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抽離了人,法律沒有意義。 沒有了法律,人群的生活沒有依歸和底線。 法律的花園不能夠太狹隘,和我們一同穿梭牆內牆外, 跨學科跨專業的進行對話,悠遊逍遙於天地之間。 弱勢協助,法律從來不是唯一解。 跨界學科的整合、彼此了解,讓法扶工作可以做得更到位完善 符合當事人的需要。 「逍遙法外跨界講座」,希望促進法律與其他學科專業的互動認識 帶著大家走進不同觀點的領域,尋找解決問題的更多可能。 點開音頻,讓我們一起諦聽,一起逍遙悠遊! 📌相關合作與聯繫請洽:hwa@laf.org.tw -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Slightly Feral

None of this makes sense, everyone is lost... something might be on fire. I guess we better just talk about it and throw some mycology in for good measure. FAFOCult.etsy.com Venmo @FAFOCult CashApp $FAFOCult
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As histórias contadas no canal "Fafá Conta" no YouTube agora transformadas pra ouvir em podcast! Se inscreva e saiba quando tem história nova pra ouvir. Os melhores livros e histórias infantis você encontra aqui! Ajude a manter o trabalho nesse canal: http://fafaconta.com.br/apoie/ Sou atriz e contadora de histórias. Quer me chamar pra contar histórias em algum evento? Me escreva: fafaconta@gmail.com http://fafaconta.com.br http://flaviascherner.com.br NO INSTAGRAM @fafaconta @flaviascherner ...
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Hasil keresahan Afa sehari-hari yang dibalut dalam podcast. Terkadang membicarakan soal hobi dan fenomena sekitar yang terjadi. Cerita Fafifu akan bersuara setiap hari Rabu.
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The F.A.F.O. Network

Super Space Elder Josh

We are at Central network of podcasts and shows geared toward individuals that want to listen something outside of the main stream. Individuals that want to listen to thought-provoking content and ensuing hilarity.
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Welcome to Girlfriends Chat with Angela Fafali Nyarko (formerly Angela Jordan Perry) part of Girlfriends' Guide to Homeschooling providing a platform for voices of melinated and marginalized homeschooling community. Their success, challenges, triumphs, journey, their story and special niche. Connecting and building a village for the African homeschooling DIASPORA. PODCAST RELEASE monthly! Connect with us on: www.facebook.com/GirlfriendsGuideToHomeschooling Support this podcast: https://podca ...
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Faffing with Friends

Faffing with Friends

A podcast where three good friends faff around. | Find all of our links here: https://faffingfriends.contactin.bio | Follow us @FaffingFriends across all social media. Listen to us every Monday at 3pm GMT.
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'Vanilla' Marketing is Keeping You Invisible! So, as the great Adam Ant says, 'Try Another Flavour!' That is where Faff to Focus Podcast comes in. Coaches, consultants and creatives - you are experts in your field. You just want to act with integrity, to say NO to sleazy, generic, VANILLA marketing advice that you feel 'forced' to use. It is Your time.... Be Imperfect. Be You. Be Seen. Go from FAFF TO FOCUS and marketing with your own FLAVOUR today! Hosted by Rachel Bentley, the Small Busine ...
