KBOO Radio is a community-powered station in Portland Oregon
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Talk about stigma and social justice
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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Interview with two curriculum writers and instructors of Boundaries & Beyond, a new course that focuses on teaching people with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities about healthy relationships and sexual wellness. Jenna Brink and Heather Steele, instructors for Bo...KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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John Griffiths, host of Disability Justice, interviews Meghan Schrader, Instructor and Mentor at the E4 Texas Program at the University of Texas at Austin. Meghan has master's degrees in special education and musicology. She also has a personal blog Meghan Schrader | Diar...KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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Jennifer Knapp, Executive Director of Community Vision can be contacted by email: jknapp@cvision.orgAllen Hines, Housing Access Director for Community Vision has written a report on the housing crisis for people with disabilities. You can contact him: ahines@cvision.org...KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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Agency with Choice is part of SB1521, an Oregon bill put out by SEIU proposing a new option for caregiving for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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Chloe Cooper, Personal Agent with United Cerebral Palsy ConnectionsIf you are interested in finding one of Chloe's zines or want to be interviewed by her to be in an upcoming zine, you can contact Chloe one of 3 ways: chloerosecooper2@gmail.com text- 503-936-3268 In...KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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Nickole CheronADA Title II and Disability Equity Managernickole.cheron@portlandoregon.govADA Title II and Disability Equity Division | Portland.govKBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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Oregon Self-Advocacy Coalition (OSAC) held their Inclusive Leadership Summit on September 19, 2023 in Salem, Oregon to bring together Oregon's Self-Advocates, family members, professionals and state leaders to learn, celebrate and collaborate. John Griffiths interviewed Ke...KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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To contact Glenna Hayes and/or to sign up for the up-coming Build a Movement: Glennah@UCPConnections.org or call or text 503-522-0409Build a Movement is a group of self-advocates who have disabilities. We meet to talk with each other about issues. In our final m...KBOO Community Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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Emmi name Intro • I’m Jenna • Emmi Welcome to Table Talk • Emmi Today's Problems • Emmi Social Justive • Emmi Ending of Social Justice • Under Pressure
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