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el CafeciTO

el CafeciTO - Latin American Studies @ UofT

The official podcast for the Latin American Studies program in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Toronto.
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Cafecito & Crime

Estela and Barbara

Estela and I (Barbara) are sister in laws who share a major love for true crime and coffee, as many other people! We thought to ourselves “Why not just record our crime talks while drinking coffee?!” so here we are. We hope you enjoy this lighthearted podcast and bear with us while we iron out some details. Thank you and gracias! Barbara and Estela.
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Join us on "Cafecito con Diosito," where two best friends share real, unfiltered conversations about God, His perfect gospel, and the messy beauty of faith. We're not perfect, but His love is—and we’re here to encourage you to start or deepen your journey with Him. Grab your cafecito and tune in!
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Cafecito and Tarot• A Daily Tarot Podcast

☕️By Nicole P, Your Spiritual Barista☕️ Leo Sun/Leo Moon/Aries Rising

Welcome in my LOVE and let me pour you some BREW, Tarot Brew that is. This is the Cafecito and Tarot Podcast. A semi- daily Tarot Podcast for magical mystical living Tune in for wisdom, guidance and inspiration from the cards by Nicole P, your Spiritual Barista. ​ Cafecito and Tarot offers practical and insightful reflections of the Tarot to help you navigate the magical, mystical and mundane of this dance called life. Sunday BREW episodes twice a month with mini readings and meditations. Gr ...
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Every week Rosie features business owners, who they are, what they do, and how they serve their community. Their inspiring stories provide tips and resources to inspire followers to find their Ñeque within them and develop a resilient mindset.
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"Cafecito con Propósito" is a podcast where we delve into business strategies, intentional actions, empowerment and introspection. Join us as we explore powerful mindsets and inner growth to achieve business goals. I'll be sharing my own entrepreneurial journey and inviting amazing guests to discuss theirs. I hope you enjoy this journey of growth, inspiration and sustainable results !
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¡Bienvenidos a Cafecito y Cirugía Bariátrica! Nuestra presentadora, Amber Sena-Diaz, asociado médico de BodyByByBariatrics, comparte su pasión por la Cirugía Bariátrica. Amber nos da información detallada sobre qué es realmente la cirugía bariátrica y su impacto transformador en la salud. Se centra en capacitar a los pacientes para que tomen decisiones informadas, libres del estigma y la desinformación que a menudo rodean a este procedimiento que salva vidas. Amber enfatiza que la Cirugía Ba ...
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Corporate Cafecito

Nallely Suárez Gass

Welcome to Corporate Cafecito! What does it mean to navigate the corporate world as a first-generation college graduate and proud member of the Latine community? Corporate Cafecito is here to help you navigate that journey, blending heartfelt stories, practical advice, and a supportive community where you can thrive. Meet the Hosts Corporate Cafecito was founded in 2022 by Nallely Suárez Gass, a first-generation college graduate, coach, and strategist with over two decades of experience. Her ...
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Cafecito Cuántico

Cafecito Cuantico

No somos maestros somos exploradores que compartiremos como se ha transformado nuestros procesos y perspectivas desde la autobservacion, la profundización y aplicación de la espiritualidad en nuestras vidas
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Science Cafecito

Science Cafecito

Hosted by marine biologist Nando Bretos and astronomer Dr. Jorge, and produced by Véronique Koch, Constanza Gallardo and Rafael Baldwin, Science Cafecito is born to tell intertwined stories of science, from a South Florida perspective, that entertain and challenge the minds of critical thinkers. Each episode helps us illustrate the relevant role South Florida plays not only in the scientific world, but also technology, innovation, and art through the lens of science.
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Cafecito Chat

Alex & Celeny

*~*~*Welcome! *~*~* Latinas in Austin find time to talk technology, skincare, lifestyle, politics, and hip hop twitter fights on the internet. We report on the liveliness of the city and the strength of the latinx community in the capitol of Texas. Catch up on local and national news from our perspective! Sit down, relax, and join our chat. You can find our updates on Instagram @cafecitochat. xoxoxoxoxo
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Cafecito Entre Chicas ☕️

