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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 289, “Are You Looking for Where God Is at Work?“ Kim discusses the relationship the prophet Elijah had with God and how he understood the promises of God and prayed in faith. Do you live in close relationship to the Lord? Are you expectantly looking for where God is at work? Our focal passage for this episode is 1 Kin…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 288, “Even Devoted Followers of the Lord Can Have Off Days,“ Kim discusses the example of the devoted follower of the Lord named Obadiah and how he struggled with Elijah’s instruction to him. What do your spiritual off days look like? In this lesson, Kim addresses how to return to the basics in order to rebound from o…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 287, “Standing for the Lord in the Darkness,“ Kim discusses the importance of seeing the spiritual battles around us and not having tunnel vision to the earthly level. In today’s episode, the famous story of the showdown between the prophet Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal is front and center. Yet, the real battleg…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 286, “Do You Have the Courage to Pray God-Sized Prayers?“ Kim discusses the importance of praying God-sized prayers, not only in tragic circumstances but daily. In today’s text, we see Elijah praying another God-sized prayer, amid his questions. How might the Lord have been using this situation to prepare Elijah for h…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 285, “The Lord Said..So Elijah Did,“ Kim discusses the miracles the Lord does through His obedient servants. In today’s lesson, we see a prime example of this principle in the life of the prophet Elijah. Are you listening attentively for the Lord’s voice? When you hear Him speak, do you obey? Our focal passage for thi…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 284, “God’s Training Camp Drills,“ Kim discusses the training camp the Lord put the prophet Elijah through during the three years of solitude. The Lord wants to do miracles through each of us, but He needs to prepare us through spiritual disciplines, as well as through our daily lives. Are you leaning into what the Lo…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 283, “Praying Earnestly for Those Outside God’s Will,“ Kim discusses the answered prayer of Elijah regarding the wayward Israelites. Elijah knew the Lord’s promises and he prayed back to the Lord what he knew was His will. Our focal passages for this episode are 1 Kings 17:1 and James 5:17-18: 1 Now Elijah, who was fr…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 282, “When a Heart Is So Hard,“ Kim discusses the dangers of having a hard heart. Although we usually think about a hardened heart as a spiritual condition, it also impacts decisions in all areas of life. Who do you have in your life who suffers from a hardened heart? Our focal passages for this episode are 1 Kings 16…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 281, “Everyday Decision Points Can Lead to Legacy Turning Points,“ Kim discusses the importance of being careful about the decisions we make every day and may even take for granted. As we look at the life legacy of King Ahab of Israel, the scriptures highlight three everyday decision points that led to his legacy of e…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 280, “Whose Example Are You Following (and Who Is Following You)?“ Kim discusses the importance of choosing wisely who we seek to imitate. We saw in our scripture text the dangers of following the example of someone living an evil life and leading others to do the same or even worse. The Apostle Paul encouraged the ch…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 279, “Nothing Slips God’s Mind,“ Kim discusses the fact that nothing slips the mind of our omniscient God. In today’s lesson, we see the Lord following through on His promise to Jeroboam and his family. Although this promise would have been considered a “negative” promise to Jeroboam and his family, the promise would …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 278, “You Missed Your Chance to…,“ Kim discusses the opportunities we miss when we do not fully trust the Lord. King Asa reigned over Judah for thirty-six years, trusting in the Lord and leading Judah to do the same. Then, his trust focus changed, looking to a heathen king for intervention. As a result of not trusting…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 277, “Is ‘Trouble’ Really a Tool in the Lord’s Toolbox?“ Kim discusses the ways in which the Lord uses trouble in the lives of His followers, as well as those who are yet to turn to Him. Our loving God, who has all wisdom, all power, and is perfect love, will use any means necessary to have and grow relationships with…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 276, “No One But You Can Help the Powerless Against the Mighty!“ Kim discusses the example King Asa set of trusting the Lord to fight on behalf of him and the Southern Kingdom. This passage challenges each of us to look at any area of our lives in which we feel powerless and to trust the Lord fully to do what only He …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 275, “What Do You Build in Times of Peace?