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The Axe Files with David Axelrod

The Institute of Politics & CNN

David Axelrod, the founder and director of the University of Chicago Institute of Politics, and CNN bring you The Axe Files, a series of revealing interviews with key figures in the political world. Go beyond the soundbites and get to know some of the most interesting players in politics.
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"Axelbank Reports History and Today: Conversations with America’s top non-fiction authors and why their books matter right now" approaches our past and present in a way that makes anyone want to listen. National-award winning TV news reporter Evan Axelbank interviews writers of history and current events to explore how America works and how it has been shaped by both the powerful and the powerless. In conversational and engaging fashion, listeners learn about the most important events, theme ...
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Presidente Fundacion para El Progreso y director cátedra FA Hayek Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. Abogado. Doktor der Philosophie por la Universidad de Heidelberg, Alemania. Ha sido visiting scholar de la Hoover Institution Stanford.
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In this podcast, I investigate philosophical and social thoughts through the lens of questions. I interview friends, family members, mentors, and members of my community to gain a greater knowledge about today's world. We talk about subjects such as identity, creativity, and leadership. Please join me on my journey to answering the question why? Check out my website! Donate and join the email listing!
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Conversations with high profile individuals in film, business, art, politics and more. Learn from the best to become the best. Support this podcast:
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BIO & DISCOGRAPHIE (In Progress ) AXEL BAMPTON is a French House DJ/Producer & AudioMixer based in Paris and New York since the end of 2018. Whoever quickly sees music as a world apart from his childhood, will never leave this vibrant universe. Soul, Funk, Disco, Pop, New-Wave, Dance Music are just as many registers that dominate in his musical tastes. He quickly discovers the "DJ-ing". From the simple hobby is born a real passion. This craze is reflec ...
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The AXELOS Best Practice Podcast – the essential (audio) guide to help you and your organizations create better outcomes while promoting best practice within IT service management (ITSM) and Programme and Project Management (PPM). Our two regular hosts, AXELOS’ ITSM Ambassador Akshay Anand and PPM Ambassador Allan Thomson, will speak to guests from a variety of backgrounds. They’ll share their insight, knowledge and opinion based on their own experiences and professional expertise. We’ll sha ...
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Conquistar un gran título europeo supone alcanzar el reconocimiento internacional. En la actualidad, estas gestas están reservadas a los clubes más potentes del continente. Sin embargo, en el pasado, algunos equipos que hoy han desaparecido del primer plano o que se encuentran muy lejos de la gloria lograron levantar una copa europea. Lo hicieron solo una vez. Fueron campeones insospechados. Y esta temporada, en Axel Road, queremos recordarlos. Con Axel Torres y Bruno Alemany.
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Wie lernst Du? Was möchtest Du in diesem Jahr neues lernen? Mindsnack ist der Learning-Podcast von Axel Springer rund um das Thema lebenslanges Lernen. Er holt die Experten der unterschiedlichen Axel Springer Weiterbildungsformate vors Mikro und beleuchtet ihre Themen aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln. Ob Leadership, Charisma oder Agilität: mindsnack diskutiert brandaktuelle Themen und kitzelt das "Wissen to go" aus seinen Interviewpartnern heraus. Verbindende Klammer sind dabei stets die T ...
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ME Pod. Der Media Entrepreneurs Podcast. Alles über Innovationen und Disruptionen, die uns Medienliebhaber und -macher umtreiben. Wir holen regelmäßig Leute ans Mikrofon, die frei nach dem Motto „love and change what you do“ ihre Visionen, manchmal auch Spleens in die Realität umsetzen. Wir wollen wissen, was sie tun, was sie antreibt und wie aus ersten Ideen dann Produkte werden.
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El daily del mundial Qatar 2022 de Axel Torres y Bruno Alemany. Los protagonistas del mundial de fútbol con el análisis y el previo de cada jornada. Con el recuerdo de los Okocha, Roger Milla, Schilacci, Salenko, Hasan Sas, James Rodirguez...esos jugadores que brillaron en sus torneos y que en el próximo mundial podrás pegar en tu álbum de recuerdos.
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BADEZIMMER-PODCAST, DIE BAD - BERATUNG zum anhören, Tipps rund um Fliese, Dusche und Co. von und mit Axel Kreisel

Wertvolle Tipps zu Deiner Badezimmer -Renovierung vom Handwerker, wie Maler, Fliesenleger und Badgestalter, aus Freude am Bad

