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franceinfo junior


"franceinfo junior" est un rendez-vous d'actualité qui propose une lecture pédagogique de l'actualité, présenté par Estelle FAURE Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Juniata Men's Basketball Show

Thomas Frank, Drew Besket, Greg Curley

Join lifelong friends Tom Frank, Drew "Biz" Besket, and Head Juniata Basketball Coach Greg Curley as they talk all things Juniata Men's College Basketball and give unprecedented access to players, alumni, parents and every challenge that a coach with 23 years of experience and 300+ wins debates. It’s informative, inspiring and most importantly, a lot of fun! Got a question for the guys? Please contact us through Instagram @JuniataBasketballShow. Please subscribe to the show on Apple, Spotify ...
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The #1 Podcast for junior golfers and parents. This podcast showcases the top junior golfers, parents, teaching professionals and touring pros. We cover everything from fitness to nutrition. Please follow, like, share and leave a review.
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Esse podcast contém audio aulas do Prof. Pedro. Anan Junior de contabilidade , pis, cofins, imposto de renda, planejamento sucessório, contribuição social sobre o lucro , reorganizações societárias, processo administrativo tributário federal e planejamento tributário. Destinado a advogados, não contadores e estudantes de direito.
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Under the Juniper Tree with Andrew Crowe-- In this fast-paced, modern world, depression and anxiety entangle the minds of millions. Just as God provided comfort to Elijah under the juniper tree, each episode endeavors to bring biblical light to the shadows of life.
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Random, sometimes politically incorrect, Life Coaching with The Law of Attraction, true stories from real-life experiences, with Comedy! This will inspire you. 🙏🏽❤️🕉 😉 New Podcasts Weekly! Junior Kekuewa Jr.! Law of Attraction Life Coach. 🙏🏽❤️🕉 Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this podcast do not reflect the views of our sponsors, affiliates, this platform, members of our distribution network, or any other entity. Names have been changed or omitted for privacy. Contact: herefo ...
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Monsters Among Us Junior

Derek Hayes | Audioboom Studios

Young voices sharing their spookiest paranormal experiences. Created and hosted by Derek Hayes of Monsters Among Us Podcast and co-hosted by MAU's lead researcher Delainey Bowers, Monsters Among Us Junior is a collection of first-hand eye-witness recordings made directly from kids and teens who have experienced something paranormal. Each episode features true stories about ghosts, ufos, bigfoot, and much more. Perfect for the school carpool, new episodes every Wednesday. Subscribe now wherev ...
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The Week Junior Show takes you behind the scenes of the award-winning magazine for 8 to 14-year-olds. Each week, Bex from Fun Kids is joined by members of The Week Junior team to discuss their favourite stories, debate the week’s hot topic and discover whether the ‘Real or Rubbish?’ report is fake news or the real deal.
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New Life Junior High

New Life Church

Welcome to the weekly podcast from New Life Junior High! Listen to the sermons from our weekly Wednesday night services as we inspire, equip, and support junior high students with the word of God. To keep up with what is happening with New Life Student Ministries, follow us on Instagram @nlstudentministries.
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我喜歡說故事給大家聽,也很喜歡孩子們,相信世界的生命因為有孩子們的笑容而更加光彩,更加正面,更加具有能量...😇 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to “National Park Junior Ranger Podcast,” the podcast for nature lovers of all ages. This podcast is all about a really awesome way to get involved in our national parks—the Junior Ranger Program! If you’ve ever wanted to become a park protector, explorer, and nature expert, this podcast is for you! We’ll talk about National Parks, the Junior Ranger Program, what it’s all about, and some fun facts you might not know. The most important things to us are that you have fun, hopefully le ...
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Hi parents! Want to share the Bible with your toddler and preschooler? Join us each week to hear easy to understand Bible stories in a fun exciting podcast! And to go even deeper, check out Happy Harbor! Come play with us each week and join our friends Arlo the Bear, Tilly the penguin, Kelby the Octopus as we learn that God made us, God loves us, and God wants to be our friend!
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Hosted by Americorps member, Courtney Cook, this podcast dives into all things DJT to explore the past, understand the present, and dream of the future. Listen to hear from alumni, staff, current students, and even theatre professionals from around the Quad Cities!
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A Christian podcast for all the family. Join Michael J Tinker and the crew of the JBI Starship Juniper as they hurtle through space discovering wonderful truths about Jesus! To access our archive of episodes, get lots more goodies and to help us make new adventure series, join us on acast+ from £1 a month. Support the podcast! With a small monthly donation you can help keep this podcast going, and even help us make it bigger and better... https://plus.acast.com/s/tinker-time-juniper-adventur ...
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Junior Peralta

