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Welcome to Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church! Here you will find the audio version of the messages from the weekend services taught by Pastor Gregg DeMey and Pastor Jeff Klein with occasional guest pastors, as well as our weekday devotionals. We hope you enjoy the messages and are encouraged by God’s Word.
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Ha szeretnéd még jobban támogatni másokat az útjukon, találhatsz inspirációt és konkrét ötleteket a podcastunkon akár szülőként, tanárként, vagy ifjúsági munkásként. Ifjúsági szakemberekkel, trénerekkel, civil szervezetek képviselőivel beszélgetünk tanulásról, fejlődésről, és mások támogatásáról. A podcast létrehozása az Európai Unió Erasmus+ programjának társfinanszírozásával valósul meg.
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Hier ist das Winter Wonderland für die Ohren - und zwar ganzjährig: Die German Voice of Darts gibt sich die verbale Ehre. Mit guten Gästen und ohne jede Garantie, dass der Tacho die 180 nicht auch mal übersteigt! Der Nr. 1 Darts-Podcast mit Elmar Paulke und Robby Marijanovic. Game on, you freaks! Jetzt abonnieren und keine Folge verpassen. Eine Produktion der Podcastbande. https://instagram.com/elmar_paulke/ https://instagram.com/robstar180/
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Well hello oddballs! It’s your host Bobbie and your co-host Lexi, and this is Oddities on Elm Street; a podcast that covers all things spooky: from real life hauntings to true crime cases and everything in between. We discuss the mind-blowing, unexplainable, and the downright scary to satisfy our morbid curiosity. If this sounds like you, well...you’ve found the right place. Thank you so much for tuning in and remember to always keep it spooky!
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Sadegh Farahbakhsh

پادکست خبری Elmicast برای علاقمندان به خبرها و مطالب علمی ، پزشکی و سلامتی elmipodcast@gmail.com
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elmasmorado Eventos Católicos

"El Más Morado" es un programa de Eventos Católicos Radio hecho por cucuruchos en espíritu y en verdad. Conducido por Joshua Coronado, Alex Crocker y Philip Chicola.
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The Elmwood Strain

Violet Hour Media

The Violet Hour presents - THE ELMWOOD STRAIN. A traumatized woman reluctantly returns to her dying hometown to find the stoner friends she abandoned are hooked on a strange new drug — with bizarre, seemingly supernatural qualities. Learn more at www.VioletHourMedia.com
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Elma Tadında

Turushan Aktay

Elma Tadında başta iOS olmak üzere mobil yazılım ile ilgili konuları işleyen, gündemdeki konuların bir iOS yazılımcının perspektifinden yorumlandığı ve Turushan Aktay tarafından yürütülen bir Türkçe podcast serisidir.
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Welcome to Elmore's World, a new political podcast hosted by Chris Elmore about his personal opinions on the shifting political landscape and what each issue means to the American people.
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Inside Elm Street podcast is going to showcase all the special things that are going on inside our school that make this school amazing. Inside Elm Street will also include the kids at Elm Street. There will be different grades and a few different answers.
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Lelki Elmélkedések

