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司法心理學(Forensic psychology),是一門衍生自法律學與心理科學的應用科學;專門將心理學的理論,研究,與知識應用在各式各樣的法律議題上。 聽起來有點令人卻步?可是有許多你熱愛的電視劇集,電影,與文學作品正大量的運用司法心理學的議題,進行討論呢! 《法客心法影劇組》正是為了愛看書追劇追電影你所設計的podcast;也希望在談影聊劇的過程中,跟你分享一點司法心理學的相關概念,同時也做一下思考練習。 歡迎加入《法客心法》podcast夥伴的行列! 更歡迎訂閱,敲碗點播主題,以及贊助我們做出更多好節目! 合作洽詢👉🏻 IG🔗 FB🔗 Youtube🔗 (音樂Credit:片頭--Something Elated by Broke For Free;片尾--If by Broke For Free) Po ...
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Forensic Psychology

Circle Of Insight Productions

Dr. Carlos is an adjunct Professor in Forensic Psychology and Criminal psychopathology. He discusses concepts in the world of forensic psychology. He discusses legal issues pertaining to forensic psychology, psychology disorders, the criminal justice system and more
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An L.A. based podcast brought to you by two forensic psychologists who dissect the intersections where true crime, forensic psychology, and entertainment meet. "True Crime, Psychology, and Snark: Trust Us. We're Doctors." All of our episode resources can be found on our website: and be sure to follow along on Instagram: @lanotsopodcast, TikTok: @lanotsoconfidential & X: @lanotsopod
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This work describes and analyzes several cases of pathological behavior. The interest comes not only from the cases themselves, but also from the of-its-time analysis which is mired in what we now know to be wrong thinking about mental illness, sexuality, gender, and race. - written by Mary Schneider
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show series
📢 會員限定節目出爐! 第一集已經上架啦,剪了精華版讓大家聽聽看~。這集來聊聊【戲劇中那些反社會人格】🤔 為什麼戲劇裡那麼愛用反社會人格的設定呢?「反社會」真的是這樣的嗎? 這集我們聊到了梨泰院、美國殺人魔、追殺夏娃….等多部影劇,完整內容約55分鐘,非常豐富有趣喔 有興趣的朋友歡迎加入會員訂閱支持,從下一季開始,每個月會不定期上架會員限定內容 下集預告:【大腦記憶】。記憶宮殿真有其事?回溯性失憶又是什麼? 從福爾摩斯、記憶拼圖、腦筋急轉彎….等劇,來聊聊大腦記憶的超能與失能。 謝謝會員朋友們的支持,也歡迎大家敲碗或推薦想聽的話題💪🏻 ———————— 完整內容大綱: 戲劇中愛用的兩大梗:反社會人格跟…? 領袖魅力?反社會人格潛藏在菁英裡? 不把人當「人」 反社會人格的點、線、面 《梨泰院》…
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A parasocial relationship is a one-sided connection where someone feels an imagined personal bond with a public figure. This week, the docs explore the research behind why these relationships form and the different ways we experience them. They also delve into real-life cases where fans crossed boundaries, causing harm to content creators. Related …
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🎉——— 致豪律師X書適圈 【創作者必修的著作權護身心法】4週線上講座———🎉 📢 最後倒數~ 聽眾9折優惠碼 請輸入『copyright1111』 👉🏻 大AI時代!創作者要知道的事|著作權|自媒體與AI工具|說書?二創? 👉🏻 ———————— 這是本季度的最後一集囉,感謝大家一直以來的支持~。第六季稍等,在籌備中💪🏻 但是IG會慢慢更新,希望有機會跟大家繼續交流分享(IG連結在下方~) 📢 訂閱會員看過來~!即將推出全新一集!🎉 預告:我們將聊一聊「反社會人格」:【戲劇中超愛用的反社會人格?但似…
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This week, we focus on correctional staff who become romantically or inappropriately involved with inmates. Inspired by Dr. Scott’s recent panel with Generation Why at The Berkshire Podcast Festival, we explore the ethical boundaries and implications for forensic psychologists and correctional personnel in maintaining professional relationships wit…
