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Fibromyalgia Podcast®

Tami Stackelhouse

Are you tired of feeling like a prisoner in your own body? The Fibromyalgia Podcast® is here to help you reclaim control of your life and health! Along with her Fibromyalgia Wellness Framework℠, host Tami Stackelhouse shares her joy and expertise, plus the tips and tools that helped her go from disabled to thriving. In the Fibromyalgia Podcast®, Tami brings together top fibromyalgia experts and advocates, from doctors and researchers to coaches and alternative providers, creating a virtual d ...
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Dan Neuffer author of CFS Unravelled and creator of the ANS REWIRE recovery program shares his knowledge on healing and recovery from ME, CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS & MCS. Episodes include discussions as well as interviews with recovered patients and expert practitioners. **MEDICAL DISCLAIMER**: Dan Neuffer, CFS Unravelled or ANS REWIRE do not provide medical advice, and the information available in this video does not offer a diagnosis or medical advice of any kind. The content are opinions an ...
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Fly Girl with Fibro

Fly Girl with Fibro

Life from the point of view of someone living with some invisible illnesses. Nothing major, just breaking the stigma of what illness is “supposed to look like.” Real life, no filters. Support this podcast:
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Fibrosis Quística y Fertilidad


La fibrosis quística es una enfermedad crónica y progresiva, que aparece en las primeras etapas de la infancia y que afecta a múltiples órganos del cuerpo, (como son los pulmones, intestinos, páncreas, hígado...) Esta enfermedad la provoca la producción de secreciones espesas que dan lugar a obstrucciones e infecciones Autor: InstitutoBernabeu/
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Fibro com Fibra

Fibro com Fibra

O relacionamento com a fibromialgia pode ser um fardo bem pesado quando o portador não tem informações suficientes sobre o que é e como agir para ter um pouco de qualidade de vida e diante das pessoas que desconhecem a doença. O nosso objetivo é levar um conteudo que te ajude a melhorar seu dia a dia e te traga conforto emocional. - Instagram/ Tio Tok: @fibrocomfibraoficial - Whatsapp: (11)99787-6698 - email: [email protected]
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Mind Your Fibro podcast is dedicated to fibromyalgia.Dr. Olga Pinkston, the host and board-certified rheumatologist, discusses up-to-date information about fibro, its treatment, and the biology and psychology of this condition. It covers pain science education and the current complementary and alternative methods available to improve your symptoms. Many things influence the development of fibromyalgia, trigger fibro flares, and produce other symptoms like IBS/irritable bowel syndrome, depres ...
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In this podcast series, we bring together leading physicians, patients and patient advocates from Europe and Israel to discuss topics that are important for patients with pulmonary fibrosis. Each of the episodes will address a specific topic with the overarching objective to provide support to patients throughout the different stages of their journey.
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Es cansado ser prisionero de tu propio dolor. Soy Gina Elvira: madre de 4, bailarina de flamenco, ama de casa y tu conductora. Te presento un podcast en español sobre el mundo de la fibromialgia. Un espacio donde encontrarás apoyo, comprensión e información única sobre este tema. Dirigido también a personas que quieren cambiar su percepción y brindar más entendimiento a sus seres queridos que la padecen. Sigue mi blog!
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Breathe In: A Cystic Fibrosis Podcast

Gunnar Esiason and the Salty Cysters

A dynamic podcast exploring the different experiences people with cystic fibrosis may face during their lives. Gunnar Esiason joins Tiffany Rich and Lea Faraone, otherwise known as the Salty Cysters, to talk about the in's and out's of cystic fibrosis from some of the anxieties and stresses that patients face to some of the lighter sides of the disease. Breathe In: A Cystic Fibrosis Podcast aims to characterize the disease in a positive way while showcasing the challenges that people with cy ...
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WTCF! A Cystic Fibrosis Podcast

