On this podcast, you'll find Arabic lessons of all lengths. Some perfect for your commute, some for your lunch break or gym session! Hosted by Sam, an Englishman who converted to Islam at 17, studied an Arabic degree in London with study abroad in Egypt and Palestine. He is the creator of The Arabic In 60 Steps Program and is now the Academy Lead at Arabic Unlocked. Enjoy the show!
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Famous thinkers, writers, poets, and social justice leaders you should know about from the Arab World! in Arabic! Transcripts available on our website www.yallaarabee.com/podcast Yalla Arabee is an educational project and Arabic Academy created by an Arabic teacher and student to create fun and engaging content for learning Levantine Arabic. This Arabic podcast is created to help you learn Arabic language and culture in a fun and interesting way. If you like our work, please consider support ...
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آخر الأخبار من راديو السويد باللغة العربية Ansvarig utgivare: Klas Wolf-Watz
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Presented by 91.7 WEEM, get a replay of the ASN Coaches Shows as well the ASN Sports Talk and other Arabian Sports Network Content.
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Welcome to "Learn Levantine Arabic On The Go," your go-to Arabic podcast for interactive, downloadable Arabic lessons. I'm your host, Khaled Nassra, a seasoned Arabic teacher, content creator, and writer. In this podcast, I'll guide you through a fast, fun, and engaging journey to mastering Levantine Arabic through audio lessons and transcripts. Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate learner, this podcast is tailored just for you. Join me for engaging and practical lessons that break f ...
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أخبار ألمانيا في سطور من يوم الإثنين الى يوم الجمعة و لقاءات شيقة حول الجالية العربية في ألمانيا يومياً ما عدا السبت والأحد Ihr findet hier von Montag bis Freitag die wichtigsten Nachrichten und Informationen zum Leben in Deutschland. Wir stellen jeden Tag interessante Persönlichkeiten und wichtige Institutionen der arabischen Community vor.
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This podcast offers a sampling of talks given by researchers, teachers, translators, and lovers of Ibn Arabi, given at the annual symposia, and in online seminars.
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Alman Arabica - Staiy und Karl, zwei hochgewichtige Urdeutsche mit ausgeprägter suburbaner Sprachkultur pressen erfrischend polarisierende Meinungen satirisch in perfekt maßgeschneiderte Siebträger, um sie wohltemperiert mit 8-10 Bar in eure Gehörgänge laufen zu lassen. Ehrlich, direkt und ohne Scheu. Dies ist Satire, wir beleidigen hier nicht die Privatperson/en, sondern die öffentliche Kunstfigur/en.
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Arabic with Imran is all about getting people to love learning Arabic by speaking, making mistakes and just having a go! Get your FREE 6-part video series that will get you speaking in 35 minutes! Join our newsletter community and start your Arabic language journey today!https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/203521/90979955310068870/share
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Sie können den gesamten Audiokurs auf unserer Website herunterladen: www.linguaboost.com LinguaBoost Syrisch-Arabisch ist ein Audio-Kurs für Anfänger oder für alle, die sich schwer tun, fließend Syrisch-Arabisch zu sprechen. Jede Lektion enthält nützliche alltägliche Ausdrücke, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema beziehen.
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This is the latest news in Arabic from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/.
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Uncover the hidden side of Arab and Islamic history with True Arabian Nights podcast. Hosted by Asmaa Amin, this captivating series delves into the ancient tales and secrets of Arab and Islamic civilizations. From mysterious legends to untold stories, discover a world of intrigue and wonder that will leave you spellbound. Tune in to True Arabian Nights for a journey through history like never before.
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Poetry readings, interviews and reflections on four themes : love, Peace, Immigrant experience, and Utopia. Mohammad Bader author of The Traveler will highlight poems and poets focusing on said themes. Influenced by the dichotomy of William Blake and Gibran For every high, there is a low and for every laughter there is a tear. -Mohammad Baderمحمد بدر - المسافر العربي
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You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com Boost your fluency in Syrian Arabic with LinguaBoost! Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers.
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Arabic Translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifatul Masih
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Learn Arabic with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at ArabicPod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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Building on the popular 1 Year Daily Audio Bible, the community expands to provide the Daily Audio Bible Arabic العربية. Expose yourself to the Scriptures on a daily basis and you will not see the world the same a year from now. This is a community experience. Join with thousands around the world as we take the adventure of a lifetime through the Bible. www.dailyaudiobible.com
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Thanks for listening and supporting the podcast! FREE short Bilingual English-Arabic podcasts, to help English speakers learn Arabic, and Arabic speakers learn English, playfully, on the go. Access over 243 longer podcasts: Become a Paid Subscriber (Cancel any time!): https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thouria-benferhat/subscribe Lessons? https://thouria-s-school.teachable.
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If you're trying to think your way into learning Arabic, you're doing it wrong. Learn Arabic like you did English: by hearing a huge amount of it. (With at least a vague idea of what it means!) Thousands of Arabic Phrases, along with the English translations, presented directly to your brain: from practical to philosophical to flirting. Just phrases, no filler! Go way beyond the Arabic language basics to not just communicate, but actually become an interesting person in Arabic. As an audio-o ...