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致豪律師開課啦🎉🎉 📢致豪律師X書適圈 【創作者必修的著作權護身心法】4週線上講座 > > > 聽眾9折優惠往下看喔~ 咒術迴戰的結局你被暴雷了嗎?日本法律針對暴雷有判例? 你想當創作者嗎?你現在是一個創作者?創作者有哪些法律知識要注意的? 這一集的著作權知識也太滿了吧….快來聽聽吧~ 💪🏻著作權|智財法|正是致豪律師最擅長的專業領域之一!!💪🏻 從致豪律師的課程你可以得到….⬇️ 說書?說劇?可以嗎?從實際案例告訴你著作權的範圍與應用 創作 vs 侵權?兩者之間的區別在哪裡? 當一個販售知識的自媒體工作者好擔心? 「合理使用」我有聽過!但….那是什麼? 「我不知道這樣不行誒」:什麼情況會踩線? …
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📢 致豪律師首部法庭推理創作《有罪推定》現正熱賣中! 《有罪推定》購書連結👉🏻 《有罪推定》電子書👉🏻 親簽版《有罪推定》誠品實體門市發售中🛒 ———————— 什麼?!設定在唐朝的歷史劇也可以談司法心理學?古裝版的「福爾摩斯X福爾摩斯」是什麼樣的探案組合呢? 這集我們挑劇中一個單元「黃梅殺」,來聽聽我們聊《唐朝詭事錄》吧~ 《唐朝詭事錄》上集的影像版稍後會放上youtube, 非影劇內容的單元,都會放在youtube頻道,歡迎有興趣的聽眾訂閱、按讚、分享~ 本集大綱: 所謂「陸劇」的創作…
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Welcome Back Folks! In this episode, “The Ladies Who Love Lifers,” the docs dive into the fascinating, and sometimes disturbing, world of hybristophilia—a condition where individuals are romantically or sexually attracted to those who have committed heinous crimes. From infamous serial killers to lesser-known convicts, we’ll explore what drives som…
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📢 致豪律師首部法庭推理創作《有罪推定》現正熱賣中! 這一集專訪致豪律師,談談創作與出書的心情,好奇法律人+小說家是什麼組合嗎?進來聽吧~ 《有罪推定》購書連結👉🏻 《有罪推定》電子書👉🏻 親簽版《有罪推定》誠品實體門市發售中🛒 本集專訪的影像版稍後會放上youtube, 非影劇內容的單元,都會放在youtube頻道,歡迎有興趣的聽眾訂閱、按讚、分享~ 本集大綱: 新書介紹 為什麼是短篇小說? 原本有七個故事? 取材自真實案件? 所有法律名詞與專業術語都沒有註解,是刻意的? 「說教系作家」…
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The docs have covered a lot of disorders of the brain that lead people to harm others, but this time the injurious behavior turns inward. Today they explore the behaviors and etiology of Body Integrity Identity Disorder and discuss the associated ethics behind the treating the condition, before covering two cases involving drastic measures to live …
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📢 黃律師出書啦!本集中提到黃律師的短篇小說,已經於上週正式出版上市!🎉 這是黃律師第一本親自書寫的小說創作《有罪推定》,以六個短篇敘述六個案件。喜歡司法心理、社會議題、法庭邏輯等的聽眾與讀者們,不要錯過,趕快購書支持吧~ 購書連結👉🏻《有罪推定》 電子書👉🏻…
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Please enjoy this live recording from our presentation in London at CrimeCon UK 2024! We yap about our trip before getting into the recording. This presentation is a bit of a mashup of previous topics and cases; false victimization, personality disorders, the cases of Sister Aimee McPherson and Sherri Papini, among others. Berkshire Podcast Festiva…
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日本法律劇的情節設計一向給人一種「天真感」,今年新上映的日劇《反英雄》卻走出了公式化? 每集案件看似無關,進行到中段發現環環相扣....。一起來聽聽~ 《反英雄》上集的影像版稍後會放上youtube, 非影劇內容的單元,都會放在youtube頻道,歡迎有興趣的聽眾訂閱、按讚、分享~ 本集大綱: 法律日劇的公式? 「反英雄」角色人物的設定 對抗有國家力量支持的龐大司法體系 審檢辯三角中,審檢的距離? 自知是權力的「共犯」? 請我們喝杯咖啡!小額贊助支持本節目,由此去: 留言告訴我你…
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We are in the UK! Therefore we are bringing you a conversation with forensic psychologist, Dr. Joni Johnston, from a live stream in June 2024. We discuss her work doing psychological autopsies, specifically when murders are staged to look like suicides. Dr. Johnston's website, book & Newsletter: Berkshire Podcast Fes…
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日本電影《法庭遊戲》來到下集,本集繼續討論原作與改編電影的差異。 原著小說中設計的法庭詭計,其法律原則與辯證,在現實中是否可行?「同害報復」原則值得探討的又是什麼?來聽聽吧~ 《法庭遊戲》下集的影像版稍後會放上youtube, 非影劇內容的單元,都會放在youtube頻道,歡迎有興趣的聽眾訂閱、按讚、分享~ 本集大綱: 原作的法庭詭計 《法庭遊戲》的三個案件表現三層設計 「同害報復」=為了原諒而讓對方贖罪的理論? 冤案與無罪?正義與暴力? 社會弱勢靠犯罪生存 對司法體系的控訴 請我們喝杯咖啡!小額贊助支持本節目,由此去:…