Du moechstest renovieren oder dein Badezimmer umbauen? Im Badezimmer-Podcast lernst du, was du beachten mußt, was beim Bad-Umbau wichtig ist. Du bekommst Tipps vom Maler, Fliesenleger, Maurer die in Interviews Ihre Bau-Erfahrungen mit Dir teilen. Fragen wie: Was kostet ein neues Bad?, Was kostet eine Bad-Sanierung? Wie bekomm ich den Schimmel im Bad weg?, werden hier beantwortet. Du bekommst Tipps fuers kleine Bad, deine bodengleiche Dusche, deine Badewanne, dein Badmoebel bis hin zum Dusch- ...
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show series
Podcast breve, por lo que se quedan muchos temas en el tintero. Se tratarán el miércoles, cuando regresará el Morning para hacer una buena previa de la final de la Europa League. Aquí se habla de botiquines, de descensos, de bares más o menos propicios para seguir partidos decisivos y de entrenadores fetiche que pueden jugar la próxima Champions.…
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For former press secretary and current MSNBC anchor Jen Psaki, clear communication has long been a hallmark of her success, from door knocking in Iowa as a young campaign staffer to explaining to her kids why they should eat vegetables. With her new book, “Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World,” Psaki delves into what she’s le…
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Cyrus Habib was a political rising star when he made the surprise announcement that he was leaving elected office to join the Catholic ministry. Cyrus lost his eyesight to cancer at 8 years old, but that didn’t stop him from collecting such accolades as degrees from Yale and Oxford and the role of Washington state lieutenant governor by the age of …
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Link para jugar a MAYO PRIMAVERAL (sólo hasta el viernes 10 de mayo a las 23:59 CET): Axel y Rulo felicitan a los equipos que han conseguido ascensos y se detienen especialmente en la Gimnástica Segoviana, que protagonizó la carambola más sorprendente del fin de semana. Luego el comunicador del Guinardó realiza sus pron…
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Teddy Roosevelt is thought of as the quintessentially masculine American president. He is known for going to war, for fighting buffalo with his bare hands, and sailing down the River of Doubt. But as Edward O'Keefe, the CEO of the Teddy Roosevelt Presidential Library explains, TR is more a product of the women in his life than the men. His mother, …
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“Measuring misfortune is no strategy for living,” writes journalist Frank Bruni in his new book, “The Age of Grievance.” Yet, he says, we live in a culture obsessed with feeling victimized, searching for every micro-aggression, and leaning in to personal grievance as a sort of social currency. Frank joined David to talk about his book, the civic ch…
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Tras una semana movida con presentaciones y viajes, Axel y Rulo se reencuentran en Barcelona. Repasan la famosa porra de Segunda RFEF e idean un nuevo juego de pronósticos para divertirse con la fase final de la categoría. Luego hay espacio para todas las Champions repartidas por el mundo. Pero también para conversaciones insospechadas, como las qu…
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Former Rep. Ken Buck eludes simple classification. He grew up on the East Coast but says he felt more at home on his uncle’s Wyoming ranch as a kid. He is Princeton educated, but beelined for the Rocky Mountain West upon graduating. He is a former Freedom Caucus conservative who voted to certify the 2020 election and believes some of the charges ag…
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Paul Sparrow argues that Franklin Roosevelt is the quintessential American president, not just of the 20th Century, but in all of American history. FDR's ability to rally the nation from the Great Depression, and then carry it into a devastating but essential World War showed not just his talent, but his understanding of the stakes the country face…
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Es el día del Olympiacosnismo mundial. Axel cree que lo es por dos cosas, pero Rulo le explica que también lo es por otras dos. ¿Ha sido una semana dura para el comunicador del Guinardó? Se analizan las nuevas decisiones tomadas por la UEFA y por la Premier League y la FA: el sabadellense no está de acuerdo con ninguna de ellas.…
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According to Fareed Zakaria, we are living in an age of revolution, kindled by the converging factors of technological advancement, information proliferation, globalization, and cultural shifts. He joined David during a live taping of The Axe Files at the University Club of Chicago to talk about what he discovered in researching his new book, “Age …
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Axel y Rulo toman un café en el paseo marítimo de Cádiz junto al creador de un podcast sobre la historia del conjunto gaditano. Es una agradable mañana y en ella abordan temas varios: el partido de la noche anterior, los cuartos de final europeos, la polémica con el Fenerbahçe en Turquía, el bajón del Badalona Futur desde la salida de Ferran Costa,…
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Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi may have made history as the first woman elected Speaker of the US House of Representatives, but she made her reputation as an effective leader with a knack for building consensus and pushing landmark legislation across the finish line. She joined David live at Arizona State University to talk about the political skills…
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What does it mean to have "free time" and is it ever enough? In "Free Time: The History of an Elusive Ideal," Dr. Gary Cross explains how free time is both precious and deceptive. Why are people on vacation already searching the web for their next one? What counts as free time? Does technology help or hurt our experience with time spent away from w…
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Arranca el podcast de forma insospechada: una frase en la película Puan y el descubrimiento de la historia de una escritora que cometió un asesinato en su adolescencia llevan a Axel a hacerle a Raúl una pregunta casi filósofica. Después se rememora el momento en el que Rulo conoció a los padres de Axel, 16 años antes de que Axel conociera a los de …
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Sister Simone Campbell has never shied away from fighting for the underdog. Since childhood, she has looked for ways to assist those in need, a drive further fueled by the early loss of her sister to Hodgkin's lymphoma. Sister Simone joined David to talk about making a name for herself as an advocate for the Affordable Care Act, deciding to attend …
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Edición cortita para la Semana Santa. No se descansa, pero tampoco se abusa. Repaso a Marzo Decisivo, a los clasificados para la Euro y para la Copa América. Discusión sobre delanteros griegos. ¿Quedan los georgianos en Valencia? Un nuevo equipo en primera división noruega. ¿Irá Ferran Costa al Andorra? Y un día de convivencia en Cardona.…
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This episode is a little different from the normal Axe Files. David sat down at Arizona State University with two legendary political strategists: Karl Rove, the architect of George W. Bush’s campaigns, and David Plouffe, David’s old partner and the brilliant manager behind the 2008 Barack Obama campaign. You can find their personal stories in past…
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In "American Flygirl" Susan Tate Ankeny shows how a young girl with a fascination for flying became the first female Asian-American pilot to fly for the military. Hazel Ying Lee was born in Portland, but came of age at a time when the deck was stacked against people like her. Hazel never let discrimination or expectation shatter her dreams of flyin…
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