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Rob Prsa, Owner of Kay Bahd Apparel, shares actionable advice on how to successfully run a profitable clothing brand.
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Rachel Erickson brings her 20 years of expertise in the apparel manufacturing industry to this show to inspire you to build your best brand yet. Each week, you’ll hear from Rachel along with other industry experts who are shedding light on what is needed to build your own apparel line from scratch or to take your existing apparel brand to the next level and create sustainable and unstoppable growth. Rachel’s big emphasis on proper techniques, sustainable practices and business clarity will b ...
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Bienvenue dans Couture Apparente, le podcast qui s’interroge sur la mode et l’impact qu’elle a sur nos vies. A la fois un art et une industrie, la mode soulève des questions sociales, politiques et écologiques que ce podcast aborde sans complexe. La mode et le féminisme sont-ils compatibles ? Comment créer des bijoux durables ? Quel est le coût d’une fabrication éthique ? Est-ce que la mode discrimine les minorités ? Qui sont celles et ceux qui s’engagent pour une industrie plus respo ...
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apparacity is a podcast releasing music, old time radio shows and current radio programs from around the world.
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Tips, tricks, and advice on getting a sewn product idea into development and manufacture.
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Stel, iemand vertelt je in vertrouwen dat hij iets heeft uitgevonden wat de wereld zal veranderen. Het kan niet, wat hij beweert - maar het apparaat werkt. Hij laat je zelfs een filmpje zien van zijn apparaat. Wat zou je doen? Het overkwam schrijver, muzikant en journalist Frans Pollux. Nu is hij een man op het spoor gekomen die in zijn garage een apparaat heeft staan waar de mensheid eeuwenlang tevergeefs naar zocht. Maar de uitvinder is bang dat zijn idee gestolen wordt. Hij houdt het angs ...
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Christian podcasts don't have to be cheesy anymore. info@odgapparel.com
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ShoppeApparel is the new discount shopping online experience that removes the stress of shopping from home.
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Podcast by LCNA
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Great Tips for Starting and Running Your Custom Apparel Business
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Welcome to the KMT Apparel podcast, where you can hear all the latest news ! You can give us your feedback , get to know the movement & feel even closer to the family
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NOT born this way - The official podcast of the Iron Legion Strength Co. and NOT Born This Way brand apparel.
Scott Baumann, Owner and founder of Iron Legion Strength Co.
We were NOT born this way. Success has not come easily or without failure. Our favorite stories of success are those that have been achieved by overcoming obstacles and adversity. We believe in becoming through overcoming and the power of perseverance and hard work.
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Your brand, your way. Create a clothing line that aligns with your brand, and your company using the best sustainably sourced materials in the world. We have a mission to educate people about what they put on their body. All clothes are not created equal!
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La política de la moda a través del tiempo. The policy of fashion over time. Spanish/ English content.
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In The Apparel Entrepreneurship Podcast, Ana and Klas Kristiansson - apparel industry experts, authors, and speakers will discuss hands-on tactics touching all areas involved in running and growing a meaningful, successful apparel brand. Learn practical strategies about sustainability, design, product, marketing, sales, community, e-commerce, and entrepreneurship. You’ll also hear inspiring interviews with industry experts and entrepreneurs about their tips and journeys in this fast-paced in ...
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Welcome to The Fashionpreneur Podcast, where we offer bite-sized, actionable episodes on trends and strategies you need to know for a lasting fashion business.
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Co-founders of the fashion brand Alpaca Apparel host a weekly(ish) show about people's differences. Get to know two polar opposite best friends from Malaysia, Mika and Anson, as they chat about a wide variety of casual and philosophical topics. Quality guaranteed - each episode is infused with deep, introspective conversation that bears the authentic seal of profuse swearing.
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Podcast by Apparently the Greatest
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The Food 4 Thought Apparel podcast will focus on empowering a community of individuals looking to understand their own walk of life through their medium. Our medium is a clothing brand built to remind and inspire the individual and the world around us of their internal greatness one statement piece at a time.