What The CF! A Cystic Fibrosis Podcast

When our son was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at six months old we were shocked and devastated. From the first moment seeing his foggy little lungs, we knew this was gonna be a rollercoaster and we weren't wrong. What the CF! was born out of a curiosity to learn more, support others, and share experiences while we navigate our own CF journey. We want to tell the stories of others and answer the FAQ's that come along with a diagnosis. We'll seek the knowledge of experts and those living wit ...
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show series
Fibromyalgia is an amplifier: any type of pain we experience, fibromyalgia cranks it up a notch. At the same time, we know that it’s crucial to treat pain early. Once we experience an injury or some trigger of acute pain, it’s important to address it as soon as possible to reduce the risk of it becoming a chronic issue. For many of us with fibromya…
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If you lose a child to CF, what does that do to parents? To their identity? And their place in the CF community. These are hard discussions to have, but for a couple years now Peggy Hawkins has want to share her story on this podcast. Peggy talks about the toll waiting for a transplant takes on a family. One of the issues was that one of them alway…
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Welcome to the final episode of our special Be a Coach series. So far, I’ve answered questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® class and what it takes to become a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®. Some of the topics covered in the first three parts of this special series were what a Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® and a Certified Fibromyalgi…
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How can you set realistic and motivating goals when dealing with chronic illnesses such as ME CFS, fibromyalgia, POTS, MCS, post-viral fatigue syndrome, and long COVID? I explain why it’s so important to re-engage with making goals and how to deal with the difficulties around goal setting whilst chronically ill. We explores the challenges and multi…
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We're in the middle of the summit, Living Well With Fibromyalgia: Real Patients, Expert Advice, Proven Results, and don't have a podcast episode for you this week. In case you missed the previous announcement about the summit, it's a unique event that started on January 20th, but it's not too late to join us for free. It features real patients who …
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Saving yourself by way of advocacy. Living with cystic fibrosis podcast host, Laura Bonnell talks to CF advocate, Amanda Boone about the fight that grew from a threat to her medications in Colorado. Amanda has led the way against the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB). Amanda, who has CF, was struggling prior to 2019 because her health wa…
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Welcome to episode 03 of our special Be a Coach Series. In this series, I answer questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® class and what it takes to be a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®. In episode one of the series, I explained what a Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® is and what a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach® is. Episode two of the series…
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This video discusses seven essential strategies to help you with chronic illnesses like ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, PVFS (Long-Covid), POTS, MCS or related illness stay persistent in your recovery efforts and improve your overall quality of life. Dan Neuffer, author of 'CFS Unravelled' and creator of the ANS REWIRE recovery program, shares practical tips…
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I have known Becky Penuel for many years. Becky used to run Miles for cystic fibrosis and then merged her nonprofit with Brian Callanan’s nonprofit, CF Life Fitness. After the merger, the nonprofit name is now: BreatheStrong. Becky is the Executive Director and was not able to join us today but, her Director of Operations is with us . Shawna Gray i…
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Join us for Living Well With Fibromyalgia: Real Patients, Expert Advice, Proven Results! This unique event, starting on January 20th, features real patients who are thriving with fibromyalgia, sharing their experiences and advice. In this two-week summit, you'll get a head-start on feeling better with condensed content that would normally take us 8…
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As an influencer, Tami is constantly trying new things that might help with fibromyalgia or make life easier and more enjoyable. This year, she decided to create a favorite things list to highlight the top seven things from 2024 that she uses in her everyday life and that she wouldn’t want to live without. These resources have improved Tami’s life …
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The NonProfit Spot: a wealth of resources and classes about how to grow your board, fundraise and make strategic decisions that will change the trajectory of your Foundation for the better. They have an excellent newsletter too. Heather Carmona, the Managing Director (and co-founder) of NonProfit Spot is a great friend and I am honored to share all…
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Welcome to episode 02 of our special Be a Coach Series. In this series, I answer questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® class and what it takes to be a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®. I cover all the basics… the who, what, when, where, why, and even the how. Don’t understand what a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach® or Adviser is? No problem…
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I encourage everyone to attend conferences when you can. I meet the most interesting experts in the field of the nonprofit world. From scientists, to pharma, to other nonprofit execs like me. I was thrilled to meet Jenifer Waldrop. She joined the Black Women’s Health Imperative as the Executive Director of the Rare Disease Diversity Coalition (RDDC…
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When it comes to goal setting, New Year’s resolutions can feel like an exciting and hopeful way to start fresh. The problem is, for most people, they’re too big and idealistic that they fall by the wayside by mid-January. Especially when we’re living with a chronic condition like fibromyalgia, we have to get realistic about not only what we want to…
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Join our 10-Day FREE Fibromyalgia Wellness Summit January 20-31 — Register by December 31st for exclusive bonuses! What is the Fibromyalgia Wellness Summit? A summit is like an online conference. The Fibromyalgia Wellness Summit will provide in 10 days what you would learn in five months on the Fibromyalgia Podcast! What makes this summit different…