Mild Günther Mikó Ferenc

Egy lelkész (Mikó Ferenc) és egy Lélekgyógyász (Mild Günther) veled együtt összeül. A Lelki világunk árnyaraltiról hétköznapi létünkben mesélnek. Ha kérdezni vagy mesélni szeretnél, irj nekünk gunther.podcasting (kukac) gmail pont com -ra
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Der Podcast “Elmar’s Tooth Talk – Was Zahnärzte Dir verschweigen“ fordert Dich zu einem Überdenken herkömmlicher Ansichten in Bezug auf zahnärztliche Behandlungen und Materialien auf. Vieles was landläufig als gängige und sichere Praxis beim Zahnarzt angeboten und verkauft wird ist schlichtweg gesundheitsschädigend. Ob es nun Amalgamfüllungen, Wurzelbehandlungen, Fluoridierungen oder Implantate sind. Überall sind Nebenwirkungen und Giftstoffe mit von der Partie. Hier bekommst Du einen Blick ...
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Twenty-two-year-old Elma Sands is found murdered in a Manhattan well on January 2nd, 1800. Her lover, wealthy and well-connected Levi Weeks, is accused of the barbaric offense. Weeks brings in the nation’s best legal defense team – none other than Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr – to clear his name while a pandemic-stricken New York City buzzes with scandal. This six-episode true story unfolds over the unbelievable two-day trial that laid the sexist roots of today’s justice system. Through ...
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What separates today's top podcasts from the ones that go unnoticed? Spoiler alert: It’s not high-quality audio, great content, or "staying consistent." (If that were enough, then every host with a $100+ mic who gives their best stuff away for free would be ranking in the Top 100 every week. And we both know that’s not how it works.) We’re breaking down over 15,000 hours of study into what today’s top podcasts are doing differently to reveal the exact strategies you need to launch and grow a ...
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show series
Ben Interviews Marcus Trummer in late December on the heels of his latest single release "Let the Devil Win" and after the release of his solo debut in November of the album From the Start on Gypsy Soul Records. The Calgary, Alberta blues, soul, and roots artist talks about his early start learning guitar and his love of music from his father, star…
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In Matthew 22, when asked what the greatest commandment is, Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two com…
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What's up Dream Warriors! It's our last episode of 2024, and Marc had to jump on the Christmas Horror train with his pick of The Mean One from 2022. This is a parody horror of The Grinch, if you didn't already know, and it definitely had some decent moments but overall we were not a fan of this one. If you've seen it, give us your thoughts! We want…
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Latoya and her family were hopeful for a new beginning upon moving into their new home. But their dreams of a fresh start were quickly shattered by their worst nightmare. This is by far the most solid evidence ever collected in a paranormal haunting and it comes from some of the most unsuspecting witnesses. Thank you to our amazing Patrons for supp…
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In the final episode of the Inspired series, Dillon Kearns and Jeroen Engels wax philosophically with Jared about what it means to be inspired by Elm within the context of tools. We chat about feedback, guarantees, and contracts as lenses for building tools. Thanks to our sponsor, Logistically. Email: elmtown@logisticallyinc.com. Music by Jesse Moo…
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Forget the "give everything away for free" advice you've probably heard (spoiler: it's a fast track to undercutting your profits). In this episode, Jeremy Enns is back to share his expert take on how to create a podcast content strategy that leads your audience to the point of sale without coming across as salesy. We’re breaking down how to align y…
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Starting a podcast is easier than ever. But growing one? That’s a whole different ballgame. In this episode, I sat down with my friend Jeremy Enns to unpack why shows with “decent content” often stall at 28 downloads an episode and what it really takes to create a podcast people can’t stop talking about. From crafting a standout premise to leveragi…
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Der Nr. 1 Darts Podcast - jeden Dienstag neu Auch Robbies Rücken und sein zweiter Platz bei einer Exhibition stehen der ersten Folge im neuen Jahr nicht im Wege! Nachdem von der WM neue Quotenrekorde vermeldet werden und Elmar bei der Promi Darts WM auf Augenhöhe mit der Weltspitze war, muss die WM erstmal abgerundet werden. War es nun ein Traumfin…
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What happens when divine providence meets human obedience on a desert road? Join us as we explore the remarkable journey of Philip and his transformative encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch. This episode promises to unpack the intricacies of Philip's mission in Samaria, highlighting the dynamic interplay between God's guidance, the eager seeker, an…
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Az epizódról: A beszélgetés harmadik részében arról mesélt Mogyorósy-Révész Zsuzsa, hogy milyen konkrét módokon tudjuk megnyugtatni, stabilizálni magunkat. Miként tudja az elménk azt üzenni a testünk számára, hogy biztonságban van, illetve miként tudja a testünk megnyugtatni az elménket? Milyen szerepet játszhat ebben a ritmus, légzés, a mozgás és …
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Az epizódról: A Mogyorósy-Révész Zsuzsa pszichológussal folytatott beszélgetésünk második részében olyan dolgokról beszélgettünk, amik az alapjai az érzelemszabályozásnak. Hogy bánunk magunkkal és ennek milyen hatása van arra, hogy hogy bánunk a környezetünkkel. Mikor pörög fel az idegrendszerem és mikor tudok regenerálódni? Hogyan lehet szélesíten…