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Do you want to buy wholesale apparel online? If yes, then CC Wholesale Clothing is the one-stop shop for wholesale clothing shopping. You can shop for women’s clothing, men’s clothing and kids clothing at this discount shop. To shop finest range of wholesale apparel, simply visit: https://www.ccwholesaleclothing.com/APPAREL_c_16.html
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The official podcast of Electrical Apparatus Magazine. Hosted by David Miller and a rotating cast of editors at Electrical Apparatus: the magazine for professionals in electromechanical application & maintenance, energy, and electric vehicles. EA has been in print since 1964 and covers all corners of the electrical aftermarket—including electric motors, drives, generators, pumps, VFDs, servomotors, and much more. Service shop and convention coverage have been staples of the trade publication ...
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Nous avons tous vécu des moments inoubliables, fantastiques, fait des rencontres absurdes ou improbables. Mais dans Apparences, les histoires, celles de nos témoins, ont quelque chose de particulier : un détail, un lieu, une rencontre. Apparences est une émission de témoignages. À chaque épisode, Camille Le Bret et son équipe partent à la rencontre d’un nouveau témoin afin qu’il nous raconte une histoire "étrange" qu’il a vécu, récemment ou non, et qui a bouleversé sa vie. Un lundi ...
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Based on the progressive opinion column of the same name produced by Jason Pramas and syndicated by the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism (BINJ) of Boston, MA, USA. Website: binjonline.org
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A Texas Bass Fishing Podcast and apparel doing interviews with texas guides for fresh and salt walter as well as local anglers aroud texas and other states Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/Straight Bassin /support
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This is a podcast for that parent that suddenly, and often, finds themselves asking, “how in the world did I get here?”! A safe space to chit and chat about ALL aspects of happening upon parenthood! If you have any questions reach out at apparentlyimaparent@gmail.com
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Tired of the glammed up, over filtered version of birth and parenting we keep seeing all over social media? Parents! – it’s time to get real and share all of it on Apparently with Astra - the new pregnancy and parenting podcast. Listen to your host, Astra as she shares a healthy dose of unpredictable humor and emotional moments as a new mom, while also interviewing parents from different backgrounds that have gone through their own extraordinary experiences while growing and raising their fa ...
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The Apparently Normal is a podcast and video series that aims to explain, debunk and shine light on what could be behind the innumerable claims that have people all over the world believing in the paranormal.
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A Journey of self exploration, growth, and awakening from within for the well being of all. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bryangallagher/support
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Alternatives for a Distressed Company in Apparel and Retail: A Discussion on Strategies and Tips for a Successful Turnaround, Financing and Sale. The process of bidding for, financing and acquiring distressed companies in the Apparel and Retail space is competitive and complex. The panel will address the strategies and tips for success from the perspectives of an investment banker, a deal and bankruptcy lawyer, a turnaround executive, a lender and a tax accountant.
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Ciaran is the last important thing left in Brendan's life. After the world has fallen apart, the cousins take care of one another in their new home: a vibrant, oceanside community of survivors. However, dreams of his past tempt Ciaran to leave this new happiness and Brendan is faced with a choice: travel with the only family he has left or stay in paradise with the woman he might love. Told in a series of short stories, the tale of Brendan and Ciaran was first available on the author's websi ...
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Parenting - it's both wonderful and nerve-wracking. But you can break that cycle!If you are a parent who wants to find balance and get to the end of the day with a smile on your face, if you want to understand your children and yourself better, and if you want to lead your family into calm waters while having fun doing so, this is the podcast for you.Hi, I'm Eran Katz. I'm a Clinical Psychologist and Parenting Counsellor, Attachment Researcher, and family man. In this show, I combine the art ...
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How Much You Really Need to Save to Start An Apparel Line
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
How Much You Really Need to Save to Start An Apparel Line In this episode, Rachel answers one of the most important questions you need to know the answer to when starting an apparel line: how much do you REALLY need to save? Learn why $200,000 is a realistic figure and what that truly covers. Spoiler alert: It's all about aligning your resources, f…
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Learn how to market your clothing brand so that your brand stands out in 2025. BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ In this episode of Apparel Success, I’ll share 10 powerful ways my clothing brand stands out in the competitive clothing market. Using real examples from my own clothing li…
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128: Štefani pečenka
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Basket tudi tokrat dolgo na zadnjih sedežih vozila po imenu Dvokorak, do žgoče debate in pogovorov o trejdih. Bi vi dali Draymonda za Jimmya če ste Mike Dunleavy? Po vsej verjetnosti se takole še nikoli nismo prijeli in spet je bilo razmerje moči razporejeno Matko/Tilc vs Štule. V resnici smo podkast zaključili malček skregani. Tik pred tem pa še d…
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Glave na gradu – Uporniki v umetnosti
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Anžetu in Pižami se je za grajskim omizjem pridružila ilustratorka Hana Stupica. Smo izvedeli kaj o upornikih v likovni umetnosti? Posneto 16. sep 2024 na Ljubljanskem gradu. Če so ti glave všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discord: Apparatus klub Vprašaj Glave – Glave #194 Zapiski: Glave na gradu - Uporn…
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207: Kaj je najbolj čudna bolezen?