“ Kim discusses the importance of using seasons of peace to prepare ourselves for the next challenging season. As King Asa worked to fortify the walls, towers, and gates, we can work on building in spiritual disciplines into our daily lives. The growth you can experience will …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 274, “When Cleaning House Gets Personal,“ Kim discusses the challenges that may come when we surrender all to the Lord and make adjustments to honor Him. In today’s lesson, we see that King Asa was so serious about ridding the Southern Kingdom of idols that he deposed his own grandmother because of her idolatry. Our f…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 273, “Trust the Lord to Cover Your Six,“ Kim discusses the idea of having someone “cover your six” and the importance of trusting the Lord to be the ultimate One you trust. It is wonderful to have human connections who vow to be there for you; we all need some of those. Yet, there is only One who can watch your six an…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 272, “Substitute Anything for God and Settle for a Substituted Life,“ Kim discusses the importance of loving the Lord wholeheartedly and not settling for a “bronze” kind of life. King Rehoboam of Judah started looking around and following the example of the neighboring nations and led himself and the people of God int…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 271, “Only When the Bottom Drops Out,“ Kim discusses the difference between seeking the Lord wholeheartedly regularly versus only trying to approach Him when the bottom drops out. King Jeroboam only nodded in God’s direction, because he wanted information or possibly God to heal his son, but he did not want God or a r…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 270, “ALWAYS Keep Your Spiritual Guard Up!“ Kim discusses the unique but very sad story about “the man of God” and “the old prophet.” As unusual as the story may be, there is a definite reminder regarding letting down one’s spiritual guard. Our focal passage for this episode is 1 Kings 13:11-34 with verses 18-19 as th…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 269, “Where Can the Lord Find a Faithful Servant?“ Kim discusses the story of the faithful “man of God” who was called from Judah to confront the evil acts of King Jeroboam of Israel. What courage it took for this faithful servant to face off with Jeroboam in the midst of one of the two centers of pagan worship? Our f…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 268, “With What or Whom Are You Most Careful?“ Kim discusses the danger of prioritizing anything or anyone beyond your relationship with the Lord. In today’s text, we see King Jeroboam attempting to be careful. However, instead of being careful to obey the Lord’s decrees and commands and trusting the Lord’s promise, h…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 267, “The Lord’s Purpose Will Prevail,“ Kim discusses the trouble each of us can get ourselves and others into if we make plans based on emotions and not on guidance from the Lord. King Rehoboam was a prime example, and if the Lord had not been merciful, many lives would have been lost. May we all submit to the Lord’s…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 266, “He Consulted Everyone But the One with All the Answers,“ Kim discusses the temptation we all face to take our questions and concerns to others either before or instead of taking them to the Lord FIRST. This is one of the mistakes King Rehoboam of Israel made that we should not repeat. Our focal passage for this …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 265, “When You Make Yourself an Enemy of God, Your Enemy Meter Is No Longer Rightly Calibrated,“ Kim discusses the mistaken spiritual vision that occurs when one makes himself an enemy of God. As we see with King Solomon, because of his wrong choices, the Lord had raised up men to stand against him. Yet, those were no…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 264, “The Lord Raised Up…” Kim discusses the difference between having the Lord raise someone up against you due to your insistence on doing evil and being raised up by the Lord for His good purpose. As we saw in the last episode, King Solomon insisted on his own way, which was disastrous for himself and the people of…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 263, “What Do You Insist on Doing?” Kim discusses the dangers of turning our hearts from the Lord and insisting on our own way. As Kim shares challenging aspects of King Solomon’s life and choices, may each listener be challenged to do as Solomon said and not as he did: Guard your heart above all else, for it determin…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 262, “Aim to Be a Heavenly Packrat,” Kim discusses the contrast between the earthly wealth stored up by King Solomon and the instructions of Jesus to store up treasures in heaven. It sounds like heavenly hoarding should be our primary focus. Our focal passages for this episode are 1 Kings 10:14-29; 2 Chronicles 9:13-2…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 261, “What I Wouldn’t Give for 15 Minutes with….,” Kim discusses the experience the Queen of Sheba had when she made a long journey to spend time with King Solomon of Israel. We all know that even short encounters with individuals can change our lives, and it appears the Queen’s time with Solomon had a significant imp…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 260, “How Aware Are You of Holy Spaces?” Kim discusses the holiness of God and how understanding who we are in comparison to a holy God can change everything. She interjected the story from Isaiah 6 as an example of how seeing clearly a holy God can impact a life. Our focal passages for this episode are 1 Kings 9:10-2…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 259, “Humble, Pray, Seek, Turn,” Kim discusses the context of the famous revival time verse 2 Chronicles 7:14. How much of this verse applies to our lives today? Kim will walk you through the 4 prescribed steps forward and the promises you can claim as a modern-day Christ-follower. Our focal passages for this episode …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 258, “The Importance of Dedication Rituals,” Kim discusses the importance of dedication rituals, both personal and corporate. She challenges listeners to examine their lives and to determine which area of their lives they might need to dedicate or re-dedicate to the Lord today. Our focal passages for this episode are …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 257, “Boldly Claiming God’s Promises,” Kim discusses the promise King Solomon boldly claimed in front of the assembly at the dedication of the Temple. What has been your experience with claiming God’s promises? Which promise do you need to boldly claim today, either on your behalf or on behalf of another? Our focal pa…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 256, “Human Intention vs. God’s Will,” Kim discusses the difference between David’s honorable intentions and the