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show episodes
The Diplomat: The Official Podcast accompanies the eagerly awaited second season of the critically acclaimed series The Diplomat. Hosted by Baroness Ayesha Hazarika, this podcast takes fans through the series episode by episode, offering a deeper look into the show's creation and the real-life inspirations that shaped the storylines. Each episode includes insightful conversations with the filmmakers, cast, and real-world government officials and diplomats. Renowned guests include Debora Cahn ...
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Teresa de Sousa e Carlos Gaspar com moderação de Ivo Neto

Para compreender um mundo em suspenso, “Diplomatas” é um podcast com Teresa de Sousa e Carlos Gaspar, numa parceria com o IPRI.
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Frank Müller-Rosentritt

DiploPod - der diplomatische Salon im Podcast-Format - ist eine Reise in die Welt der internationalen Diplomatie. Der Außenpolitik-Experte Frank Müller-Rosentritt, seit 2017 Mitglied des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages, spricht mit Botschaftern und hochrangigen Experten über aktuelle internationale Herausforderungen. Immer aus der Perspektive der Freiheit. Denn Freiheit ist alles außer selbstverständlich.
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American Diplomat

Ambassador (Retired) Pete Romero and Writer/Producer Laura Bennett

American Diplomat goes behind the scenes to hear real stories from diplomats who lived newsworthy events overseas. Experience the Cuban revolution, Central American insurgencies, the end of apartheid and more through the eyes of those who were there. A project of Arizona State University.
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Ĉiumonate per podkasto, la ĉefartikolo kaj aliaj eltiraĵoj el nia kritika monatgazeto de informoj kaj analizoj. Redaktata en Parizo ekde 1954 kun Esperanta versio ekde 2002, Le Monde diplomatique eldoniĝas en 25 lingvoj, kaj ĝin legas unu miliono da homoj tra la mondo. Ni speciale okupiĝas pri aŭtoritata ĵurnalismo, elstarante sur la ĉiam pli unuforma tereno de la amaskomunikiloj pro nia kritika vidkapablo, profundaj analizoj pri mondaj aferoj, kaj raportoj lumigantaj la staton de nia planed ...
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WDF examines how wars broke out, how they were concluded, and their consequences. Expect juicy diplomacy, sneaky intrigue, fascinating characters, and incredible drama. By Dr Zack Twamley, qualified history nerd. Current Series: The July Crisis Patreon Series: The Age of Bismarck Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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The Climate Diplomacy Podcast gives insights into the latest developments in international climate diplomacy and security. Our hosts Raquel Munayer and Alexandra Steinkraus interview experts and practitioners on their take on climate foreign policy, climate-related impacts to security, and promoting peace and resilience in a changing climate. Together we look into climate-fragility, migration, food insecurity, gender dynamics and much more, not to mention our deep dive into countries and reg ...
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Diplomatic Immunity

Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University

Diplomatic Immunity: Frank and candid conversations about diplomacy and foreign affairs Diplomatic Immunity is a podcast from the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University. We bring you "frank and candid" conversations on the issues facing diplomats and national security decision makers globally. We talk to current and former diplomatic officials, scholars, and analysts and seek to understand how best to foster international cooperation in an age of global crises. Hosted ...
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Diplomacia para Democracia

Diplomacia para Democracia

Reflexões sobre diplomacia e democracia. Combate ao obscurantismo e ao ódio. Atuar para redução de desigualdades, promoção de direitos humanos e ampliação das liberdades. Zelar por uma política externa brasileira independente. O podcast Diplomacia para Democracia insere, na íntegra, os debates realizados no canal do Youtube do Instituto. Acessse os debates em https://www.youtube.com/DiplomaciaparaDemocracia.
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Funboat Diplomacy is a show hosted by Weimin Chen. Guests come from a variety of backgrounds and discuss their lives back home, experiences in other countries, and share their perspectives.
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Founded in 2020 and led by Terrell Jermaine Starr, Black Diplomats is the go-to podcast for those who want relatable content on global affairs that doesn’t center the perspectives of white male experts. Few foreign policy shows are led by Black people or center the opinions, experiences and expertise of people of color. Black Diplomats is one exception. Guests are mostly people of color and people who are indigenous to the regions the episodes focus on.
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Diplomacy 201

Audri Mukhopadhyay

Diplomacy 201 is a podcast series aimed at unveiling the best practices in diplomacy and optimizing the effectiveness of interventions to advance future economic, security and political objectives.
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Almost Diplomatic