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
V tem solo delu Aleš in Sašo spet izvesta štiri nove stvari! Katere? … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 207 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Podpornik tega dela je: https://www.tojeto.info/ – Po navdih za darila skoči na: https://www.tojeto.info/novo-le…
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Jure in Anze o Vikend paketu, Juretovi hčerki, Jaguarju in nasveti za študiranje. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #116 Zapiski: Home | smartless What is the brand/model of Christopher Nolan’s thermos? : r/HelpMeFind Jaguar Type 00 | Copy Nothing Miami - YouTube Jaguar Cars - Wikipedia…
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New Potential Tariffs, How They Will Impact the Apparel Industry
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
EP 93 - New Potential Tariffs, How They Will Impact the Apparel Industry In this episode, Rachel is tackling a subject that's been on everyone's minds, tariffs and what that means for businesses AND consumers. We start by unraveling the concept of duty rates, how tariffs are calculated based on the manufacturer's cost rather than the retail price, …
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The ultimate marketing guide when you have no money and no network. BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ Struggling to get sales with no followers and no marketing budget? This video is your ultimate guide to mastering content marketing and learning how to market effectively without spen…
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V tem delu zaključuje svojo trilogijo gostovanj balerina in žirantka šova Slovenija ima talent – Ana Klašnja … in to tako, da fantoma postavi neprimerno vprašanje: “Kdo ali kaj je Gua Sha?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 206 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” …
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Answering All of Your Apparel Sourcing Questions with Expert, Cheryl Tzeng
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
EP 92 - Answering All of Your Apparel Sourcing Questions with Expert, Cheryl Tzeng In this episode, I'm sitting down with Cheryl Tzeng from Short Street Company to answer all of your questions about apparel sourcing! We explore the critical factors for selecting the right factory, including evaluating capabilities for your specific product type and…
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BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ In this episode of Apparel Success, I’m sharing the process behind launching my second clothing brand in 2025, and offering valuable tips for anyone looking to start their own clothing line, streetwear brand, or t-shirt business. Whether you’re intere…
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202: Silmarillion & Prstani moči 2
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Dvestodruga epizoda podkasta O.B.O.D. je četrta redna epizoda sedme sezone. Agenti Mito, Igor in Aljoša so v goste povabili prevajalca in špilerja Sergeja Hvalo – Snetija in s skupnimi močmi se lotijo druge sezone serije Rings of Power govorijo pa tudi o novem prevodu Silmarilliona. Sneti je v drugi sezoni celo že nekoliko mazohistično užival, sice…
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Pobje spet lajajo! Laježa je bilo predvsem na začetku kar precej, saj smo prvih 45 minut epizode renčali o vsem, razen košarki. Sicer pa kratek pregled dogajanja v ligi onkraj luže in analiza dela strokovnega štaba in reprezentance ob uvrstitvi na Eurobasket 2025. P.s.: taktičnih mahinacij glede objavljanja epizod na YT in na podkast ponudnike bo o…
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Matrica: ponovno naložena: Anže in Pižama se divita nad akcijskimi prizori in svečano zaprisežeta, da v življenju več ne poskusita nobene tortice. Če so ti glave všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discord: Apparatus klub Vprašaj Glave – Glave #193 Zapiski: Linki: The Matrix Reloaded Masters of the Universe…
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Še vedno je v gosteh balerina in žirantka šova Slovenija ima talent, Ana Klašnja. V tem delu skupaj z Alešem poskuša odgovoriti na Sašotovo vprašanje: “Kdo ali kaj je Pfeilstorch?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 205 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube k…
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Thanksgiving Gratitude and Being Grateful For What’s Next
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Thanksgiving Gratitude and Being Grateful For What’s Next Happy Thanksgiving! In today's episode, Rachel is giving thanks and reflecting on her daily practice of gratitude that truly transforms her mindset, as well as expressing how grateful she is for what's coming up! Focusing on small, daily joys can lead to a more positive outlook, even when li…
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From a crazy business idea to a reality. Vlogging our journey to starting a clothing brand in 2025. BEST Design Tool → https://design.com/apparelsuccess SHOP → https://mytherapywear.com Studio vlog for our new clothing brand startup called TherapyWear. Join us packaging boxes, working on the website, posting on social media, and more. Launching our…
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Les actus mode octobre et novembre 2024 : LVMH pèse sur la politique, moins d'inclusivité...