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As a master Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®, author, and fibro podcaster, the questions I’m asked more than any others are: How do I get better? How do I improve my Fibromyalgia so I can get back to living the life I want to live? While those sound like simple questions, they do not have simple answers. We all have similar symptoms, what helps you fe…
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COVID-19 has affected many of us; for some, the journey still hasn’t ended. For the past four years, Tami has received a ton of questions about the intersection of COVID-19, long COVID, and fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, it’s been tough to find good answers with the spread of conflicting information and misinformation. Today, Tami is excited to be jo…
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Melissa Yeager, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Claire’s Place Foundation Since the planning stages of Claire’s Place Foundation, Melissa has spent countless hours working for the cause and, of course, raising her two children, Claire (the foundation’s namesake) and Ellie. With many years’ experience in project management and event planning, s…
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This podcast is about my current stressor and how I deal with stress when it starts to become paralyzing/debilitating. When I am very stressed out I tend to do nothing. There doesn’t seem to be a way forward. However, I’ve learned exercising and communicating how I feel with my loved ones is very helpful since PTSD symptoms can become worse.…
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Emily Schaller, 42, is a heroine with one goal in mind, to Rock CF. A lot of laughs on this podcast with my friend Emily! She talks about her health, the Foundation, new and old legislation and what's coming up in 2025! Equal parts spark, wit and humor, Emily is claiming her victories against cystic fibrosis having launched the Rock CF Foundation i…
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Navigating chronic illness from a family perspective can be challenging for everyone involved. From small changes to daily routines to more significant shifts in family dynamics, learning how to adapt to this new normal can be difficult, especially for children. Today, Tami introduces you to Mandy Farmer and her book, Soft Hugs for Mommy, created w…
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“Charity Care is the best kept secret in healthcare.” says Eli Rushbanks "Only 29 percent of the people who should be helped by 340B, are helped." If, like me, you have not heard about Charity Care or Dollar For, I am glad you're here! This podcast will tell you about both Charity Care and the nonprofit, Dollar For. I learned about the program duri…
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Are titles important? As a rare disease parent, we think you're worthy of a Ph.D. Listen to our fun conversation about all things rare and the much needed title we may need (or not) to get things done. As a reminder, Beth Vanstone is the mother of two daughters, one who has CF. Madi is 23 years old. Beth is a huge advocate in Canada, and much of th…
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“One of my core beliefs is that something good can come out of everything.” - Tami Stackelhouse So much of life is uncertain, and as a chronic pain patient, there’s no shortage of things to stress you out and make you worried. From finding out that the medication you need is out of stock to facing the threat of a layoff or having a health scare, th…
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What is a Private Patient Advocate? Do you need one? Laura talks to Dr. Elena Borrelli who is a Doctor of Medical Science and a Board-Certified Patient Advocate who helps people and families with their health care journey. She practices in Shelby Township, Michigan. Dr. Borelli manages their healthcare as she tries to help them live their healthies…
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Dylan Mortimer did the NYC Marathon. If you know him, you know that he had two double lung transplants. One in 2017 and one two years later in 2019. His second transplant was in NYC and Dylan talks about what it was like to go back to the streets he could barely walk, pre-transplant. It so touching as Dylan chairs his story with us. I appreciate al…
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“The room's not moving, but you still feel like you're on a boat. It just feels terrible.” About 60 to 70% of all fibromyalgia patients also deal with dizziness, which shows up in two main ways: lightheadedness and vertigo. With lightheadedness, you’ll typically experience a feeling like you might faint or pass out, whereas with vertigo, it feels l…
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Patient rights: do you know about the rights you have in regard to healthcare? There is a lot of information for you that Sara and Thayer serve to you here, in terms you can understand. They both work for the Partnership to Improve Patient Care, or PIPC (a coalition). Sara Traigle van Geertruyden is the Executive Director at PIPC. Thayer Roberts is…
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“When we share our stories, it helps everyone around us.” As our students go through their training programs and approach graduation, many of them start to think about sharing their fibromyalgia stories. The idea can be daunting, especially with fibromyalgia, because there’s a stigma that comes with it. For many of us, it feels safer to keep it to …
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Life with CF is different for everyone. We have a lot of the same challenges, but we do grow with the disease differently. Heather Trammell, CF Mom to 7 year old Charlie is married to Christopher, (for 13 years now). Heather is a legal assistant in the compliance department at Credit Acceptance. Heather has so much CF Mom wisdom. I am glad to call …
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We’re in Canada for this podcast. Canadian Advocate Beth Vanstone has two daughters, one with CF and she’s hosting this podcast with Laura Bonnell. Beth is introducing us to 32-year-old To Touraj Dehghan Manshadi who has a CF mutation that is common to Iran, but rare in Canada where he lives. You may be surprised to learn Canada does not have a rar…
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“What do you do if you notice fibromyalgia symptoms in a family member?” A few weeks ago, one of the students in our Certified Fibromyalgia Coach® training class raised this question, and Tami hears variations of it all the time. Whether it’s your kid, sister, mom, or another relative, figuring out how best to handle the situation can be difficult.…