Almost Diplomatic

Almost Diplomatic is a podcast discussing geopolitics, national security and nonsense over beers. Disclaimer: The comments and views discussed in the podcast are our own and do not represent those of any entity we volunteer with or are employed by.
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This podcast uncovers and dissects topical issues of Lithuanian diplomacy, international relations and all things, related to mysteries and riddles of diplomatic work. The podcast is created by Lithuania MFA's Communications team.
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The Diplomat, hosted by Jason Greenblatt, is inspired by his work in foreign affairs with the intent of fostering candid conversations on a wide set of global and domestic issues. The Diplomat will veer away from personality-driven political disputes and instead bring nuance and depth to hot topics. Using his diplomatic skills, Greenblatt aims to get at the root of the issues and attempt to find common ground where it exists, rather than sow further division.
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Sian is a British diplomat who plays the violin, rides a bicycle and likes skiing up hills. She is the UK Ambassador in Belgrade and has also lived and worked in Moscow, Vienna, Prague, Vilnius and The Hague. These are some of her thoughts about diplomacy, diplomatic life and diplomats.
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Every week, Your Bored Brother convenes his Diplomacy Dojo, where players of all skill levels come together to discuss their most "pressing" Diplomacy questions. To participate in the Diplomacy Dojo, contact Your Bored Brother through his website, brotherbored.com, or make a pledge on Patreon at bit.ly/supportybb for instant access to the discord server.
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The most significant aspect of our learning is what we do with it. Speaking intelligently with real people about global conflicts and issues that affect them has substantial educational value for students. This production consists of authentic student work - mistakes and all. Innovation Diploma is an innovative educational program of The Mount Vernon Upper School in Atlanta, Georgia. Students learn through self-directed investigation and analysis while solving real problems. Students engage ...
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The Public Diplomat