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Cet épisode de Couture Apparente est notre cinquième format court ! C'est une sélection d’actualités mode qui illustrent les liens entre cette industrie et les dynamiques sociales et politiques de notre époque. Au sommaire de cet épisode consacré aux actus d'octobre et novembre 2024 : LVMH : la famille Arnault pèse sur les politiques françaises et …
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Jure in Anze o maturantskih izletih. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #115 Zapiski: Lovelorn - YouTube Deus Ex (video game) - Wikipedia Games People Play (book) - Wikipedia I’m OK – You’re OK - Wikipedia Formule ljubezni The Thin Red Line (1998 film) - Wikipedia Premium Soundbar HW-Q990…
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Tokrat je na obisk prišla profesionalna balerina in žirantka šova Slovenija ima talent, Ana Klašnja. Sašo je delal piruete, Aleš je pa vprašal: “Kdo ali kaj je Krušpl?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 204 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Podpor…
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Episode 341- Mike Tyson fight and takeaways on aging and fitness.
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
With 58 year-old Mike Tyson stepping back in the ring to take on an athlete less than half his age, there has been a lot of talk about how much his age would affect his athletic ability and performance. And while the difference between 58 year-old Mike and 28 year-old Mike was very apparent, there were great lessons to be learned and lots of things…
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Chasing Revenue vs. Chasing Consistency
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Chasing Revenue vs. Chasing Consistency In this episode, Rachel is aiming to shift focus from immediate revenue to long-term stability through consistency and tips on how to modify your approach. After her experience with hiring a bookkeeper and seeing how they transformed her financial management views, it helped Rachel gain perspective and remain…
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Dvestoprva epizoda podkasta O.B.O.D. je druga redna epizoda sedme sezone. Agenti Mito, Igor in Aljoša tokrat obdelajo miniserijo Pingvin. Igorju je všeč, če junaki ali antijunaki pomagajo navadnim ljudem, itak pa ugotavlja, da so bužiji neučinkoviti in da Pingvinu močno manjka čustvena inteligenca, ter problematizira hbojevsko potrebo po podrobnem …
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How to market your brand in 2025 🔥 BEST Design Tool - https://design.com/apparelsuccess In this video, Rob shares how brands should do marketing in 2025. How to grow your brand on social media including Instagram and TikTok. You will learn about the biggest marketing trends and content marketing strategies. For anyone marketing on social media - fo…
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Limonca – Če veš, kaj mislim!
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Možganski trust se brez varnostnega pasu pripelje pred vrtec s takšno hitrostjo, da se za njimi dviga prah. Če so ti Glave/Če veš, kaj mislim! všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discord: Apparatus klub Vprašaj: Če veš, kaj mislim – Glave #192 Zapiski: Vprašanje: Tadej Kako naj ženi razložim, da pripenjanje…
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Po zahrbtni bolezni se je med žive vrnil Luka Štucin in sklical druženje. Ob druženju pa veliko o ligi NBA skozi rumeno obarvane leče. K sreči imamo v družbi tudi Tilca, ki Snapchat novinarskemu spremljanju lige NBA s strani Matkota, doda nekaj prepotrebnega konteksta. In strokovnosti. Uživajte! ŠČPBČKI IMAJO ŠE BALE MRČA: https://app.vibeit.co/sl/…
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203: Kdo ali kaj je kazuar?