I’m a high school drop out with lots of funny thoughts in my young 33 yr old mind! Come explore and see what’s inside maybe grow within or laugh 😊🙏
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Juniper Church

Juniper Church

Welcome! Thank you for listening to the messages of Juniper Church. Each week, we bring you the restorative sermons from our pastoral team - Tim and Jacque Clowers. Juniper Church is a non-denomination church planted in Knoxville, TN. We are all about Jesus - first, last, and always. To learn more about us and plan your visit, head to: juniperchurch.com. We can't wait to see you!
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Host Lisa Stone discusses the various aspects of developing a tennis player from beginner through the juniors to college and beyond. Her weekly guests include experts in coaching, parenting, mental toughness, fitness & nutrition, technology & equipment, and college recruiting. Stone provides invaluable information for parents, players, and coaches.
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Conquering the IELTS Speaking test? You are not alone! Join us every week for great tips and free resources. Our social media: facebook.com/JunixLearning instagram.com/junix.learning twitter.com/JunixLearning soundcloud.com/JunixLearning anchor.fm/JunixLearning Our course on Udemy at: www.udemy.com/ielts-speaking-fast-track-to-band-6-plus/
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show series
durée : 00:05:39 - franceinfo junior - Ce lundi 10 mars, c'est le lancement de l'opération "Ma Petite Planète", des défis pour sensibiliser les élèves à la protection de la nature. Dans franceinfo junior, des enfants en parlent avec Clément Debosque, co-fondateur de l’association Ma Petite Planète.franceinfo tarafından oluşturuldu
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Today, we’re heading to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Colorful Colorado. This episode explores the geological history of Black Canyon, its flora and fauna, the process of creating the Gunnison Tunnel, recreational activities available, the indigenous peoples who lived in the region, and some information about how we spent our ti…
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Noah And The Flood Hey parents! Use these questions as a guide to talk over this week’s lesson, Noah and the Flood, with your child after they’ve listened to the story! What was your favorite part of the story we just heard? Do you have any questions about what you saw? How was Noah different from the people around him? Noah was the only man on Ear…
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Ihr liebt Nachrichten, seid zwischen 10 und 14, wollt immer wissen, was gerade los ist und habt Lust, die Welt zu entdecken? Dann seid ihr bei uns genau richtig! In unserer sechsminütigen Nachrichtensendung ARTE Journal Junior informieren euch Magali Kreuzer, Dorothée Haffner, Frank Rauschendorf, Stefanie Hintzmann und Jakob Groth kurz und knackig …
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In this week's episode, we're going to be talking about the European leaders promising support to Ukraine, sharing some tips to help nesting birds, and having a big debate on whether councils should collect bins less often. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Fun Kids tarafından oluşturuldu
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Frauen sollen die gleichen Rechte haben wie Männer. Dafür kämpfte Clara Zetkin und schlug 1910 den Internationalen Frauentag vor. Sie wollte erreichen, dass Frauen wählen dürfen und sich organisieren. Clara Zetkin war einer der ersten gewählten Frauen, die in einem deutschen Parlament eine Rede gehalten hat.…
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Host: Andrew Crowe | Released Thursday, March 6, 2024 In this episode, Andrew discusses how the problems of life could lead to depression or other mental health issues. Then, he looks to an example of the early church in one of their problems to give some pointers of what the modern Christian might do to […]…
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Der grösste Iceberg der Welt; A23a sein Name, ist kurz vor der britischen Insel Südgeorgien zum Halten gekommen. Seit einiger Zeit driftete dieser riesige Eisbrocken langsam aber sicher auf diese Insel hin. Eine Kollision wäre für die vielen Pinguine und Robben katastrophal gewesen. Aber nun ist er stehengeblieben und alle können aufatmen!…
