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Threat Vector by Palo Alto Networks

Palo Alto Networks and N2K Networks

Threat Vector, Palo Alto Networks podcast, is your premier destination for security thought leadership. Join us as we explore pressing cybersecurity threats, robust protection strategies, and the latest industry trends. The podcast features in-depth discussions with industry leaders, Palo Alto Networks experts, and customers, providing crucial insights for security decision-makers. Whether you're looking to stay ahead of the curve with innovative solutions or understand the evolving cybersec ...
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Marcelo Nicchio

Welcome to ALTopsia. Um podcast em português (BR). Um punk quarentão fazendo a autópsia dos assuntos e de si mesmo antes que chegue a hora que façam nele.
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Aylık Copyright © Todos los Derechos Reservados. Te acercamos las noticias más importantes del mundo del espectáculo, música, cine, tecnología, celebridades y mucho más.
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Hier ist der Podcast der Vineyard Altona verfügbar, in den wöchentlich die neuesten Predigten hinzugefügt werden. Wir sind eine beziehungsorientierte Gemeinde, die Gottes Liebe und Kraft in Altona und unserem persönlichen Umfeld sichtbar macht.
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Altoparlante es un proyecto dinámico de ELIC, Escuela de Locutores Independientes de Córdoba. Se inscribe aquí A Viva Voz, gran parte de nuestro hacer en extensión y en la cultura, generando así, la posibilidad de nuestro oficio en la práctica, destinado a inspirar, un concierto democrático de voces! Favio Lorenzin Elic
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Alto y Claro

Podcasteras Media

¿Tu podcast está en pausa indefinida? ¿Te frustra ver otros podcast lograr lo que tu quieres? ¿Te apasiona la idea de retomarlo pero sientes que no tienes tiempo, que te faltan las ideas o una estrategia simple para volver a grabar? Tranquila, no estás sola. Hemos estado ahí y es más común de lo que te imaginas entre marcas personales. Sabes que tu podcast puede ayudarte a crecer tu marca personal, pero con el ritmo de la vida, el llevar tu marca, clientes, mantener la agenda, reuniones y má ...
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Bienvenidos a Alto Voltaje! El podcast de 2 mentes brillantes hablando pura pendejada de todos los temas que te podas imaginar! *Solo compartimos nuestras opiniones y nunca buscamos criticar ni lastimar a nadie, al final son puras pendejadas :)
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TV Host and Foodist Alton Brown reviews recent food news, chats with celebrities about their culinary passions, takes calls from listeners, and basically does whatever he flippin’ wants for 45 minutes.
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Salud Desde Lo Alto

David De La Rosa Ceron

Somos un equipo de médicos, psicólogos, laboratoristas, Pastores juveniles, todos con el único objetivo de brindarte la información necesaria para que logres un bienestar integral. Bienvenido a Salud desde lo Alto.
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Chega mais que a gente vai bater ALTOS PAPOS. Aqui você vai escutar de tudo um pouco: Papos filosóficos, vida no exterior, descobertas da maternidade e paternidade, criação de filhos, nerdices, confissões, viagens e o que mais vier por aí... Com a participação de vocês com perguntas e eventuais convidados, vamos papear sobre o que der na telha... Vamos trocar muitas experiências e informação de uma forma descontraída! Acompanhem a gente também no e no ...
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Welcome to the Bridges Community Church podcast, your destination for Sunday messages from Bridges Church. Join us each week as we dive deep into the Word of God and explore the life-transforming message of Jesus and the grace He offers us. In each episode, we bring you the dynamic and inspiring Sunday messages delivered by our passionate and knowledgeable pastors. From thought-provoking teachings to practical insights, we unpack the truths of Scripture and their relevance to our everyday li ...
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Alto Mar

Diogo Nóvoa

Durante uma hora semanalmente navegaremos à descoberta. Cada emissão uma aventura em que nos perderemos por música que importa. Emissões á 1 da manhã da madrugada de segunda para terça feira na Rádio Universitária do Minho.
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First-time director Gia Coppola and actors Emma Roberts and Nat Wolff discuss their film Palo Alto. This vibrant and cinematic immersion in the high school experience follows overlapping stories of teens and the adults around them in the titular town.
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Un Alto En El Camino