The Public Diplomat

The Public Diplomat is a dialogue about public diplomacy, nation branding, and all things international. We talk to public diplomacy practitioners, scholars and thinkers from around the world in an effort to better understand the field. Twitter @Public_Diplomat check out our website thepublicdiplomat.com
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Tar Sands Diplomat is a satirical thriller set at the Canadian diplomatic mission in Brussels. After a Russian prostitute dramatically murders the Canadian mission's star diplomat with an Inuit statue, Macgregor is plunged into a world of spooks, Big Oil, Russian oligarchs and eco-hacktivists that leads him back to a well-connected Canadian oil company and the Prime Minister's Office in Ottawa. Author Keith Halliday was formerly the twelfth most senior diplomat at the Canadian Mission to the ...
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show series
North Korea is, to this day, still one of the world’s most mysterious countries. What little we know about daily life in the country comes from defectors or foreigners who’ve spent time there–some of whom have been on this show. But both camps present narrow, if not slanted, views of what life is like in the country. Korea expert Victor Cha, along …
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If tales of China’s radical ‘opening up’ to the world over the last 30 years imply that the country was somehow ‘closed’ before this, then one need only think of Beijing’s dalliances with various potential socialist allies during the Cold War to dispel this impression. There is, moreover, another equally important case in which people linked to ‘Ch…
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Dumpster fire episode live-streamed on Twitch. Military Primacy is Anti-LGBTQ | US Sanctions on Spain for Opposing Genocide? | Israeli Beeper Terrorism | Your National Security Career is a Joke | Amazon’s Anti-Worker Brutality | USCENTCOM Bombing Yemen | Korea’s Fortune-Telling Shaman Coup Plotter | Ukraine-War Conspiracy Theory | Economic Anxiety …
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Parmi les nombreuses élections qui ont émaillé l'année 2024, il n'était pas écrit que le scrutin présidentiel roumain tiendrait une place particulière. Depuis 1989 et la chute du communisme, le Parti social-démocrate et le Parti national libéral, aussi atlantistes et proeuropéens l'un que l'autre, se succèdent au pouvoir, quand ils ne gouvernent pa…
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Pete and Laura look back on their favorite episodes of the past year, covering cybercrime, space diplomacy and gangsterism among others. And what's to come in the new administration? Borders north and south, changes in the Middle East, and Ukraine. We expect challenges with adversaries, but more importantly, how will the new administration engage o…
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Many studies of China's relations with and influence on Southeast Asia tend to focus on how Beijing has used its power asymmetry to achieve regional influence. Yet, scholars and pundits often fail to appreciate the complexity of the contemporary Chinese state and society, and just how fragmented, decentralized, and internationalized China is today.…
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Esti senigita de laboro estas malbeno. Tro ofte labori estas sufero, kiam ĝi donas la senton, ke oni dronas en oceano da sensencaj, lacigaj kaj tro multaj taskoj. Ekde la 1980-aj jaroj, la francaj regantoj kontribuis por igi salajrecon sperto de maljusteco, kaj nuntempe firmigas tiun ĉi alternativo: estas tio aŭ nenio. «Le Monde diplomatique», Dece…
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Dr. Norbert Röttgen gilt als einer der renommiertesten deutschen Außenpolitiker unserer Zeit. Als langjähriger Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses ist er ein herausragender Experte für die Außenpolitik unseres Landes und vielen aus Funk und Fernsehen bekannt. In der Abschlussfolge dieses innen- wie außenpolitisch sehr turbulenten Jahres 2024 s…
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In 1986 the Compact of Free Association marked the formal end of U.S. colonialism in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, while simultaneously re-entrenching imperial power dynamics between the two countries. The U.S.-RMI Compact at once enshrined exclusive U.S. military access to the islands and established the right of “visa-free” migration to t…
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This live episode streamed on the Un-Diplomatic Podcast’s new Twitch channel, critiquing a think tank report about nuclear escalation in a conflict with China over Taiwan. Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/undiplomaticpodcast Un-Diplomatic Newsletter: https://www.un-diplomatic.com Stream on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/live/7N3IFWdqb2g?si=L…
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Jörg Dehnert ist einer der herausragendsten Experten für Syrien und lebt als Regionalbüroleiter der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF) in Jordanien. Mit ihm spreche ich über aktuelle Einschätzungen zu den Entwicklungen in Syrien und zu möglichen Auswirkungen auf die Region. Wie kam es zu dem Sturz der jahrzehntelangen Assad-Diktatur …
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This week, Kelly looks back on the major events of 2024 with Amy Mackinnon and Ellen Laipson. Amy Mackinnon is an award-winning national security and intelligence reporter at Foreign Policy. She has reported from across Eastern Europe and was previously based in Moscow and in Tbilisi, Georgia, as senior editor for the crisis reporting site Coda Sto…
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Ambassador Luis Arreaga, Senior Advisor at the Partnership for Central America, brings companies such as Meta, Mastercard, Microsoft, together with the World Bank, NGOs and civil society organizations to address one of the root causes of immigration: lack of economic opportunity. The result speak for themselves: 90,000 jobs.…
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Conventional accounts of the Cold War focus on competition between the United States and Soviet Union as key to shaping world events. In focusing on the agency of Indonesia’s Suharto regime during its first decades, Matthias Fibiger casts new light on how the Cold War was experienced elsewhere. Based on extensive analysis of state archival records,…
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Despite all we know about the Civil War, its causes, battles, characters, issues, impacts, and legacy, few books have explored Canada’s role in the bloody conflict that claimed more than 600,000 lives. Until From Underground Railroad to Rebel Refuge: Canada and the Civil War (ECW Press, 2022) by Brian Martin. A surprising 20,000 Canadians went sout…
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As Thursday 30 July progressed, one thing seemed clear to the German Chancellor and Foreign Minister - Austria had to be stopped, before the crisis deteriorated any further. Use the code KAISER to get 40% off your first month of a $5 membership on Patreon - 50+ hours of exclusive content including the Age of Bismarck await! Not sure what to get you…
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Checking in on the dumpster fire that is world politics. This week: Trump’s threat to annex Canada expands to Mexico (!). Australia’s sphere of influence absorbs Nauru. The South Korean right has been begging for a crisis with North Korea—here’s why. JD Vance and Trump take on the Syria question. A Biden China hand wants us to support Trump on Chin…
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Under Narendra Modi, India has changed dramatically. As the world attempts to grapple with its trajectory towards authoritarianism and a 'Hindu Rashtra' (Hindu State), little attention has been paid to the linkages between Modi's India and the governments from which it has drawn inspiration, as well as military and technical support. India once cal…