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Learn Arabic with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at ArabicPod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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بودكاست عربي
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This podcast is mostly Arabic starting August 2022 and it contains textual and scientific criticism of Islam and religions in general. لا يغير الإنسان واقعه حتى يغير ما في عقله و لا يتم تغيير العقل من دون طرح الأسئلة--كل الأسئلة-- و إذا لم تكن تملك الجرأة لطرحها فهذه القناة لن تعجبك! حاولت ككثير من المرقعين المسلمين إيجاد حلول و أجوبة لأسئلة أزعجت إيماني التقليدي و كنت قد قررت بالفعل التحول من المذهب السّنّي إلى المذهب الشيعي على أعتبار أن الشّيعة أقرب للعلمانية من السنة و لكن للأسف أكتشفت أ ...
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Arabic Sermons from Faith Baptist Church Regents Park Podcasts
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Omar Nassra Arabic Method is a well-known brand known for providing comprehensive Arabic language classes, lessons, and courses in London. With over two decades of experience teaching both Spoken Arabic and MSA in the city, Omar Nassra has developed a unique teaching approach that caters to students of all levels. One of the standout features of Omar Nassra Arabic Method is the series of textbooks on Spoken Arabic (Levantine) written by Omar himself. These textbooks are based on his years of ...
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Podcasts from Arabist.net, the website on Arab politics and culture.
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Welcome to the podcast for the Arabic Church in Boston. Immerse yourself in worship and be inspired with life lessons and talks that will tug on your soul. مرحبا بكم في البودكاست للكنيسة العربية في بوسطن. اندمج معنا في العبادة واستمع لدروس الحياة والمحادثات التي سوف تتحداك للتغيير.
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Welcome to Savanna, where amazing things happen.
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Speech and dialogue in Arabic Language. For all levels.
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Hvis du prøver å tenke deg inn i å lære arabisk, gjør du det feil. Lær arabisk som du gjorde norsk: ved å høre mye av det. (Med minst en vag idé om hva det betyr!) Tusenvis av arabiske fraser, sammen med de norske oversettelsene, presentert direkte til hjernen din: fra praktisk til filosofisk til flørting. Bare setninger, ingen fyllstoff! Gå langt utover det grunnleggende arabiske språket for å ikke bare kommunisere, men faktisk bli en interessant person på arabisk. Som et lydverktøy for å l ...
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The first duty of learning is to LISTEN!
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Om du försöker tänka dig för att lära dig arabiska så gör du det fel. Lär dig arabiska som du gjorde svenska: genom att höra mycket av det. (Med åtminstone en vag uppfattning om vad det betyder!) Tusentals arabiska fraser, tillsammans med de svenska översättningarna, presenterade direkt till din hjärna: från praktiskt till filosofiskt till flirtande. Bara fraser, inget fyllmedel! Gå långt bortom det arabiska språkets grunder för att inte bara kommunicera, utan faktiskt bli en intressant pers ...
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its all about my journey.
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Als je probeert Arabisch te leren, doe je het verkeerd. Leer Arabisch zoals je Nederlands deed: door er enorm veel van te horen. (Met op zijn minst een vaag idee van wat het betekent!) Duizenden Arabische zinnen, samen met de Nederlandse vertalingen, worden rechtstreeks aan je hersenen gepresenteerd: van praktisch tot filosofisch tot flirtend. Alleen maar zinnen, geen opvulling! Ga veel verder dan de basisbeginselen van de Arabische taal om niet alleen te communiceren, maar daadwerkelijk een ...
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هي حلقات دورية مهتمة بشرح وتقديم أفكار ادارية ذات أساس علمي أملا في اضافة ولو بسيطة للمحتوى الاداري العربي وذلك لمساعدة متخذي القرار لتحسين وتطوير كياناتهم الاقتصادية.
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A deep-dive into the world of classical Arabic – Learning Inspiration, Poetry, History and so much more. A must-listen for every classical/Fusha Arabic learner
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Wenn Sie versuchen, Ihren Weg zum Arabischlernen zu finden, machen Sie es falsch. Lernen Sie Arabisch wie Deutsch: indem Sie viel davon hören. (Mit zumindest einer vagen Vorstellung davon, was es bedeutet!) Tausende arabische Phrasen werden zusammen mit den deutschen Übersetzungen direkt Ihrem Gehirn präsentiert: von praktisch über philosophisch bis hin zu flirtend. Nur Phrasen, keine Füllwörter! Gehen Sie weit über die Grundlagen der arabischen Sprache hinaus, um nicht nur zu kommunizieren, ...