Cafecito Entre Chicas

Hola qué tal CHICAS Prepárense un Cafecito y siéntate en tu silla Favorita donde Vamos a platicar un poco de todo desde Dietas , Familia , fiestas , tradiciones , Y Consejos y más ..... Prende tu Podcast y Comensamos ...
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Cafecito with mom

Ramona and Dre Molinar

Mother Daughter duo, Ramona and Adriana Molinar, a podcast about empowering women, culture and just plain life! A healthy and positive mother-daughter relationship has power to change women’s lives. We want to encourage women to inspire and support each other!
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But First, Cafecito and Spirits

But First, Cafecito and Spirits

Join Crystal, Jossie, and Anie to discuss their love for all things spooky, cafecito, and spirits (y espiritus!). From folklore passed on through the generations to the stories told by the abuelas y abuelos. They'll share their love and recipes for their favorite cafecito and spirits too! Están invitados! Follow us on Instagram @butfirstcafecitoandspirits and share your stories on instagram or email us at [email protected]
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¡Hellow razita hermosa! En este podcast encontrarás pura y rotunda opinión sobre cómo ser la mejor versión de nosotros mismos a la vez que platicamos de hechos actuales, entrevistamos gente chingona y nos echamos El Cafecito. ¡Pásale a lo barrido!
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Un Cafecito Didáctico

Maria Paula Aviles Menoscal

Charlitas entre psicopedagogas, discutiendo temas de interés sobre todo lo educativo. Nuestro objetivo es acompañar a docentes y padres en el recorrido de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.
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Cafecito Con Klery

Claribel López

Bienvenidos a todos. Esperando que sea todo de bendición a tu vida. Todo en la vida es un constante aprendizaje. Gracias por el apoyo y por escucharme. No se olviden dejarme un mensaje. 🤝🤝🤝 Support this podcast:
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El Podcast de @lamaletaliviana. Conversaciones informales de transformaciones espirituales, siempre con un café de testigo. Viaje + Espiritualidad. Este podcast es gratuito y libre de publicidad. Con tu ayuda, juntos podremos impactar a muchas personas. Si quieres ser parte del crecimiento de esta comunidad, puedes hacer tu aporte en
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El nuevo, divertido, fresco y original podcast de la Gestión de Recursos Humanos. Los oyentes podrán obtener información relevante sobre diversos temas de recursos humanos e ideas sobre cómo lidiar con diferentes escenarios. El podcast es producido por 1BC Consulting, Inc., una empresa de consultoría de la gestión de recursos humanos.
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Cafecito Podcast