Lord’s will regarding the building of the temple. Each of us has walked in similar places, believing what our mind has created must be from God. Stop today and surrender all your intentions to Him and allow…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 255, “The Glorious Presence of the Lord,” Kim discusses the display of the glory of the Lord as the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the Temple. As Christ-followers, have we ever thought about the fact that the glorious presence of the Lord resides in the temples we call our bodies? How could that perspective chan…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 254, “Are You in Full-Time Christian Ministry?” Kim discusses the misperception that is often prevalent regarding the idea of full-time Christian ministry. Sadly, many Christians believe that those who are paid staff in a church or ministry are considered in full-time Christian ministry. Yet, in all we do, we are to b…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 253, “What Has the Lord Already Done in This Place?” Kim discusses the places where the Lord has been especially near to each of us. These places may be ones of great happiness, or they may be ones of deep sorrow, but a place where you knew the Lord was near. Our focal passages for this episode are 1 Kings 6 and 2 Chr…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 252, “In a World of Unlikely Friendships,” Kim discusses the power of Godly influence within relationships. Although we do not know for sure what Hiram the King of Tyre thought about the God of Israel before he met David, if he was like others in his country, it would not have been one of fondness. Yet, in verse 11 of…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 251, “What Would Remain Undone or Incomplete?” Kim discusses the importance of leaving a legacy of faith for the next generation. King David wanted so much to build the temple for his God, but he was permitted to do so. Instead, he did everything within his power to make the necessary preparations for Solomon to have …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 250, “” Kim discusses the temptation we face to want a life filled with days of ease, obtaining all the things we desire. Yet, are those the times in life in which you are closer to the Lord? Or, is it that in the challenging seasons of life, you have more of a tendency to depend on the Lord and grow closer to Him? Ou…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 249, “Recognizing the Team Members,” Kim discusses the importance of recognizing all team members and their contributions. They may be on one of your current teams or may have been a part of your life during another season. Take time to remember and take time to thank the Lord for each one. Our focal passage for this …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 248, “Hang with Those Who Exercise Wisdom,” Kim discusses the importance of spending time with those who regularly exercise wisdom. If you want to make wiser decisions, you need to begin by spending time with the source of all wisdom and digging deeply into His word. Then, look around you for others who exercise Godly…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 247, “Give Me an Understanding Heart,” Kim discusses the request King Solomon made to the Lord for an understanding heart and the wisdom to know right from wrong. How would your life be different this very day if you believed the promise in James 1:5 and asked the Lord for wisdom and then courageously followed the Spi…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 246, “Boundaries Aren’t Truly Boundaries Unless They Are Enforced,” Kim discusses the importance of establishing healthy emotional boundaries and honoring those with each and every interaction. How healthy are your boundaries? Which ones do you need to reassess and/or reinforce? Our focal passage for this episode is 1…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 245, “Building up Relational Capital,” Kim discusses the relational capital Abiathar the priest had built up and how this saved his life. We need to be intentional regarding building up relational capital, whether it is in our business or our personal lives. In today’s story, we see how Abiathar’s previous investments…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 244, “Watch Out for Your Great Enemy..with Your Spiritual Eyes,” Kim discusses the differences between how Bathsheba and King Solomon responded to Adonijah’s request. Bathsheba appeared clueless about the schemes of Adonijah, but Solomon immediately knew what his half-brother was attempting. There are lessons in this …
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 243, “Tie Up Your Own Loose Ends,” Kim discusses the lesson we can learn from King David’s last instructions to Solomon. Instead of being able to pass the kingdom on to Solomon in a good place, he handed Solomon a kingdom full of loose ends and lost chances. Our focal passage for this episode is 1 Kings 2:1-12 with ve…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 242, “What Will He Do with His Second Chance?” Kim discusses the second chance the newly crowned king of Israel Solomon granted to his rebellious half-brother Adonijah. Just what will Adonijah do with his second chance and what have you done with yours? Our focal passage for this episode is 1 Kings 1:28-53 with verses…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 241, “We All Need a Nathan Having Our Back,” Kim discusses the important role the prophet Nathan played in King David’s life and in the life of the kingdom of Israel. Nathan showed courage in his initial interaction with David regarding his murder of Uriah the Hittite. Then, at the end of David’s life, he knew David’s…
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SHOW NOTES: In Podcast Episode 240, “Beware of ‘I Will Make Myself…’ Thinking,” Kim discusses the fact that “I Will Make Myself…” attitudes are contrary to the life of a Christ-follower. She compares the self-glorifying attitude to the Christlike attitudes described in Galatians 2:20 and Luke 9:23-24. Our focal passage for this episode is 1 Kings 1…
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