Un Alto en el Camino

Un Podcast de Misioneros Digitales Católicos (MDC), en el cual J.R. Arévalo presenta entrevistas con cristianos que viven su fe y con su servicio transforman vidas y dan testimonio del Evangelio. ¡Escucha un pograma nuevo de forma quincenal, suscribete y no te pierdas estos testimonios de vida! Siguenos en nuestras redes sociales como Misioneros Digitales Católicos, Un Alto En El Camino y j.r.arevalo.
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show series
Podcasts have become vital tools for sharing knowledge and insights, particularly in technical fields like cybersecurity. "Threat Vector," led by David Moulton, serves as an essential guide through the complex landscape of cyber threats, offering expert interviews and in-depth analysis. In this session, David will discuss the process behind creatin…
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Consistencia vs. Frecuencia: La clave para un podcast exitoso (sin agotarte) Si tienes un podcast (o lo retomaste después de una pausa), seguro has escuchado una y otra vez que la consistencia es clave. Pero… ¿y si te digo que ser consistente NO significa publicar sin falta todas las semanas? En este episodio, desmantelamos el mito de la frecuencia…
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Cloud security is more complex than ever. Organizations move fast, but security teams often struggle to keep up. In this episode of Threat Vector, host David Moulton speaks with Amol Mathur, SVP of Products for Prisma Cloud at Palo Alto Networks, about how platformization is reshaping cloud security. Amol shares why security can’t be siloed, how AI…
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Handling: I jakten på att förstå mer om akrogaliska år och den kommande reningen så söker Qasim kunskap både hos nya och gamla vänner. Medverkande: Musik: Adrian von Ziegler, Randall Collier-Ford (som gavs ut av Cryo Chamber), Tabletop Audio samt copyrightfri musik. ASKII finner du på följande kanaler: BandCamp: Facebook…
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When it comes to Christian stewardship, we typically think about how to best use our time, our talents and experiences, or our finances, but what about being good stewards of our trials and our times of suffering? Rather than hiding our pain and pretending that everything is okay when it clearly is not, or rather than being trapped by our pain and …
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Artificial intelligence is advancing fast, but with innovation comes risk. In this episode of Threat Vector, host David Moulton sits down with Sam Rubin, SVP of Consulting and Threat Intelligence at Unit 42, and Kyle Wilhoit, Director of Threat Research, to explore the vulnerabilities of DeepSeek, a new large language model. They dive into AI jailb…
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In this captivating episode of Threat Vector, David Moulton, Director of Thought Leadership for Unit 42, sits down with Lior Rochberger, Principal Threat Researcher at Palo Alto Networks, to uncover the secrets of Operation Diplomatic Specter—a cutting-edge cyber espionage campaign targeting government entities in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.…
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¿Llevas meses (o años) sin publicar un episodio de tu podcast? Tal vez lo dejaste por falta de tiempo, recursos o simplemente porque la vida pasó. Pero ahora, ahí está esa espinita clavada: quieres retomarlo, pero no sabes por dónde empezar. En este episodio, te comparto los 3 pasos esenciales que no puedes saltarte antes de relanzar tu podcast. Si…
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CW: I detta avsnitt förekommer en scen där det anas att barnmisshandel skett. För de som vill undvika det så är scenen mellan 33.30-34.30. Handling: Qasim tar avsked från den nya armén och under kvällen då de firar avskedet så når orden ”ett dussin, dussin år” honom – ord som den gamla häxan Amarossa förtäljde till honom i träsket då han reste med …
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All of us, in one way or another, are able to communicate. Even babies can get their ideas across with cries or gestures. But why did God give us this ability? What is it for? Can we misuse it? This week, we'll study the power of words, their purpose, and the proper way to use them.Bridges' Staff tarafından oluşturuldu
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IoT devices are everywhere, with billions deployed globally in industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and critical infrastructure. But this explosion of connectivity brings unprecedented security challenges. In this episode of Threat Vector, host David Moulton speaks with Dr. May Wang, CTO of IoT Security at Palo Alto Networks, about how AI is …
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¿Te ha pasado que te sientas a editar y el tiempo se convierte en un enemigo? Grabaste un episodio de 15 minutos y ya llevas una hora editando... ¡y apenas vas por la mitad! Si la edición te hace perder la paciencia y amenaza con apagar tus ganas por hacer tu podcast, llegaste al lugar indicado. En este episodio, te comparto 5 trucos prácticos y sú…
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For some, working with children feels like a natural calling, while for others, it's not so instinctive. The truth is, God calls all of us to be involved in stewarding the children in our community. This week, we’ll explore this shared responsibility, the path it leads us on, and how we can remain faithful in guiding the next generation with purpos…