Justice & Legal Education Center

Justice & Legal Education Center LLC inició sus servicios incorporando cursos y entrenamientos bilingues bajo un programa de inglés llamado “THE AMERICAN DREAM English Program”, un programa educativo diseñado para enseñar y educar con un proposito. Nuestros Educadores brindan servicios de enseñanzas para aquellos que desean ampliar sus conocimientos de los EE.UU, mejorar y dominar el inglés. Creemos que nuestros servicios impactarán las vidas de las personas. Nuestra misión es capacitar, gui ...
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La propiedad intelectual está por todos lados y muchas veces no la vemos, por eso Andreina Andrade (abogada especializada en propiedad intelectual) nos invita un cafecito para conocer historias de casos sobre PI en la cultura popular y nos da tips para no caer en los mismos errores con nuestras marcas. Producción Original de Tripea
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Hola!!! Mi nombre es Yarelis y todos los lunes de cada semana estaré compartiendo contigo unos minutos mañaneros, mientras tomas tu cafe y disfrutas de un rico desayuno. Este tiempo sera para compartir experiencias, anécdotas, palabras de animo y motivaciones del día a día. Mi propósito principal es llegar a tu vida y ser de bendición y edificación y aprender de cada uno de ustedes, por sus experiencias vividas. Espero les guste este podcast y ser de bendición, Gracias! Para contactarme pued ...
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Do you ever wish you had a close friend who is also a professional Lifecoach? Someone who can share their own life experiences, challenges, and insights with you over a cup of coffee? Someone you can relate to who can explore the rough seas of life alongside you and help you find your true north? If so, then you will love Cafecito with Noah, a podcast that is intimate, authentic, and empowering. In each episode, I chat with you as I would a close friend and share my personal life journey. Yo ...
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Nuestro propósito es guiarlos en cómo NO aparecer en un capítulo de Forensic Files. Ésto será una conversación de historias sobre crimen real y lo paranormal. Hay que estar con las pilas puestas y alejados del viejo del costal!Por eso, acompáñenos y estén listos para ser nuestros cómplices, dedicando un ratico de su día, para escuchar estas historias contadas en nuestro idioma (y Spanglish también). Our purpose is to guide you on how NOT to appear in a Forensic Files episode. Get ready to be ...
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show series
On September 17, 2023, when the mother of Zoraida Bartolomei hadn't been able to get a hold of her 32-year-old daughter, she worried and asked the police to perform a wellness check. When officers arrived at the home that evening they had no idea they would be walking into a horrific scene. Not only was Zoraida found deceased but also her husband, …
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Your network is your net worth—the Puente to opportunities, growth, and impact. In this episode of Corporate Cafecito, we discuss how purposeful connections can open doors and elevate your career. 💡 What you’ll learn: ✅ Financial mobility—it’s not just education, but who you surround yourself with. ✅ Networking with intention—genuine relationships …
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In this episode, Luísa sits down with Dr. Andrea Allen, an assistant professor at the Anthropology Department and Centre Diaspora and Transnational Studies at UofT. She talks about her research on Afro-Brazilian Lesbian relationships, with a particular focus on how those women both perform and deny Brazilian citizenship. Our guest also talks about …
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Send us a text ¡Hola a todos! Bienvenidos a otro episodio de Cafecito con Jesús. Hoy vamos a hablar sobre un tema que toca nuestras emociones y nuestra fe: Optimismo vs Esperanza. ¿Son lo mismo? ¿Cómo impactan nuestras vidas? ¡Acompáñenme con su cafecito en mano mientras exploramos esto juntos!”angelica garcia tarafından oluşturuldu
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Divine Day my LOVE! This message from the Ace of Swords may not be what you expect. I am using the Goddess Tarot and the image is very interesting! Tune in and see if the messages flows with you! Mad Love! xo Nicole P☕️By Nicole P, Your Spiritual Barista☕️ Leo Sun/Leo Moon/Aries Rising tarafından oluşturuldu
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En este episodio de Cafecito y Cirugía Bariátrica, nos sentamos con una de nuestras propias pacientes de BodyByBariatrics, Carmenlina "Car," quien ahora tiene más de seis meses post cirugía y nos cuenta cómo ha transformado su vida. Nuestra paciente, orgullosamente dominicana, pensaba que la cirugía bariátrica era solo para personas con más de 400 …
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On November 22, 2012, Thanksgiving Day, Nick Brady and Haile Kifer, were supposed to meet with the rest of their family to celebrate the holiday, but the teenagers never showed up. Their families quickly began to worry and filed missing person reports 24 hours later after they couldn’t reach them. It wouldn’t take long before Nick and Haile were fo…