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show series
In this episode of FAFOCult we talk about the important topics, topics that get us age-restricted and banned... important need-to-know topics the deep stuff to keep you informed such as: Fleshlights in prosthetic limbs Freaking zaps man... I need a culture from the Japanese suicide forest. Cool reptile morphs The slow Chinese invasion The Biden 10k…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第104場 從報導、醫學、法律辯護角度看「一位女性殺人犯的素描」 錄製時間:2024年4月11日晚上19:00-21:00 錄製地點:左轉有書(台北市鎮江街3-1號,喜來登大飯店後方,善導寺捷運站) 主持:李艾倫(律師,法律扶助基金會北部專職律師中心主任) 講者: 胡慕情(作者,鏡文學文化組採訪主任) 李俊宏(醫師,衛生福利部桃園療養院副院長) 接近真實,逼近真實,何謂真實? 從報導採訪、精神醫學到罪刑論證,以及,甚至自我論述的多重角度,來素描擬真、攬鏡自照、旁敲側擊、邏輯推演,在發掘真實歷程間窺見他人與自身。 用參與講座形式來閱讀一本書,進入一場辯證,走進一個書之不盡,言之不窮的追尋真相之旅。 本場座談當中,「一位女性殺人犯的素描」的作者胡慕情小姐分享了關於從非虛構寫作…
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Easily one of the most knowledgeable podcasts we have ever produced, today we have AMPro a master at extracts and edibles to talk about how they make gummies, psyllysticks, edibles, and various other things. We learn a lot, you learn a lot, and it's the most serious episode we have recorded in a long minute. Also included in the episode: The best p…
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Agora tem episódios exclusivos só para assinantes. Histórias novas? Também, apenas pra assinantes. São duas opções: Entre pro Clube Fafá Conta: fafaconta.com.br/clubefafaconta ou Assine o clube de membros no YouTube: Vídeos exclusivos para membros https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMO9fxSdFjcz5QWDEhYCk_k1w…
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In this glorious episode, brought to you by the sweet sounds of mad scientists.. we bring to you an episode that includes such hits as: Tinctures, extracts, and dilutions Myco Nutty is back Trimmy gets hate mail We share a shitty gummy bear recipe Shit goes way off track... Clone a Willy We talk a lot about reptiles Animal glue it was a really fun …
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A nice simple stroll through the minds of friends chatting together doing totally normal not weird shit at all with all the best of normal people's intentions and nothing weird happening. Totally just chatting... seriously. See MycoNutty was supposed to be on and we were gonna do a show on tinctures but his power went out in the artic blast and he …
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第103場 求其生而不可得?台灣生活案件背後被遺棄的世界(2024台北國際書展) 錄製時間:2024年2月23日下午14:00-15:00 錄製地點:2024台北國際書展讀字公民攤位讀字沙龍 主持:吳佳臻(廢死聯盟副執行長) 講者: 謝孟穎(風傳媒記者、《求其生而不可得?》作者) 彭仁郁(中央研究院民族學研究所副研究員、法務部犯罪受害人保護協會屏東分會督導、行政院推動轉型正義會報民間委員) 台灣對於死刑存廢的討論,支持死刑者往往主張,死刑不能解決問題,但可以解決製造問題的人,這樣簡單粗暴的論點真的是台灣社會的主流想法?法律扶助基金會與廢死聯盟合作出版<求其生而不可得?台灣殺人案件背後被遺棄的世界>,帶著想要了解刑事殺人重罪案件,討論死刑存廢議題的你我,走入並了解這類案件真…
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In this episode, we talk about deep topics: D*ck hands, and their uses Corn that drips how freaking shitty fentanyl is and why Ch*na hates us/the cold war using drugs to kill Stupid new strains and labeling shit the best sushi in the area rare, collectors grade 1992 Koolaid and a whole crapload more! As usual, we love our listeners! We cherish each…
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Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of your grandma's ashtray FAFO is back! In today's episode, we stretch our rusty ass wings and take you into our loving embrace... smells like mommies kisses! We also talk about such amazing shit as: Harmaline DMT That one pukey South American touristy drug Extractions Blue Honey various cultivation tidbits Dead…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第102場 表達的界線!從憲法法庭的兩個案件來看「名譽和言論自由孰輕孰重」 錄製時間:2024年2月1日下午19:00-21:10 錄製地點:左轉有書 主持:馮光遠(作家、憲法法庭公然侮辱罪案聲請人之一) 講者: 錢建榮(法官、憲法法庭公然侮辱罪案聲請人之一) 陳澤嘉(律師、憲法法庭侮辱公務員案聲請人代理人之一) 自由的社會,人人都可以對事物發表評論,但,所謂的言論自由,卻常常變成罵人被罵的爭論,客觀評論的界線似乎難以捉摸,包含接受評論對象是誰,甚麼樣的事情可受公議? 隱私、名譽跟表達的界線,重點在於?只要用對字眼,就可以迴避法院罰款價目表?