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durée : 00:08:38 - franceinfo junior - Ce mercredi soir, se tiennent les Victoires de la Musique Classique. Pour l'occasion, franceinfo junior invite Lucile Boulanger, violiste nommée deux fois à cette cérémonie.franceinfo tarafından oluşturuldu
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Welcome to Season 14 Episode 8 of the ParentingAces Podcast, a proud member of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. This week, we travel to the metaverse and the new Tennis Australia digital world of Beyond Tennis with Ridley Plummer. Ridley Plummer is Tennis Australia’s Senior Manager Digital Sales and Metaverse, leading the Australian Open (AO) Me…
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Möglichst lange Wörter auf das Spielbrett legen und dabei Punkte sammeln. Von klein auf lernen viele Pakistaner das berühmte Spiel „Scrabble“. Bilal Asher ist sogar Weltmeister bei den unter 14-Jährigen. In Pakistan gibt es 70 Sprachen. Deswegen wird dort auf Englisch „gescrabbelt“, ein Erbe aus der britischen Kolonialzeit.…
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durée : 00:07:57 - franceinfo junior - Alors qu'un de ses tableaux est mis en vente mardi, les enfants de franceinfo junior posent toutes leurs questions sur le street-artiste Banksy. Pour leur répondre : Fabrice Bousteau, directeur de la rédaction de "Beaux-Arts magazine".franceinfo tarafından oluşturuldu
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Fala, Xófens! Chegou mais uma temporada especial do JUNIA NA LATA, e o tema da vez é "Liderança"! Nesta nova temporada, vamos falar sobre como construir uma liderança saudável no corpo, na alma e no espírito. Antes de liderar os outros, é essencial aprender a liderar a nós mesmos. Neste episódio, conversamos sobre a importância da flexibilidade em …
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Building a community takes time and effort, especially in tech. In this episode Amanda and Pilou share with us their strategies, tips and day to day's in building and steering two very different types of communities, the 'Ruby on Rails' community and a community centered around Advent of Code and having fun solving the daily exercises. The passion …
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Eine Katze muss gegen die Fluten kämpfen. Aber Flow ist nicht alleine. Zusammen mit anderen Tieren schlägt sie sich durch. Der lettische Regisseur Gints Zilbalodis erhielt für "Flow" den Oscar für den besten Animationsfilm. Seine Botschaft: Wir sitzen alle in einem Boot und müssen unsere Unterschiede überwinden und zusammenarbeiten.…
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As the Juniata Men's Basketball season draws to a close, it’s a time for reflection, growth, and a renewed sense of ambition. In this week's episode, we recount the highs and lows our team faced, exploring the true essence of perseverance, teamwork, and resilience. Head Coach Greg Curley shares valuable insights on leadership, showcasing how the ex…
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In this episode, Junior reminisces about how he thought of doing so many things as a kid and grew up to do them. This podcast is not about flexing, but to illustrate how you can live your dreams and design your life the way you want to. Sacrifices always have to be made and you will sacrifice something in order to get something else. Just know that…
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Today, we’re heading to the Crater Lake National Park in southern Oregon. This episode explores the creation and geological history of Crater Lake, the indigenous peoples who lived in the region, its flora and fauna, recreational activities available, regulations regarding boating and fishing, and some information about how we spent our time there.…
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Have you ever gotten into a disagreement with your brothers or sisters? So did Joseph. But even with trouble at home, Joseph still dreamed big! JOSEPH FORGIVES Hey parents! Use these questions as a guide to talk over this week’s Bible story called Joseph Forgives with your child after they’ve listened to this week’s story. Remember the Big Idea: Go…
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In Nizza ist der Meereskönig los. Zwei Wochen lang hat die Stadt am Mittelmeer ausgelassen Karneval gefeiert. Auf den geschmückten Wagen leuchten Meerestiere und Fabelfiguren. Wie in Köln oder Mainz werden bei dem Karnevalsumzug in Nizza jedes Jahr auch politische Themen aufs Korn genommen.ARTE.DE tarafından oluşturuldu