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
V tem solo delu Aleš in Sašo spet izvesta štiri nove stvari! Katere? … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 203 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Podpornik tega dela je: https://www.tojeto.info/ Iz česa so bile včasih golf žogice? Kdo ali kaj je kazuar? Česa…
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Behind the Scenes of Life As A Design Director with Megan Krajco
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Behind the Scenes of Life As A Design Director with Megan Krajco In this episode, Rachel connects with Megan Krajco as she navigates her brand new role for Paka as a Design Director. Megan shares her nearly two-decade journey from an intern at Garnet Hill to a design director role, offering just a snapshot of the wisdom she’s gained along the way. …
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BEST Design Tool - https://design.com/apparelsuccess This will explain why your views are so low across Instagram, TikTok and YouTube in 2024 and 2025... If you want to learn how to grow on Instagram or how to grow on tiktok, you're in the right place. Instagram growth, TikTok growth, and YouTube growth depend entirely on the quality of your conten…
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Jure in Anze o kraljevem sinu in poklicnem usmerjanju. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #114 Zapiski: Michael Palin in North Korea - Wikipedia Boštjan Videmšek – Severna Koreja Radio Si - RTV SLO RIBARICA – Google Zemljevidi Konoba Buščina – Google Zemljevidi…
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To je del 202! Gost pa ni iz 202 ampak iz enke … tiste tadruge enke. Svojo trilogijo gostovanja zaključuje en in edini Denis Avdić, ki je tokrat na vrsti da postavi vprašanje in sicer: “Kdo ali kaj je Jetrva in zaova?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 202 Naroči…
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200: Živa epizoda XVII v KGB: Filmski klišeji
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Dvestota, jubilejna epizoda podkasta O.B.O.D. je XVII. epizoda v živo, posneta v Kinu gledališču Bežigrad, obodovskem štabu, v ponedeljek 4. novembra 2024. Agenti Mito, Igor in Aljoša so v goste povabili dve zvezdniški gostujoči ekipi, prvo so sestavljali Boštjan Gorenc – Pižama, Mojca Gorenc in Anže Tomić, drugo Ana Jurc, Ana Šturm in Maja Peharc.…
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California’s New Legislation for Apparel Sustainability
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
California’s New Legislation for Apparel Sustainability In this episode, Rachel is getting into the nitty gritty about California’s new legislation coming into place that focuses on apparel sustainability, AB 347 and SB 707.. These regulations are not just another legal hurdle but a driving force compelling brands to rethink their materials and pro…
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Don't make the same clothing brand startup mistakes I did... About This Video: Best Design Tool (with Discount) - https://design.com/apparelsuccess Key differences between a newbie clothing brand startup who is just starting their first online business and a professional entrepreneur with over 8 years experience. We cover marketing, design, invento…
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Po jubilejnem dvestotem, extra super posebnem delu … pa pride še en čisto normalen dvestoprvi del! Gost je še vedno en od najbolj prepoznavnih radijskih obrazov in glasov Denis Avdić. Tokrat je Alešu in Denisu vprašanje postavil Sašo in sicer: “Kdo ali kaj je Julius Schmid?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tuk…
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Embracing Empathy and Comfort Through the Apparel Business with Barely Canadian Founder, Kelly Slattery
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Embracing Empathy and Comfort Through the Apparel Business with Barely Canadian Founder, Kelly Slattery In this episode, Rachel is chatting with Kelly Slattery, the visionary co-founder of Barely Canadian, who is sharing insights from her journey on establishing a brand with a heartfelt mission. Cozy apparel is only part of the story as Kelly forge…
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Matrica: Anže poje rdečo tabletko in se zatakne med stenami, Pižama pa neuspešno izvaja salte. Nato si zamenjata službi. Če so ti glave všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discord: Apparatus klub Vprašaj Glave – Glave #191 Zapiski: The Matrix Dark City The Tick: Spoon! Franja OBOD: 200. epizoda v živo! Poob…
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About This Episode: Best Design Tool (with Discount) - https://design.com/apparelsuccess In this episode I share the brand ideas that will crush in 2025 and are trending upwards fast. A large part of how to market your brand is creating a brand that is a aligned with trends. For any startup - this video will show you how to develop a blue ocean str…
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L'influence mode peut-elle être éthique ?