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Em apenas semana e meia, a guerra que parecia esquecida tornou-se tema central e o regime de Bashar al-Assad caiu. O ditador fugiu para a Rússia e Damasco é agora governada por um governo transitório que tem procurado conquistar a confiança internacional e que definiu como principal prioridade a segurança, a estabilidade e o regresso dos refugiados…
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Ambassador Deborah McCarthy unpacks the benefits to the global community, particularly the American public, of the recently concluded UN Convention on Cybercrime. The mission: to better protect our children from predators and our data from thieves.Amb. (Ret.) Pete Romero & Writer/Producer Laura Bennett tarafından oluşturuldu
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This week, Kelly talks with former British Ambassador Leigh Turner about a wide range of topics, from crisis and safety issues facing embassies around the world to how technology is transforming the role of the diplomat, and how he sees European, Russian, and British foreign policy developing in the next few years. Leigh Turner is a writer based in…
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Use the code KAISER to get 40% off your first month of a $5 membership on Patreon - 50+ hours of exclusive content including the Age of Bismarck await! Not sure what to get your favourite history friend? Why not give them the gift of a free month of our $5 membership? By the morning of 30 July 1914, the German government was undergoing something of…
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Over the last seven decades, some states successfully leveraged the threat of acquiring atomic weapons to compel concessions from superpowers. For many others, however, this coercive gambit failed to work. When does nuclear latency--the technical capacity to build the bomb--enable states to pursue effective coercion? In Leveraging Latency: How the …
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Lottaz and Ottosson explore the intricate relationship between neutral Sweden and Imperial Japan during the latter's 15 years of warfare in Asia and in the Pacific. While Sweden's relationship with European Axis powers took place under the premise of existential security concerns, the case of Japan was altogether different. Japan never was a threat…
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Uma crise política em aberto em França. Um dos principais partidos da Alemanha em crise, quando estamos a poucos meses de o principal motor económico da Europa ir a votos. A Geórgia tem a ameaça de uma Maidan às portas e a extrema-direita, próxima de Vladimir Putin, galvaniza-se na Roménia. Como podemos olhar para a Europa nos próximos meses? A pou…
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Checking in on the dumpster fire that is world politics. This week: South Korea’s president declares martial law in what is clearly an attempted self-coup. Trump threatens to annex Canada. Trump threatens 100% tariffs on BRICS nations for a non-existent alternative currency. New Zealand’s Labour Party declares its independent foreign policy. Let th…
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Got a leak? Call a plumber. Want security and prosperity for you and the family, call a diplomat. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Verma and Ambassador Mike Polt (Arizona State University) speak to gearing up the career Foreign Service to meet intensifying global challenges and explain why talent, experience and expertise matter more than ever. Li…
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This week, Kelly talks with the French Ambassador for Sports, Samuel Ducroquet, about the growing role of sports in diplomatic efforts. Samuel Ducroquet was appointed French ambassador for sport in February 2023. He joined the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs in 2007 as an International Civilian Volunteer at the French Permanent Mission to t…
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During the Second World War, FDR promised thousands of tons of US material to Chiang Kai Shek in order to keep China in the war and keep Japan distracted. But how would the US get it there? The only land route had been cut off by the Japanese invasion, leaving only one other option: air. For the next three years, US planes flew “The Hump”: an air r…
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This episode features a conversation with Dr. Cindy Ermus on her recently published book, The Great Plague Scare of 1720: Disaster and Diplomacy in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World. Published by Cambridge University Press, The Great Plague Scare of 1720 follows the Plague of Provence from 1720 to 1722 to understand new forms of contagion and i…
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Use the code WDF24 at checkout and get 50% off a $5 monthly membership on Patreon! This offer will expire soon! By the evening of 29 July, a new wave of panic was overcoming the German government. In Berlin, the question of restraining Austria had long been treated with a wink and a nod, but news of Russian mobilisation seemed to change everything.…
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Julia, Matt, and Van convened for a mailbag episode to answer all the questions you sent in. Is Korea Asia’s hottest flashpoint? What concerns us about Trump’s political appointees? What do we say when someone claims that Trump is “antiwar?” How should we understand the rise of ethnonationalism, and how can we beat it? What does a democratically ac…
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Ĉu eblas samtempe brustoŝveli kaj ventrodanci? Laŭ arta vidpunkto, tio estas malkonsilinda: brusta rigideco malhelpas pelvan flekseblecon, kaj rezultas malgracia movo, kiu iom ridindigas la faranton. Laŭ diplomatia vidpunkto la rezulto ne estas pli konvinka. La eŭropaj regantoj, kiuj akceptis la elekton de s-ro Donald Trump per miksaĵo de fanfarona…
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Nova temporada no ar! Ouça agora o primeiro episódio da série "Bem viver nas cidades: lutas por direitos e movimentos populares urbanos”, nova parceria do Guilhotina, o podcast do Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, com a Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço (Cese). Neste especial de três episódios vamos discutir os desafios para o exercício do direito à c…
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As COP29 in Azerbaijan has come to a close, in this episode, our colleague Yosr Khèdr (Analyst, adelphi) joins the podcast to discuss the climate finance negotiations, the new Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance, the shortcomings of the final text and what this means for COP30 in Belém. We also dive into what the negotiations mean for fra…
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Why are dubious power-sharing deals on the rise across Southeast Asia? What effects do they have on the region’s prospects for democracy? And are they going to be tolerated? Join Petra Alderman as she talks to Duncan McCargo and Rendy Pahrun Wadipalapa about their recent Journal of Democracy article ‘Southeast Asia’s Toxic Alliances.’ They discuss …
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“I feel wonderful!” Hosay Erfani, who appeared on our show as the Taliban took over (They Will Cut Our Heads, Of course, And What of Our Friend Toobah), had a harrowing escape from the deadly regime. Now in the US for two years, she is an unbelievable young woman, turning adversity into opportunity, opportunity into success. Here is her tale. Bravo…
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No segundo episódio de “Mulheres de Luta: Do território ao parlamento”, conheça as histórias de Luciene Karajá e Vanda Witoto. Apesar de não eleitas, suas candidaturas foram atos de resistência e mostram como é fundamental ocupar espaços de poder para defender os direitos dos povos indígenas, proteger territórios e fortalecer a diversidade cultural…
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