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I always tell this group of undergrad students that they are our future, and that makes the future look bright. Atef Choudhury and Naim Mashni are incredible people and students. They're both Seniors at Lyman Briggs College -- majoring in Human Biology. They're minor is in business and they're on the pre- med track. Atef and Naim are the co-founder…
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From news reporting, to CF and beyond. Laura talks about her journey. The Bonnell Foundation: Living with cystic fibrosis is 14 years old. "I was so hopeful all those years ago, that my Foundation would take off, and now look at it! We have helped CF families from Michigan to California with financial assistance, lung transplant grants and Educatio…
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In over a decade of helping people recover, I have found that whilst knowledge can be key, often other factors are more important. In this video, we delve into why knowledge alone isn't enough for recovery from chronic illness like ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, POTS, MCS, PVFS (or long-covid). We uncover potential missing pieces in your journey. Discover w…
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Whether we're talking about pain, fatigue, or brain fog, there’s a massive difference between preventing your symptoms and trying to treat them after they’ve flared up. Getting your symptoms back to a manageable place in the middle of a fibro flare is like trying to catch a runaway train. Sometimes, when that happens, the only thing to do is to let…
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We discuss suicide in this podcast. This could be a trigger for some for you. Please remember the National Suicide Hotline can be reached via text or by calling 988. Sorcha Slyvester-Martin from diagnosis to drugs and discovery. When she was three days old, she was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. She says she had several near-death experiences. Her…
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Welcome to the final episode of our special Be a Coach series. So far, I’ve answered questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® class and what it takes to become a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®. Some of the topics covered in the first three parts of this special series were what a Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® and a Certified Fibromyalgi…
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“You need to make room for yourself.” - Lauren Vazzano If you’re struggling with fibromyalgia and juggling the responsibilities of motherhood, you’re not alone. The good news is that you can feel better with the right strategies and support. Making yourself a priority and improving your health is the best way to support your family and help them to…
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Join us in this transformative episode as Lynne, an experienced nurse, bravely shares her journey to recovery from ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). As a medical professional, she had been skeptical about the validity of ME/CFS diagnoses. However, Lynne's perspective shifted dramatically after facing years of debilitating…
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In this podcast you'll meet my brother Noah Teicher, and my nephew Colton Teicher. I have two younger brothers, but my brother Noah (the middle child) has two boys who had a rare disease. And we talk about their journey from having a rare disease to being cured. Noah and Colton talk about their journey with the Children’s Organ Transplant Associati…
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Welcome to episode 03 of our special Be a Coach Series. In this series, I answer questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® class and what it takes to be a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®. In episode one of the series, I explained what a Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® is and what a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach® is. Episode two of the series…
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“Give yourself some grace and just know that you've done this for a reason, and it will make your life better.” - Deb Thompson Many times, people with fibromyalgia put off surgeries that they need to have because they're worried about the inevitable fibro flare that's coming. When we have surgery, chances are that it’s going to cause a fibro flare.…
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Welcome to episode 02 of our special Be a Coach Series. In this series, I answer questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia Advisor® class and what it takes to be a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®. I cover all the basics… the who, what, when, where, why, and even the how. Don’t understand what a Certified Fibromyalgia Coach® or Adviser is? No problem…
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In the US, approximately 1 in 13 women and 1 in 20 men are diagnosed with fibromyalgia. To put those numbers in perspective, breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women, cervical cancer affects 1 in 13 women, and colon cancer affects 1 in 25 women and 1 in 23 men. Yet, even though the prevalence of fibromyalgia is in a similar range, screening for these can…
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Looking for treatments to help you recover from ME/CFS, PVFS (long-covid), Fibromyalgia or POTS or related illnesses should surely be a good thing. It’s what most of us do whilst we are ill until we eventually give up or are told ‘there is not cure, so you can’t recover’. But whilst it can be key to your recovery breakthrough, it can also have sign…
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As a master Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®, author, and fibro podcaster, the questions I’m asked more than any others are: How do I get better? How do I improve my Fibromyalgia so I can get back to living the life I want to live? While those sound like simple questions, they do not have simple answers. We all have similar symptoms, what helps you fe…
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In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Michael Lenz, a dedicated physician specializing in fibromyalgia, ME, CFS, POTS, and related illnesses. Dr. Lenz discusses his conservative approach to medications and emphasis on lifestyle medicine, particularly for children with these conditions. A notable part of the discussion delves into the common comorbi…
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“I’m having trouble finding my team, as you call it. I often feel so alone in this. How can I best find a doctor to suit my needs?” Choosing your healthcare team is a highly personal process that requires you to really understand your specific wants and needs. There are so many options, and, let's face it, there aren’t a whole lot of good doctors o…
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