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Ce trentième long format de Couture Apparente, "L'influence mode peut-elle être éthique ?", s'interroge sur ce pan de l'industrie de la mode et sa capacité a répondre aux enjeux de notre époque. Avec nos invitées : Charlotte Lemay, mannequin, influenceuse engagée et fondatrice de Aware Collective Geralda Barros, créatrice de contenu spécialisée dan…
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Jure in Anze o predstavitvi nove knjige in spet o košarki ter NBA draftu. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #113 Zapiski: Sean Carroll’s Mindscape Podcast – Sean Carr oll The Flop House | A Podcast About Bad Movies Epicurean Cutting Boards | USA Made Wonder Woman (2017 film) – Wikipedia …
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To je jubilejni 200. del podkasta “A res, tega ne veš?”!!! Ker je taka okrogla obletnica IN ker je radio bratranec od podkasta, je seveda gost eden najbolj prepoznavnih radijcev v državi Denis Avdić IN edino logično je, da je Alešovo vprašanje: “Kdo ali kaj je Radioman?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj N…
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Our Community Asked, We Have Answers! Unmarked Street Q&A with Rachel
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Our Community Asked, We Have Answers! Unmarked Street Q&A with Rachel In this episode, Rachel addresses the questions asked by those in the Unmarked Street community like, How has Unmarked Street grown so fast, How have we gotten to 15,000 Instagram followers, and so much more! First, it’s important to know that personal definitions of success can …
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Clothing Brand Expert Answers The Most Searched Questions From New Brands
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
About This Video: Design Tool - https://design.com/apparelsuccess In this episode, I answer the most popular questions from new clothing brand owners about how to start a clothing brand in 2025. Topics include marketing, design, manufacturing, legality, website, social media, and more. If you are starting a clothing brand or already running one - t…
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Episode 340- My breakup with booze.
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Giving up alcohol is arguably one of the most powerful and life changing things I’ve ever done. Today I want to share my story in the hopes that it may help someone who wants to do the same.
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Možganski trust parkira ob pisoar in si med absolventskim stažem privošči romantično rekreacijo. Če so ti Glave/Če veš, kaj mislim! všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discord: Apparatus klub Vprašaj: Če veš, kaj mislim – Glave #190 Zapiski: Romano Tours – SNL – YouTube Vprašanje: Jure Živjo misleci … Ali s…
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199: Zakaj je nastala Morsejeva koda?
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
V tem solo delu Aleš in Sašo spet izvesta štiri nove stvari! Katere? … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 199 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Kaj je razlika med limono in limeto Zakaj je nastala Morsejeva koda Kdaj se je najboljše tehtati Kaj imajo skupn…
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Finding the Real Treasures in the Struggles with Youer Founder, Mallory Ottariano
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
Finding the Real Treasures in the Struggles with Youer Founder, Mallory Ottariano In this episode, Rachel sits down for a fascinating conversation with Mallory Ottariano about her unexpected journey into fashion entrepreneurship and the creation of her brand, Youer.. From dreaming of architecture to finding her true calling in design, Mallory’s sto…
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Divji zahod za divjo trojico! Fun fact: Luks še vedno ne ve kaj odgovorit v rubriki “odčepi – začepi”. Tokrat se zakopljemo v globočine zahodne konference. Sicer vas pa lepo vabimo, da se 30. oktobra udeležite podkasta v živo, ki bo v ARENI STOŽICE. NAPOLNIMO JO! Potem bo pa še tekma Vite proti Hapoelu. Lepo vas bo videti. ŠČPBČKI IMAJO ŠE BALE MRČ…
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How to grow your brand SO fast you scare your friends & family
Daha Sonra Çal
Daha Sonra Çal
About This Video: Best Design Tool (with Discount) - https://design.com/apparelsuccess In this episode I talk about how to grow your brand so fast using social media that you freak out everyone around you. We cover everything from your product market-fit, to acquiring credibility and your content marketing strategy on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube…
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Jure in Anze o vprašanjih za mrtve genije. Door. Leave. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #111 Zapiski: Ceca navdušena nad Tilnom Artačem #video - siol.net Steve Jobs in 2010, at D8 Conference (Full Video) - YouTube André Rieu - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija…
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