罵到執行公務的公務員,還會得到比較重的懲罰? 在去年年底連續兩件關於公然侮辱與侮辱公務員案件的憲判案件言詞辯論,對照來看我們的生活日…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第101場 我的名字? Call me by MY NAME---原住民羅馬拼音改名案分享 錄製時間:2024年1月18日下午19:00-21:10 錄製地點:左轉有書 主持:Savungaz Valincinan(原青陣成員) 講者: 林秉嶔(法扶原民法律服務中心主任、原民羅馬拼音改名案律師) Bawtu Payen(原民羅馬拼音改名案當事人) 憲法增修條文揭示國家應積極維護發展原住民族語言及文化,然而原民沒有自己的文字記錄歷史,長期以來在戶籍登記上的中文名字,成為一種"融入"社會的方式。 但當免費鮭魚吃到飽荒唐改名的狀況被看在眼底時,原住民單列族名,卻被視為製造社會困擾? 泰雅族人 Bawtu Payen 申請單獨以羅馬拼音族名登記為身分證姓名,被戶政事務所拒絕,他透…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第100場 看見台灣殺人案件背後被遺棄的世界《求其生而不可得?》 錄製時間:2023年12月7日下午19:00-21:40 錄製地點:左轉有書 主持:林欣怡(台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟執行長) 講者: 謝孟穎(記者、《求其生而不可得?》作者) 林俊宏(律師、辦理諸多死刑重大案件、《求其生而不可得?》受訪者) 每一次令人感到心痛震驚的重大刑事案件被媒體披露時,「那個○○怎麼不去死一死!」很可能是我們憤怒握拳低吼正義的第一念頭。 然而,熱映的「我們與惡的距離」和「八尺門的辯護人」再再告訴我們,關於罪與罰,其實細緻的環節與不盡然可以從媒體片段呈現得知有待考慮的地方。 特別是在國民法官制度上路之後,你跟我,都有可能成為判死論罪的審判者。 法扶及廢死聯盟在今(2023)年底合作出版推出了…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第99場 司法訴訟作為一種人權行動:把投票權還給監所收容人 錄製時間:2023年11月9日下午14:00-15:30 錄製地點:法律扶助基金會台北分會 主持:薛煒育(法律扶助基金會台北分會專職律師) 講者: 陳惠敏(監所關注小組) 謝孟羽(法扶台北分會專職律師) 刑法第36條褫奪公權在2005年時修正內容, 將範圍只限於不能擔任公務員及公職候選人資格, 而把對於選舉罷免創制複決等權利沒收的條款拿掉。 然而實務上,監所收容人並無法投出這一票, 只因身處囹圄的他們走不到投票所。 但在這種狀況下,為什麼不是把投票所設在監所內呢? 從2022年的18歲公民權公民複決案開始, 監所關注小組開始與法扶律師團合作關切這個議題, 並在近日透過司法訴訟得到了北高行受刑人可以投票的正面裁定。…
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Let us take a moment before we dive into this insanity and thank whatever deity you believe in for the relationships and the loved ones in your life. The community lost a young and very passionate cultivator with a promising career ahead of them. We will never know what new bounds, or impacts on the craft are now lost with the death of Dirty South …
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第98場 山道有猴子之債務金錢與人際感情的觀念進化論 錄製時間:2023年10月5日晚上19:00-21:00 錄製地點:左轉有書(台北市鎮江街3-1號) 主持/講者:吳宗昇(輔仁大學社會學系副教授) 講者: 方可廷(諮商心理師) 作為年度YT影片的現象級爆紅影片, 山道猴子的一生,透過貼近真實的描寫, 讓我們看到愛情當中的需索、分手跟背叛的課題。 如何建立感情當中的信任關係?或者說走出遭到背叛的不安全感。 心理學怎麼看待另外一些連看都沒看過對方本人的感情詐騙, 單純只是噓寒問暖晨昏定省、共同謀劃未來, 最終導入投資理財詐騙陷阱等伎倆,整個養套殺用不厭的套路如何work? 山道猴子影片當中人際之間的利用空虛和網路成名渴求以及金錢觀念, 要怎樣才能有所進化?來聽心理師跟社會…
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In this episode we talk about Origin Stories, we also invent a new way to measure things. By this time everyone should be familiar with RJU's (Ron Jeremy Units) a method of measurement based on the famous penis of 10" "But hey fuckers, why do you keep on inventing new ways to measure shit when there's the good old 'merika method and the communist m…
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In this episode, there are a lot of lessons learned: Don't trust cats... cats are the devils fleshlight Stems and Caps have pretty much the same strength... myth buster that shit Cats will eat your face off Birth control can make you crazy Blue tells us how to do birth control Mirena Birth control will make you schitzo It took a hour before things …
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On today's episode, we talk about: Contamination Millet Various grain preps Spiders Tarantulas Why Gypsy is a thing How not to do certain things How Feral chipped a tooth The Underwear Rabbit The Underwear Squirrel Deadpool makes coffee like a half dead french sailor and calls it normal We tell some stories and folks get introduced to Gypsy a guy f…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第97場 芭比來到霸道總裁世界:厭女X平權X大學生政見 錄製時間:2023年9月7日下午19:00-21:30 錄製地點:左轉有書(台北市鎮江街3-1號) 主持/講者:郭怡青(執業律師、婦女新知基金會副董事長、法律扶助基金會第七屆董事) 講者: 陳宜倩(世新大學性別研究所教授) 蘇致亨(影評人) 粉紅色的Barbie芭比電影引起全球觀影熱潮 當螢光幕外的芭比們仍然在霸道總裁的世界,經歷厭女、平權的諸多困境 台灣大學生的性平委員政見充斥著所謂的惡搞反串 這部電影是否有更多的地方可以帶給我們啟示? 蘇致亨 3:50 陳宜倩 41:12 *下方相關連結請至SoundOn頁面 蘇致亨影評人簡報檔案 捐助法扶協助弱勢 逛逛法扶官網 法扶臉書粉專 法扶IG 法扶報報電子報 逍遙法外L…
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The crew of FAFOCult is left unattended without adult supervision, Dad is sick (Trim) he has some sorta of syphilis in his elbow he got from a giraffe... we aren't sure. We do know that he's in the ER for the first time in 20 years and they drew circles around it and gave him a bunch of medication... we shall all light a candle for him, as it's his…