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Az epizódról: Ebben az epizódban Mogyorósy - Révész Zsuzsanna Tanácsadó szakpszichológussal beszélgettünk, aki az érzelemszabályozás a gyakorlatban című könyvével, valamint munkája, nyilvános megszolalásai által is sokat tesz azért, hogy stabilabb, barátságosabb viszonyunk legyen saját magunkhoz, az érzéseinkhez és egymáshoz. A beszélgetésünk első …
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Az epizódról: A beszélgetésünk harmadik részében arről beszélgettünk, hogy az érzelemszabályozásban hogyan tudjuk segíteni a gyerekeket? Mit tehetünk szülőként, hogy szabályozottabb érzelmi szinten kapcsolódni tudjunk? Mi segít az érzelmi stabilitást teremteni otthon? Milyen konkrét dolgokat tehetünk a mindennapjainkban, hogy eggyel stabilabbak és …
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Az epizódról: Ez az epizód a Rózsa Mónikával folytatott beszélgetésünk második része. Arról beszélgettünk, hogy tudunk egy kevésbé bántalmazó közeget létrehozni, mint amiben esetleg felnőttünk? Hogy tudunk új, pozitívabb szülői mintákat kialakítani? Milyen is egy biztonságos, bátorító tanulási közeg egy fiatal számára? Mik is azok a mikro-pillanata…
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As a good friend of mine in podcasting says, 'If you build it, they won’t come.' In this episode, I tackle a listener question about why great content alone doesn’t grow your podcast anymore and why pressing publish is just the beginning. Whether you’re just starting out or have been podcasting for a while, I’ll walk you through the two biggest dri…
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Think you’ve tried everything to grow your podcast? Emmy Award-winning media advisor Vinnie Potestivo joins me to share four unconventional podcasting strategies most podcasters have never even considered. From fixing hidden distribution mistakes to using tools like IMDb and LinkedIn to get discovered, Vinnie reveals how to create a podcast narrati…
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Der Nr. 1 Darts Podcast - jeden Dienstag neu Nach diesem Achtelfinale von Peter Wright kann der Folgeneinstieg mal etwas holprig ablaufen! Wen interessieren schon Wochentage während der WM? Selbst eine Reibeisenstimme kann Elmar und Robbie nicht davon abhalten, sich direkt nach dem Aus des Titelverteidigers zusammenzusetzen. Während Elmar das Minds…
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Alex & Becky discuss a 2-1 win in Reading's final match of 2024 against Mansfield Town. A goal for Camara, and a bicycle kick from Tyler Bindon gave Reading all 3 points in yet another home win for the Royals. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesElm Park Royals tarafından oluşturuldu
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What if the resurrection of Christ was more than just a historical event - a promise that reshapes our very understanding of life and death? In this episode, we invite you to explore the depths of 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, where the Apostle Paul confronts false teachings in Corinth and reaffirms the resurrection's pivotal role in the Christian faith.…
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Tired of asking your listeners to follow your show or leave reviews, only to feel like you’re talking to a wall? In this episode, I sit down with Pat Cheung, creator of FanList, to break down how to turn one-sided podcasting into a two-way conversation. We're unpacking the real reason most listeners stay silent, why listener engagement is key (espe…
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300 episodes. 5 years. And more lessons than I can count. In this milestone episode, I’m reflecting on the unexpected highs, the tough lessons, and the surprising ways podcasting has shaped my life, business, and personal growth. From learning that consistency is about more than just showing up, to uncovering the one non-negotiable thing you need t…
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Der Nr. 1 Darts Podcast - jeden Dienstag neu Elmar und Robbie melden sich nach acht WM-Tagen geschafft und gleichzeitig erstaunt über das Ausscheiden von Martin Schindler und Gary Anderson! Bei so vielen Überraschungen nach der ersten WM-Woche kommt man mit der Aufarbeitung kaum hinterher. Neben enttäuschenden Leistungen einiger Topspieler sorgen e…
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Ken grew up in South St. Paul, Minnesota, attended the University of Minnesota, and graduated from the U of M Law School. He has practiced law for more than 30 years and currently serves as in-house General Counsel for a large corporation. Ken currently resides in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, is a father of two, and became a doting grandfather for th…
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In Luke's account of the birth of Christ, an angelic herald proclaims to a group of shepherds "good news of great joy for all people." ECV exists to call all people to revolutionary lives of action through Spirit-empowered communities that love and obey Jesus Christ in all things. This week, we will consider this "all people" aspect of what it mean…
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What if the true meaning of Christmas is not found in the manger, but in the heart of theological revelation? Join us as we uncover the profound truths of Jesus' incarnation through the lens of the Gospel of John. By exploring Jesus as the Word of God, we promise a transformative understanding of how knowing God is deeply intertwined with understan…
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When it comes to growing a podcast, the common advice tells you to do more: guest on dozens of shows, post daily on social, run ads. But what if doing less could actually get you faster growth? In this episode, we’re debunking outdated podcasting advice that’s slowing your progress (without you realizing it) and I’ll reveal what I’m *not* doing to …
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