athleisure wear to running crews, and electric vehicles to trendy desserts, our hosts explore what's hot in various aspects of Korean society. They discuss the origins of these trends, debate their staying power, …
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Teacher Hong (홍 선생님) talked about this cool autumn weather these days in Korea. 😀We have a lot of videos on YouTube for Korean learners! Please come and watch 😀 한국어 한 조각, ⁠https://www.youtube.com/apieceofkorean 🌟 We just Started a radio program; A Piece of Korean, The radio. 여러분의 이야기를 들려 주세요! Tell us your story! 📻 ⁠⁠https://forms.gle/j2WMqYgpBCNZPb…
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This week Jun and Daniel discuss the 2024 Paris Olympics. They cover highlights from Korea's performance, memorable moments, and reflect on famous Korean Olympians throughout history. The hosts also explore cultural differences in how Korea and America approach the Olympics, from medal counting methods to how athletes are celebrated. If you're inte…
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Teacher Lee talked about what she did during summer vacation. 🌟 We just Started a radio program; A Piece of Korean, The radio. 여러분의 이야기를 들려 주세요! Tell us your story! 📻 ⁠⁠https://forms.gle/j2WMqYgpBCNZPbhs8⁠ 🌟 Korean Through Podcasts 2 just released! Get paperback, Kindle ver. from Amazon 📚 ⁠https://a.co/d/7Af00q1⁠ Get PDF file from GooseAppleBooks 🖥…
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Kim Sung-jae went on the music show Inkigayo to perform his new album. The performance was a success and his entire team celebrated all their hard work. But, someone amongst them was plotting to murder Sung-jae before the sun rose the next morning. His body was found in the morning with 28 injection marks on his right arm. Who could have killed the…
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As I've talked about ad nauseam, with the exception of the last 10 years, I literally cannot remember a time in my life when I was not told to lose weight. Starting from when I could remember, I was made to understand that my body was excessively "chubby" and that I would be so much more lovable if I could lose "just 10 pounds." Tickets to Nisha Vo…
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