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This week, Dr. Shiloh & Dr. Scott review the Sandra Birchmore case and then examine the problem of sexual abuse in American Police Explorer programs. They look at sexual crime power bases, behavioral drift, how this is similar to the research on teacher-student sexual abuse and what can be done about it; before looking at two other high profile cas…
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2023年上映的日本電影《法庭遊戲》,出自五十嵐律人的同名原作,看過原著大推的黃律,看了改編後的電影覺得….? 電影跟原著有什麼差別?來聽聽吧~ 《法庭遊戲》上集的影像版稍後會放上youtube, 非影劇內容的單元,都會放在youtube頻道,歡迎有興趣的聽眾訂閱、按讚、分享~ 本集大綱: 故事大綱與原作改編背景 「冤案與無罪」?「正義與暴力」的差別 原著魔改?談談本片與原作之間的差異:「電車冤罪少女消失」「法庭橋段」「證人過度」「裁判員崩潰橋段」「加入了原作幽微的同性情愫與三角嫉妒」 「刻意壓抑的敘事調性以及失焦」 請我們喝杯咖啡!小額贊助支持本節目,由此去: https://open.…
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This week the docs take a brief jaunt OUT of Los Angeles to the sunny and gorgeous sands of Hollywood’s Desert Playground - aka Palm Springs. Although a year round destination for relaxation and glamour, there are dark aspects among the glittering sapphire pools of the Oasis of the Desert’s past. After all, a place with golden age ties to Hollywood…
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Dr Alice Bennett is a Registered Psychologist at HMP Frankland and has worked in the Prison Service since 2006, mainly within discrete units for those who are considered high-risk in high secure prisons. Outside of the prison walls, Alice engages in research and is a journal reviewer. She advocates practitioners publishing work as well as promoting…
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Professor Jo Clarke, PhD., is an internationally acclaimed academic and expert on resilience, and founder of the Petros organisation. Jo learned her craft working as a psychologist in the prison service for over 20 years. She is a regular speaker and trainer, nationally and internationally, on the subject of individual and organizational resilience…
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從導演真實經驗改編的《婚姻故事》來到下集~ 離婚總避不開談到兩件事:「錢」跟「孩子」。家事律師爭取誰的最佳利益?而孩子的最佳利益,又如何判定? 下集談家事法律小知識:「最後的疼愛,是手放開?」 《婚姻故事》下集的影像版稍後會放上youtube, 非影劇內容的單元,都會放在youtube頻道,歡迎有興趣的聽眾訂閱、按讚、分享~ 本集大綱: 孩子說的話必然可信?家調/家訪的迷思 刺蝟型家事律師vs和為貴家事律師 家事法律小常識:送達Service(只有美國)/強制調解/家調家訪/居住地之爭/穩定性原則/離婚的前置準備 最後的疼愛是手放開:實務趨勢? 請我們喝杯咖啡!小額贊助支持本節目,由此去:…
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This week the docs dive into the murky pool of "Body Language Experts" to discuss the explosion of self proclaimed subject matter experts on a field that lacks empirical evidence. The success of the 2009 American television series "Lie To Me" brought widespread attention to the dubious field of deception detection through body language, facial expr…
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Dr. Catharine Booth joined HM Prison and Probation Service in 1997. During her career she has worked with men, women and children in custody and currently works in HMPPS North West Psychology Services. Cath has been involved in the management of serious incidents in prisons for over 20 years as a practitioner and trainer. She acts as a Silver and G…
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