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On this episode of FAFO Monday, meeting new and interesting people and introducing the world to them... we find Deadpool alone in a room with Tueful. Tueful is an industrial psychologist... he's the carrot-and-stick guy who helps corporations manhandle you into doing what they want through the power of manipulation and psychology... Basically why y…
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In this episode we talk about personal preparedness, how to save your cultures, how to save your medicine if your a diabetic or such. we cover a lot of ground. we cover shit like: IFAK Water storage and how to use it Copy Canning and how to store foods i.e when buying one can of beans, instead buy two store one. You can apply this to most things. H…
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In this episode we have the FAFO Cult labs build with an equipment list, there's a lot of shit to cover and a lot of the pictures that would go with it are in the discord for those of you that follow along. The rest of it is easily googled and most of it is found on Amazon. Feral gets a lot of shit for his bougie ass equipment. In this episode: Sti…
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Welcome to our NC-17 rated maybe higher? Lower? how's that work.. anyways welcome to our episode where we whine/bitch/swear/moan about things in the hobby and the world that currently piss us off. it's a fun episode, but there's a knowledge drop of 5 in here that makes it worth a good listen... just don't blare it on the work radio as the FPM is pr…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第96場 Metoo的公共論述與法律究責 錄製時間:2023年8月2日下午19:00-21:00 錄製地點:左轉有書(台北市鎮江街3-1號) 主持/講者:郭怡青(執業律師、婦女新知基金會副董事長、法律扶助基金會第七屆董事) 講者: 方念萱(政治大學新聞系副教授) 李姿瑩(現代婦女基金會性暴力防治組社工) 人選之人造浪者,掀起了台灣metoo的遲來浪潮 性騷性侵的私密傷痛,要透過向外陳述揭痂流血以達你不孤單的療癒警醒 但指涉陳述的雙面刃同樣地帶來了具名指控隱晦陳述的對抗風險 當媒體一爆再爆,坦然承認和否認提告的樣態紛呈 還有意圖不明甚至另有居心的匿名爆料 訴諸法律是metoo的必然終結? 加害者的社會性死亡或者警調偵查對於受害者們又能夠得到幾分補償? 整個社會又該如何看待這…
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You catch up with us, we catch up with each other, and we are all kinda tired. it's been a busy couple of weeks, sorry we missed our last upload life caught up to everyone. In this episode though Trim catches us up on all the cool kid shit he did at the festival. it sounds like he had a blast and we are all jealous of his party. Feral gives farm up…
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www.AUCHU.org Momma Blue’s Village is the passion project of Leila Blue. Leila has been working in education for over 20 years, starting as a Lead Teacher at an early childhood level. After four great years there, she moved on to teaching school-aged children, both in co-teaching classrooms and pullout specialist classes while living in Washington …
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Welcome you FAFO Heads, today's episode is about the elixir of life, the bringer of life to millions of children annually, the one thing that keeps society partially derailed... Alcohol! We talk about: Wine Beer Liquor Saki We talk about all our favorite methods, some brands and how to make some alcohol while Feral gets progressively more drunk and…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第95場 街友重返職場之路與社救法修法期待:友洗社創分享 錄製時間:2023年7月6日下午19:00-21:05 錄製地點:左轉有書(台北市鎮江街3-1號) 主持/講者:李諭奇(法扶新北分會專職律師) 講者: 林立青(作家、友洗社創創辦人) 小潘(友洗社創同仁) 街友洗地,社會創新 工人作家林立青以實踐態度,創立社會企業「友洗社創」 透過社會的捐助,帶著曾在社會邊緣的夥伴,以洗地服務 努力以尊嚴勞動改變社會的看法 林立青也分享他所看到的街友狀況 以及友洗社創當中和小潘與其他工作夥伴的工作互動相處 並與小潘共同提到街友要站起來的見聞和一些過程中的無奈與正向改變 友洗社創的工作同仁小潘則是分享他一路以來的工作經驗 以及無家者申請包含法扶等福利資源的一些甘苦經驗 法扶新北分會的…