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Let’s be honest—disagreements are inevitable in the workplace. But when does a difference of opinion cross the line into something deeper, something personal? Respect isn’t a universal workplace norm—it’s personal, shaped by our values, culture, and experiences. In our latest episode of Corporate Cafecito, Carlos and I break down the art of disagre…
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When 51-year-old Steven Riley Jr. received the news that he would inherit millions in 2023, he believed all his problems would be finally solved. He planned to start over and leave his old life behind, including his long-time girlfriend, 47-year-old Ina Kenoyer. The couple's relationship had been rocky for some time, so when Steven suddenly passed …
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🚨 New Episode Alert – Let’s Talk About Growth! 🚨 Mi Gente, let’s be real—growth is exciting but can also feel like a loss. 🎢 Whether it’s moving up in your career, stepping into leadership, or even making a big life change, there’s always that moment of, Wait… what did I leave behind? In this episode of Corporate Cafecito, Carlos and I dive deep in…
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Send us a text Encontrar esperanza en momentos de sentirse abandonado por Dios es un desafío común en la vida espiritual. A continuación, se presentan algunas estrategias basadas en principios bíblicos y consejos prácticos que pueden ayudar a reconectar con la fe y encontrar consuelo.angelica garcia tarafından oluşturuldu
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In this episode, Sarah talks to Gabriel Tejada, professional photographer and documentarian from Cajamarca, Perú. He talks about how his experience with photography and cultural management led to his involvement in the documentary Carnaval La Fiesta Entre Carne y Espíritu. Gabriel also reflects on the creative process behind documenting Cajamarca’s…
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Divine Day my LOVE! Here is some brew for you to sip on. The ten of wands, Saturn in Sagittarius . What could the message be? ◀︎Press play and find out► Thank you so much for tuning in! Oh and btw, I am using the Goddess Tarot for the next couple weeks. I am really enjoying connecting with this card. Peace, love and everything in between xo Nicole …
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❤️Love is in the Air❤️.. Yes, the Devil is the card of the day !Funny right?Tune into the Daily Tarot Brew to hear how the Devil Tarot Card can be just the kick in the a@@ that you may need 😎..Thank you for tuning in!XoNicole P…☕️By Nicole P, Your Spiritual Barista☕️ Leo Sun/Leo Moon/Aries Rising tarafından oluşturuldu
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When 25-year-old Stephanie Parze began dating John Ozbilgen in the summer of 2019, she thought she had found the perfect man. She described their relationship as a fairytale and was head over heels. However, not long into their relationship, Stephanie began to lose her sparkle and held back from posting on social media, which was not like her at al…
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Have you ever walked out of a convo like… wait, what just happened? 😵 No clarity, no direction, just vibes? That’s the opposite of purposeful communication—and let’s be honest, it can make or break your career, relationships, or even a simple email. Carlos and I are breaking it down: how to communicate with intention so people actually get what you…
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Send us a text ¡Bienvenidos a "Cafecito con Jesús"! Hoy vamos a hablar sobre algo que todos enfrentamos en algún momento de nuestras vidas: la adversidad. Pero no solo vamos a hablar de ella, sino que también exploraremos cómo podemos encontrar resiliencia para superarla. La Biblia nos ofrece algunos ejemplos increíbles que nos pueden inspirar y en…
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Send us a text Bienvenidos a "Cafecito con Jesús". Hoy vamos a hablar sobre algo que todos enfrentamos en algún momento de nuestras vidas: los tiempos difíciles. Pero ¿cómo podemos mantenernos firmes y perseverantes cuando las cosas no salen como esperamos? La Biblia nos ofrece una guía poderosa para superar estos desafíos.…
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When a taxi driver in Busan, South Korea, contacted the police about a strange woman he had given a ride to Nakdong River in the middle of the night, they did not expect to discover the horrific truth about what she had done. Jung Yoo-Jung, the 23-year-old woman was soon arrested and confessed to the unimaginable crime that she committed "out of cu…
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Feeling overwhelmed? Does it seem like stress and burnout are in charge? You’re not alone! This week on Corporate Cafecito, Carlos and I discuss the real impact of stress and burnout on our minds, careers, and health. More importantly, we share how to regain control before they take over. 🔥 Stress and burnout aren’t just personal—they’re contagious…
