Çeviriler sırasında gözüme çarpan veya derslerde önemini gördüğüm başlıklarda kısa kısa İngilizce...
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Klasik edebiyat eserleri hakkında belli başlı izlekler üzerinden okumalar.
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Okuma 25: Gabriel García Márquez, Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık
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26:11Gabriel García Márquez, Büyülü Gerçekçilik ve Latin Amerika'nın Kaynayan Damarları...
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Tartışmalar (I) : Doğan Avcıoğlu ve Sürekli Devrim tezi
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31:53Doğan Avcıoğlu, Milli Demokratik Devrim, zinde güçler, geç kapitalistleşmiş ülkelerde demokratik dönüşüm gibi meseleler vesilesiyle Lev Troçki'nin Sürekli Devrim Tezi ve 1917 Rusya Devrimi.
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She’s gone She’s 5 months gone She’s gone on him
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Okuma 25: Marx-Engels, Komünist Manifesto (II)
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30:20Karl Marx ve Friedrich Engels'in 1848'de yayınlanan meşhur eseri Komünist Manifesto üzerine değerlendirmelerin ikinci ve son bölümü.
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Okuma 24: Marx-Engels, Komünist Manifesto (I)
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28:08Karl Marx ve Friedrich Engels'in 1848'de yayınlanan meşhur eseri Komünist Manifesto üzerine değerlendirmelerin ilk bölümü.
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Give it a try. Sit down, please. Take a seat. Take/Have a rest.
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Authorial/Editorial we. Now we turn to a different problem. As we showed a moment ago... Rhetorical we. Clauidus: Therefore our sometime sister, now our queen, Have we ... Taken to wife. How are we feeling today?
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- If it stops raining, may we go out and play tennis? -If it stopped raining, might we go out and play tennis?
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zero. nought.It's 4 degrees below zero. five oh seven sixdouble oh seven - 007.England won 3-0 (three nil).three to nothing.30-0, thirty love
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I'm leaving for Ankara tomorrow. schedule, timetables The plane leaves for Ankara at 8. The game starts at 4 o'clock. I start/am starting my new job on Monday
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He didn't use to smoke. He used not to smoke. He usen't to smoke. He didn't used to smoke
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Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Victorian England fuck shit fart
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6. kayıt: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/dashboard/episode/e10ss8d Four years ago today, @isaiahthomas dropped 53 points on what would have been his sister’s 23rd birthday. https://x.com/ESPNNBA/status/1388882561489907712
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to him, to them, to whom fbaenglish.com
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When do you play tennis? Emre plays tennis. Who plays tennis? She played tennis. Did she play tennis? Who played tennis? What happened?
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Over time & overtime: The academic staff worked overtime. overtime pay. Raptors won the title by defeating Celtics in overtime. As I got to know him over time, I slowly fell in love with him. gradually
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Okuma 23: James Joyce - Üzücü Bir Olay (Dublinliler)
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countable-uncountable.Yesterday after dinner I listened to some music. Show him some respect. There's some rice on the table. I’ve seen some good movies recently. Some kids learn quickly. He owes me some thirty pounds. Some think he is dead.
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She sat beside him during dinner. These problems seem unimportant beside the potential benefits of the new system.They serve pasta and many other foods besides.I'm not ready to get married yet. Besides, I enjoy living alone.He writes novels and poems, besides working as a journalist.Besides being good company, he was always ready to try anything.…
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Anything-nothing Anybody-nobody
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Accept-except I accept your invitation. Scientists have accepted the new theory. preposition, conjunction. Everyone except me. They didn't open their mouths except to complain. An admission fee is charged, but children are excepted.
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both-neither-either. Both rackets are good. Neither racket is expensive. We can buy either racket. both ... and neither...nor either...or Both Nadal and Federer were late. I was both tired and hungry when I got home. Neither Nadal nor Federer were late. I was neither tired nor hungry when I got home. Either Nadal or Federer was late, I don't know. …
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altogether all together They were all together at the party.all at once.It is altogether acceptable to come without a gift. There were altogether twenty people at the dinner.
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marry, get married, be married. I'm married. Participle. I've been married for five years.
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How many novels did Yaşar Kemal write? How many novels has Orhan Pamuk written? Before Orhan Pamuk left writing, how many novels had he written?
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conscience-conscious Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; Conscious. She was conscious of the stranger standing close to her. He made a conscious effort to speak more clearly. Self-conscious. Not to be confused with.
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affect-effect His protest had no effect. cause and affect.put into affect. to the effect that. Inflation affects the buying power of the lira. He affected a British accent. The president affected a knowledge of economics. Not to be confused with!
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slow-slower big-bigger great-greater hot-hotter easy-easier heavy-heavier the most expensive-cheapest fun,right, wrong, real more dark I did play
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Just. This is just the start (that) Nadal has sought. Reduction, Reduced Relative Clauses. This is just the start that Nadal has sought. by a small margin; barely: He just got there in time. exactly; precisely: that's just what I mean.
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Should You look tired. You should go to bed. The government should do more to reduce unemployment. You look tired. You must have a rest. I think, Do you think veya I don't think. She has been studying hard, she should pass her exam. RJ Barrett Jr. should have another big game against the Raptors
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Fall in love/out of love with someone. I fell in love with her. fall into error/trap/trouble/sin. fall ill. I got into the room. I got out of the room.
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have something done. Yesterday I had my hair cut. They had all their money stolen while they were walking around Sultanahmet. He had his nose broken in a fight. Djokovic has had his visa cancelled.
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see, hear, smell, taste transitive vs intransitive
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Okuma 22: Orwell, 1984 (II) – Umudun Öldüğü Yer
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28:59Umudunu kaybetmiş insanın yenilgisi ile umutlanıp yere çakılmış insanın yenilgisi aynı olur mu?
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*Would Would you mind turning your music down a little? Would you mind opening the door? would prefer, would rather Would you mind if I opened the window? Would you mind if I didn't go out with you tonight? Past Tense-Present
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Okuma 21: Orwell, 1984 (I) – Distopyalar
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31:03Orwell'in klasiğini konu alan ilk kayıtta distopya türüne genel bir giriş de yapıyoruz.
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*need Infinitive-Gerund Medvedev needs to improve his volleys. My jacket needs cleaning. My jacket needs to be cleaned. These chairs need repairing. This is a very hard problem. It needs thinking.
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Ne Okumalı? (Yeni Seri, VII): Gertrude Stein, Üç Hayat
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13:50Modernist romanın kurucu eserlerinden, Gertrude Stein’ın klasiği Üç Hayat her yönüyle sıradışı bir roman...
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crowd & crowded. The play drew a small but appreciative crowd. The children crowded around the TV. a crowded bus. This place is very crowded. -ed, tired, bored.
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*already, still, yet, just, ever, never. I wasn't hungry. I had just had lunch. He had already left when I got to the court.
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