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Today's Monday FAFO we have MycoGeeky on for a chat, with no particular agenda we cover a lot of ground from aging in America to psilocybin news. Having a lot in common and being in the medical field it's a pretty medical-heavy podcast. It was a real fun chat and we hope you enjoy it as well! https://www.youtube.com/@mycoGeeky FAFOCult.Etsy.com Ven…
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OK so this was supposed to be about maximizing growth in tubs and trying for a one lb harvest... it ended up all over the damned place. Something happened. Some stuff was said, no one cried. Feral went on a rant about government and declared himself emperor of the world. Venmo @FAFOCult CashAPP $FAFOCult FAFOCult@gmail.com FAFOCult.etsy.com…
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SpecialT i the house! From the discord comes a man, a myth... a guy who pulled a back muscle and did a shit load of edibles before the podcast so he sounds like Eeyore. Oh well, we love him anyways. In today's episode we cover quite a few things about edibles, making gummies, maybe marshmallows. Also: Various substrates Grains Wash your goat-smelli…
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I love this podcast thing, it prompts me "Make a clear, concise name for your title" How in the FFFFAFO am I supposed to do that when it goes so far off the rails like this one? Dear gentle listener, we started with the best of intentions, to create an episode that would educate you on the most common scams out there to avoid... and don't get me wr…
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In this episode, it's Feral and SgtTrim talking you through start to finish how to start a legal gourmet company, from the ground up. The difference between a DBA and an LLC and why you need one all the way through marketing and value-added products. It really is in-depth and you might want to bookmark this episode or listen to it a few times to ca…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第94場 新型態債務與面對債務困境 錄製時間:2023年6月8日下午19:00-20:15 錄製地點:左轉有書(台北市鎮江街3-1號) 講者: 郭宜甄(法扶會台北分會專職律師) 李喜菁(台北靈糧堂社會服務處社工) 低薪疫情加上銀行徵信額度緊縮,存款利率提高造成放款壓力熱錢流竄,當需錢孔急加上法規管制仍有不及之處,新形態的債務風暴隱隱醞釀,滿天飛的貸款當鋪傳單,你缺錢嗎? 對於"資金"需求的避談與low key,天真與單純,最是容易被標記為目標。當債務逐漸從周轉變成不敢不願面對的問題,經濟和負債者又將受到怎樣的傷害?來聽律師與社工的協助經驗! 捐助法扶協助弱勢 逛逛法扶官網 法扶臉書粉專 法扶IG 法扶報報電子報 逍遙法外LINE社群 逍遙法外TG群組…
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Quick little 40-minute or so listen with some updates with Ginevra The Princess of Chocolate. She talks about her new packaging and calls in to get a bit of advice on dosing for her trip on nat's later today. Also a bit of a teaser for a giveaway coming up! Links to Ginevra discord: https://discord.gg/hhWdC3Cs FAFO Discord: https://discord.gg/AugJE…
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Today we talk about what an all-out cyber war would look like between the big three... The USA, China, and Russia. We hit on a lot of geopolitical things and war game out some pretty neat scenarios. We also talk about such gems as: Population crashes Kessler Syndrome How to fix Kessler Syndrome back doors and cyber attacks distributed networks AI a…
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Today young Jedi, we have a friend... WhiteBeard is back on for a complete bullshit session, it is just storytelling and having fun with a group of friends. It's easy, fun listening, and a lot of fun to record. Not a ton of mushroom talk, but a lot of fun stories. Pangolins Turbo Goats and other fuckery FAFOCult@gmail.com Venmo @FAFOCult CashApp $F…
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Good morning/evening fellow humans... that's a normal thing to say right? That's a standard greeting. In today's episode we revisit liquid cultures with a new spin and agar as well. we give you some more recipe guidelines and talk about the long term storage of samples. lots of good information in this episode... well... until like beer 4. Sometime…