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En este episodio de Cafecito y Cirugía Bariátrica, me siento a conversar con mi querida familiar, Elvia, sobre su experiencia con la cirugía bariátrica. Ella comparte abiertamente su proceso, desde la decisión de operarse en Venezuela hasta los desafíos que ha enfrentado. A través de esta charla sincera y sin filtros, exploramos la importancia de c…
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Your surroundings shape you—so what happens when your environment isn’t aligned with your faith? In this episode, we dive into the importance of a Christ-centered atmosphere, how to build a community that strengthens your walk with God, and practical ways to stand firm even in challenging spaces. Let’s talk about how the people and places around us…
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"En 'Cafecito con Propósito', exploramos el mundo del coaching estratégico y cómo los servicios de un coach pueden transformar cualquier emprendimiento. Descubre la importancia de contar con un guía experto para alcanzar tus metas y llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel creando resultados sostenibles. Tu Amiga Coach y Realtor, Lluvia Vazquez…
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Send us a text Hola a todos Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast "Cafecito con Jesús". Soy Betby Garcia, y estoy aquí para ayudarte a encontrar maneras de ser más productivo en tu vida diaria desde una perspectiva cristiana. En nuestro episodio anterior, hablamos sobre cómo ser productivo en nuestra vida como cristianos. Hoy, vamos a explorar cómo la orac…
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In 2003, 17-year-old Diego Gonzalez had his whole life in front of him. He was a senior in high school, a star wrestling athlete, beloved by his friends and family, and had plans to join the military after he graduated. Sadly, he wouldn't get to live out his life plans as Diego would be found dead on November 10, 2003. The investigation soon hits a…
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Carlos and I are so pumped about this week’s podcast episode! 🌟 We’re diving into the journey of finding your next big opportunity—and let me tell you, it’s a ride. Whether you’re aiming for that dream role or figuring out your next move, remember this: success isn’t overnight. It’s all about patience, preparation, and persistence. You’re not alone…
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Idolatry isn’t just about golden statues—it's anything that takes God’s place in our hearts. In this eye-opening episode, we dive into the modern-day idols we may not even realize we’re worshiping. From relationships to success, we explore how to identify and break free from anything competing with our devotion to God. Let’s refocus our hearts toge…
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In this episode, Luísa talks to Vanessa, Daniel and Homere, three undergrad students at the LAS program. They share some interesting thoughts about the program, how their perspectives about Latin America have changed, as well as some fun anecdotes about their experience in the program so far. Finally, our guests also give precious advice to student…
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When 98-year-old Margaret Douglas's neighbors hadn't seen her in a couple of days, they contacted her family to let them know. Her nephew, Howard, entered her home through an open door and made a horrific discovery, Margaret's dead body. For weeks, investigators had no leads in her case, but that soon changed when a neighbor of Margaret's, 17-year-…
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Hoy en nuestro #CafecitowithRosieonTV, nos acompaña Marggie Nichols, CPA, Altura Group LLC (anteriormente conocida como M.Nichols CPA, LLC), Marggie Nichols llegó a Tampa en 1976, nació en Puerto Rico, su familia es originaria de Perú y tiene dos hijas. Es Contadora Certificada Pública (CPA). Tiene una licenciatura en Cie…
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Today in #CafecitowithRosieonTV, Ana The Realtor, Broker/Owner. Residential, Commercial & International Real Estate Services and Credit Repair Services. BluMar Realty, Inc: and / blumarrealty Ana is Colombian and immigrated to the United States when she was a teenager with her mom and little sister in the mid-1990s. She cam…
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Hoy en nuestro #CafecitowithRosieonTV, nos acompaña Ana The Realtor, Broker/Owner. Residential, Commercial & International Real Estate Services and Credit Repair Services. BluMar Realty, Inc:, / blumarrealty Ana es colombiana y emigró a los Estados Unidos cuando era una adolescente a mediados de la década de 1990. Llegó con su …
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Today on #CafecitowithRosieonTV, Norma Berrios, CPA | Altura Group LLC and / altura-group-llc-101156325055738 Norma is originally from San Juan, Puerto Rico. In the 1990s, her family moved to Tampa to have a better life and learn English. She is married and has two children. Norma graduated with her master’s in accountancy fr…