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We're going to be talking about the discovery of an ancient pharaoh's tomb, how hens have been helping boost olive farms in Cyprus, and a forest that's been planted to remember Benjamin Zephaniah. We'll also be having a big debate about whether books should have happy endings. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Welcome to Season 14 Episode 7 of the ParentingAces Podcast, a proud member of the Tennis Channel Podcast Network. This week, we hear from recent Boise State Women's Tennis graduate and psychology major, Nicole Discenza, about the importance of training mindset and mental skills alongside technique and tactics. Nicole grew up playing tennis from a …
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Listen on Yoto? Download the free covers pdf to make your own Yoto card with this podcast! We're back on an adventure in space! This is the radio version of our TV series. In this episode Mr Grumpy learns that things not going his way might actually be a good thing... A lesson for everyone in the sovereign providence of God. And a Golden Thermos. I…
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In episode three, Nicole kicks the willie with José Pablo Iriarte, a nonbinary Cuban-American writer, high school math teacher, and parent of two. Their fiction has been finalist for the Nebula, Hugo, Locus and Sturgeon Awards, longlisted for the Otherwise Award, and reprinted in various Year's Best compilations. Their debut novel, BENNY RAMÍREZ AN…
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durée : 00:05:25 - franceinfo junior - À l'occasion du lancement par les industriels laitiers d'une campagne de communication sur le recyclage des pots de yaourts, Henri Bourgeois Costa, expert dans le domaine de l’économie circulaire et de la pollution plastique à la Fondation Tara Océan, répond aux questions des enfants.…
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Fala, Xófens! Chegou mais uma temporada especial do JUNIA NA LATA, e o tema da vez é "Liderança"! Nesta nova temporada, vamos falar sobre como construir uma liderança saudável no corpo, na alma e no espírito. Antes de liderar os outros, é essencial aprender a liderar a nós mesmos. Nesse episódio, continuamos com a parte 2 sobre reconhecer os vilões…
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Things take a turn in the evening by the fireside for our Heroes on their way to help the Drake Matron. I thank my players every day for sitting down at the table with me and letting me tell them a story. Thanks to you, too, for listening along with us. Twitter: @tavern_tales Facebook: Tavern Tales Podcast Patreon: Tavern Tales If you’re enjoying t…
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Sade Meeks, also known as “Sade, the Scholarship Junkie” is a higher education advocate with a deep commitment to making higher education attainable for all. As a 2x debt-free graduate and licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA), she has become a prominent figure in the field of scholarships and financial aid. Learn more about your ad choices. V…
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Today, we’re heading to the west coast to visit Lava Beds National Monument in northeastern California near the Oregon border. We work through a Junior Ranger activity together and explore the natural beauty of the lava beds, the formation and geological history of the park, its Indigenous heritage, the diverse plants and animals that inhabit the a…
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Storms can be scary... unless you know you're safe. Then they're kind of fun! But how can you know if you are safe? The disciples were scared of a storm in this episode. But they didn't need to be! Find out why they were so safe. Jesus is more powerful than any storm Jesus Calms the Storm “When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the wav…
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"Focus on outcomes, not output" 🚀Join Stan, Thierry and I as we discuss what makes a team efficient and what practices will help raise the efficiency of any team.If you are part of a software team, this episode is definitely worth listening!You can find Thierry at: https://thinkinglabs.io/You can find Stan at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/boyet…
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