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Today on FAFO Monday we have Sage with all his wisdom and long term growing, Sage has been cultivating mushrooms for many years and has a great following on YouTube where he does step by step videos. Great guy all around, and he loovveesss his exotics. Also in today's episode: Growing Pans Growing Tamps Growing sclerotia various substrates and meth…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第93場 揭開「警職法」施行上路20年的朦朧面紗 錄製時間:2023年5月2日下午19:00-21:30 錄製地點:左轉有書(台北市鎮江街3-1號) 主持: 黃昱中(法扶扶助律師、外籍漁工人權組織秘書長) 講者: 孟嘉美(媒體工作者、報導者〈警職法上路20年〉報導) 王惀宇(資深基層員警、《活得像個穿制服的人:我是警察》作者) 許仁碩(台灣人權促進會執行委員、日本北海道大學媒體與傳播研究院助理教授)視訊出席 放眼全球,台灣治安其實相當良好,警民關係也一直十分良好,然而太陽花學讓民眾知道當民眾與政府立場相異,原本人民保姆的警察也有可能奉命令打人後遁形,加以日前相關警察盤查以大外割妨礙公務與民眾發生爭議,也讓警察執法界線的問題,以及勤務執行的法源、訓練、管理的背景問題與疑慮浮…
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Today we talk about strain reviews, and we are happy to welcome back ShineSoBright and his shiny ass. Its a good show, great interpersonal dynamic and it was a lot of fun to record. Man.. i really enjoy hanging out with these guys and so should you! Discord: https://discord.gg/GUStkApx Etsy FAFOCult.Etsy.com Email FAFOCult@gmail.com Venmo @FAFOCult…
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Today in this episode we uh... well... some people were high, some people were drunk. Shit, uh.... deadpool checked out of the episode for a bit when the anal raccoons start attacking. Then squirrels, 14 MOFO squirrels.... that's serious. I mean we did put out some good like beginner info and some shit that might help you out, but also there was a …
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In today's episode of FAFO Monday we have Stoneman and Dont Kill Carrots! Two great guys, and a fun episode in store for ya'all. we cover a wide range of topics everything from orbeez to growing tomatoes to dealing with wildlife in your garden. We cover some substrate questions and talk about various novelty grows. it's a wholesome totally not dist…
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法扶逍遙法外跨界講座第92場 紀錄講述一段人間故事:文化創作與歷史政治的交集與迴響 錄製時間:2023年4月20日下午19:00-21:00 錄製地點:左轉有書(台北市鎮江街3-1號) 主持: 陳雨凡(前促轉會委員、法扶北部專職律師中心專職律師) 講者: 曹欽榮(《流麻溝十五號》原著作者) 游婉婷(狂想劇場〈非常上訴〉、〈島上的最後晚餐〉編劇) 本集節目邀請流麻溝十五號電影劇本根基的口述歷史紀錄者曹欽榮老師,以及狂想劇場編劇游婉婷,分享兩位在口述歷史紀錄以及劇場劇本創作,與歷史事件接觸,並透過文化轉化以及介入的過程,喚醒歷史記憶感,以及分享其他國家在轉型正義過程當中透過文化藝術的力量,傳遞歷史事件的重量和記憶,歡迎收聽! 曹欽榮老師提供簡報、游婉婷編劇提供簡報 捐助法扶協助弱勢 逛逛法扶官網…
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In this episode we talk about the news... for about 17 minutes and then shit gets weird. Also in this episode: Ritual decapitation Deadpool buys more yellow bricks for his road to hell Growing Outdoors theoretical Growing PE Outdoors is easy.. PE likes wood Buy some damned land Funny stories from the crew Trim is starting his gourmet dream grow If …
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Today on the FAFO we have Emmuhley, we talk about fun shit like mental health and how mushies helped her through some stuff. Also in this episode: How to accidentally live in a trap house A porch-sitting K-hole Getting good at one thing and sticking with it to master it Helping newbies Czar does a shit load of weed and is basically silent for 2 hou…
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Today we talk about how to use responsibly and how to dose for yourself and newbies in a manner that avoids self-harm. how to introduce newbies to psychedelics responsibly and how to test out new substances. we also talk about a lot of other random shit. We have MindfullyMelting and Psychonautics on this episode as well! Also in this episode: Cats …
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Welcome! So today we attempted to talk wit MycoCatGenetix and had some connection issues on their end. no biggie we carried through and it turned out to be a great episode. in this episode we will chat about: Liquid cultures All in one grow bags for gourmets Cut and grow bags... its where the money is at Various methods for making a substrate BRICS…
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