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Join David Moulton, Director of Thought Leadership at Unit 42, as he explores a real-world malware incident that tested BP’s cybersecurity defenses. Featuring Patrick Wright, Forensics and Incident Response Lead, Matthew Ramey, Head of Global Incident Response, and Navid Asgharzadeh, Manager of the CERT team, this episode reveals how the team detec…
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¿Te ha pasado? Te sientas frente al micrófono, lista para grabar, y de repente te das cuenta de que no tienes guion, el tema no está claro y terminas grabando un episodio de 40 minutos lleno de errores. ¿El resultado? Horas de edición, frustración, y un sentimiento de agotamiento que te hace preguntarte: ¿Cómo voy a mantener este ritmo? Hoy vamos a…
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Si alguna vez has sentido que tu podcast te consume más de lo que te aporta, no te puedes perder este episodio. Hablamos de ese momento en el que parece que el podcast es un trabajo más en tu ya interminable lista de responsabilidades como dueña de una marca personal. ¿Te suena familiar? Hoy aprenderás: 1️⃣ Cómo implementar sistemas que simplifique…
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Si este episodio llegó a ti, no es casualidad. Hoy hablo contigo de ese momento incómodo (y frustrante) en el que miras tu micrófono, el logo de tu podcast o esa libreta llena de ideas... y te dices: "Mañana lo retomo". Pero luego llega el cliente, los emails, las reuniones, los pendientes... y ¡puf! Otra semana pasa, y tu podcast sigue en pausa. ¿…
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For some, a job is just a way to pay the bills. Others seem to have a career that perfectly fits their talents, skills, and personality. Whether you work to live or live to work, the truth is, work is an unavoidable and significant part of the human experience. This week, we’ll take a look at how work is part of God’s design and how we can better s…
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In this episode of Threat Vector, host David Moulton speaks with Margaret Kelley, a seasoned Digital Forensics and Incident Response Senior Consultant at Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42. With a deep expertise in cloud security, Margaret shares insights into the evolving landscape of cloud breaches and how organizations can defend against sophisticated …
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In this episode of Threat Vector, host David Moulton, Director of Thought Leadership at Unit 42, sits down with Dr. Daniel Ford, Chief Information Security Officer of Jovia Financial Credit Union. With over 25 years in cybersecurity, Dr. Ford shares his expertise on the evolving practice of cyber hygiene and its impact on managing risk and protecti…
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As we come to the close of our study of 1 Corinthians, chapter 16 is one that some of us may be tempted to skip. It's largely a list of personal greetings, sprinkled with a few petitions. However, this chapter clues us into the importance of connection with others and what is necessary to form them and keep them.…
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In this episode of Threat Vector, David Moulton, Director of Thought Leadership at Unit 42, sits down with Wendi Whitmore, Senior Vice President of Unit 42, to discuss the increasing speed and sophistication of cyber attacks. Wendi shares her extensive expertise, highlighting the evolving threat landscape, where cybercriminals focus on disrupting b…
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I det tredje avsnittet så tar jag och Magnus Seter an det allra första tredjeparts materialet som släpptes till Drakar och Demoner: Tvillingbergen. Äventyret släpptes och släpptes 1983. Vi går igenom innehållet och lämnar våra spontana tankar och åsikter. Utöver det så passar vi även på att ställa triviafrågor till varandra för att se vem som läst …
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In this episode of Threat Vector, David Moulton, Director of Thought Leadership at Unit 42, talks with Nir Zuk, Founder and CTO of Palo Alto Networks. They talk about Palo Alto Networks' predictions for 2025, focusing on the shift to unified data security platforms and the growing importance of AI in cybersecurity. Nir sheds light on how having mor…
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Love is harder than we think. Of course we love our family, our friends, and those who treat us well. We love nice people. But Jesus says everybody naturally does that anyway (Matt. 5:47). That’s not hard. People love people who love them. The real question is, will we also love those who harm us? Will we keep on loving even when it means bearing b…
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Announcement: We are pleased to share an exciting announcement about Cortex XDR at the top of our show. You can learn more here. Check out our episode on "Cyber Espionage and Financial Crime: North Korea’s Double Threat" with Assaf Dahan, Director of Threat Research at Palo Alto Networks Cortex team. Join host David Moulton on Threat Vector, as he …
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