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Falafel Frequencies is an Arabx online radio station for the SWANA Diaspora
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مرحباً بك.. أنا بشر عبد الهادي مدون ومصور مهتم بالإعلام والتقنية والتسويق.. أعمال في مجال التسويق والتواصل منذ 2014 وأدون أفكاري وآرائي على مدونتي الشخصية beshrabdulhadi.com
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إذاعة حول العالم www.arabicprograms.org لإرسال استفساراتكم وأسئلتكم أو مشاركاتكم الرجاء الارسال على البريد الإلكتروني info@arabicprograms.org أو على الواتساب ++357 99786310
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NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN - Arabic News at 15:00 (JST), September 10NHK WORLD-JAPAN tarafından oluşturuldu
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مهرجان كوباني السينمائي الدولي
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على مدى ثلاثة أيام وخلال الفترة ما بين 6 إلى 8 سبتمبر، إستمرّت فعاليات مهرجان كوباني السينمائي الدولي في دورته الخامسة في مدينة كيلزين كيرشين الألمانية. عرض المهرجان نخبة من الأفلام القصيرة من أكثر من 92 دولة فيما إفتتح المهرجان بالفيلم الكردي الطويل "شمعة واحدة، شمعتان". ومن أبرز لحظات الإفتتاح كانت حضور الفنان الكردي خيرو عباس، الذي أضاف بصوته ال…
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:Sveriges Radio tarafından oluşturuldu
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🇯🇴 Part 5: Helping Ameera Communicate with her Cousins in Jordan: Feelings and Emotions, Part 1
🇯🇴 Part 5: Helping Ameera Communicate with her Cousins in Jordan: Feelings and Emotions, Part 1 Bought one yet? My multilingual books make beautiful gifts 🎁! http://tiny.cc/awcsyz Visit my webpage: https://www.thouriabenferhat.com/
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DAB Arabic September 09 - 2024
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Isaiah 3:1-5:30, 2 Cor 11:1-15, Ps 53:1-6, Pr 22:28-29Daily Audio Bible tarafından oluşturuldu
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Understand AL-FATIHA in 16 Minutes! Arabic for the Short Surahs (1 of 7)
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Learn Arabic with me LIVE for 8 weeks on my next Arabic in 60 Steps cohort: Arabicin60Steps.com FREE Flashcard set for Surat Al-Fatiha
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Muhammad (sa): The Great Exemplar
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Arabic translation of Friday Sermon delivered by Khalifa-tul-Masih on September 6th, 2024 (audio)www.alislam.org tarafından oluşturuldu
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Claim Your Copy Here: Colloquial Levantine Arabic: 2024 New Edition(PDF) by Khaled Nassra: Click Here Colloquial Levantine Arabic: 2024 New Edition on Amazon (Hard Copy) by Khaled Nassra: Click Here
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Karl hat sein Mikro komplett verhunzt, aber wir wollten die Folge nicht ausfallen lassen. Es gibt uns jetzt auch wieder auf YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/@almanarabica Hier gibt's mehr Content von Staiy & Dekarldent Dekarldent: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dekarldent Staiy: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/staiy Es gibt uns jetzt auch wieder auf Y…
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Dispatch from the Red Planet: Prophet Aaron’s Paradoxical Persona
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Angela writes: Overshadowed by his younger brother Moses, known primarily for his negative role in the Golden Calf saga, the Prophet Aaron’s importance may seem to some negligible, his status auxiliary, his effect doubtful. A close reading of the Shaykh al-Akbar’s various treatments of this seemingly minor prophet, however, allows us to take a seco…
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Learn and Master The Verb To Visit (بزور) In Levantine Arabic - Level B1 #44
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Send us a text Join Omar Nassra Method Premium Podcasts https://www.omarnassramethod.com/omar-nassra-arabic-podcast Known for his 20 years of teaching experience and expertise as a native Arabic speaker, Omar Nassra is a highly capable instructor in various Arabic dialects. He is well-versed in teaching Levantine dialect (used in Palestine, Jordan,…
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صانع الساعات الأعمى ريتشارد دوكنز الفصل 12 للأخير برامج الحاسوب وتطور التطورية رابط تحميل الكتاب pdf
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صانع الساعات الأعمى ريتشارد دوكنز الفصل 12 للأخير برامج الحاسوب وتطور التطورية رابط تحميل الكتاب pdf مجانا:chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/39/2021/04/22214930/tbwm-arabic.pdfملخص الكتاب:كتاب "صانع الساعات الأعمى" لريتشارد دوكنز هو عمل مهم في مجال علم الأحياء التطوري. نشر …
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In this lesson you'll learn the following phrases: How old are you? / I am 40 years old. / How old is he? / He is eighteen. / She is fifteen. / I am very old.LinguaBoost tarafından oluşturuldu
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Duraid Lahham: Learn Arabic with Transit Station
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Send us a Text Message. Hi and welcome back to today’s episode of Learn Arabic with Transit Station by Yalla Arabee. Don’t forget that we translate all of these episodes, you can find them on our website www.yallaarabee.com/podcast ALSO! Don't forget that we offer Arabic classes, in person all around the world (Beirut, Damascus, Dubai, Berlin, Amma…
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Beginners Arabic Lesson 27: Practising the Past Tense with Singer Kulsoom Creates
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Send us a Text Message. As part of a charity auction I owed the phenomenonal singer Kulsoom 3 Arabic classes and it took us 3 years to complete! In this lesson we practise the past tense and demonstrate that it doesn't take much to learn some sentences, even if you average 1 lesson a year! Check out Kulsoom's amazing songs, here is her pre-save lin…
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