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Today in #CafecitowithRosieonTV, Joe Zuniga, Singer and Entrepreneur | / joezunigatv Joe Zuniga was born in Miami, Florida. His family is of Mexican descent. They come from Texas. He is the youngest of ten siblings and is single. When he was three years old, he moved to Tampa and has lived there ever since. Joe has two pro…
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Hoy en nuestro #CafecitowithRosieonTV, nos acompaña Alex Rodríguez, Autor, Orador y Experto en Mercadeo Alex Rodríguez nació en la ciudad de New York, sus padres son dominicanos y tiene tres hermanos. Alex nos cuenta que a raíz de que su padre estaba políticamente activo en la República Dominicana, tuvo que regresar a la is…
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Hoy en nuestro #CafecitowithRosieonTV, nos acompaña Joe Zuniga, Cantante y Empresario / joezunigatv Joe Zuniga nos cuenta que nació en Miami, Florida y cuando tenía la edad de tres años se mudó para Tampa y desde entonces ha vivido allí. Es el menor de diez hermanos y está soltero. Joe tiene dos facetas profesionales la pr…
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Hoy en nuestro #CafecitowithRosieonTV, nos acompaña Karla Arita, Agente de bienes y raíces & Fundadora de PowerGals Networking Karla nació en Honduras, pero creció en Miami. Es hondureña de nacimiento, pero se siente como si fuera más de Miami. Ha vivido más de seis años en el área de…
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Today in #CafecitowithRosieonTV, special guest Karla Arita, Real Estate Professional ( & Founder of PowerGals ( Karla was born in Honduras, but she grew up in Miami. She moved to Tampa Bay Area in Land O’ Lakes. She has been married for over 23 years. She has two children and loves bein…
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Have you ever visited Lake Tahoe? Lake Tahoe is a large freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, straddling California and Nevada's border. My amiga and "Compatriota" Haydeé Acebo will be attempting to become the first Latina to swim across the length of the lake. The task is 21 miles non-stop, SOLO, no wetsuit. The night swim is scheduled f…
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Happy Tuesday, Cafecito Familia! ☕✨ At Corporate Cafecito, this week’s episode hits close to the heart: Mindset Matters. 🎙️ Your mindset isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the foundation of everything you do. It’s the inner narrative that drives your career, your goals, and your daily life. Whether climbing the corporate ladder or building something of you…
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The Moon Card shows up today with a message for 2025. My love! I pulled from the True Heart Intuitive Tarot Deck today and I felt so many messages to share. Tune in to hear what the Moon card wants to share with you today. What is your relationship with this card? If you are inclined to share, please drop a note either on the website or on Spotify.…
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*** I SWEAR in THIS EPISODE*** This is an episode where I just let it out... .... The Page of Wands Check it out! Mad Love. Nicole P Oh and hey, if you are vibing with this content, please leave a five star review on APPLE or SPOTIFY :) Thank you!☕️By Nicole P, Your Spiritual Barista☕️ Leo Sun/Leo Moon/Aries Rising tarafından oluşturuldu
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What does it really mean to have a relationship with God? In this episode, we share personal stories, practical tips, and Biblical truths about walking closely with Him. Whether you're seeking, doubting, or looking to deepen your connection, this conversation will inspire you to cultivate a faith that feels personal, powerful, and life-changing. Le…
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On December 17, 1994, 27-year-old Alison Botha, spent her Saturday with her friends at the beach. Later that night, after midnight, Alison went to drop off her friend back at her place, and it never crossed her mind how life was about to change once she returned home. While about to exit her car, a man opened her door, and held a knife to her throa…
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This is your Tarot Brew for Thursday and Friday this week. I got lost in this card today. The robe from Pamela Colemans Smith's artistry really pulled me in! Tune in to hear what messages from Spirit came through and my LOVE, thank you for tuning in! xoxo Nicole P Please consider leaving a 5 star review on your listening platform of choice!…
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The Tarot card of the day is the Four of Pentacles. I felt this message very strongly when I sat with this card today. One of the messages of this card is around protection of precious energy centers. Tune in to hear a message that is so fitting for the times that we are living. Sending you love! xo Nicole P…
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